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== [[Knee bursitis]] ==
== [[Knee bursitis]] ==
== Remedies ==
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| rowspan="2" |'''Top Homeopathic remedies for Knee Bursitis'''
=== [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]] ===
* Motion agg and rest amel
|[[Rhus-t, Rhus toxicodendron|'''Rhus-t''']]
* Rest agg
* Swelling, pain, heat, tenderness and stiffness of knee.
* Due to over-straining of knee.
|'''Due to trauma, fallor knee blow'''
=== [[Arn, Arnica Montana|Arn]] ===
* Trauma led to inflammation of knee bursa.
* Marked swelling and pain in knee.
* The pain in most cases gets worse from slightly touching the knee.
* Fears of being approached by other persons as the slightest touch agg the pain.
* Feeling of soreness and bruised sensation as if someone has beaten them up on the knee
* The pain and swelling increase after over-exerting.
|'''Housemaid’s Knee'''
=== [[Stict, Sticta pulmonaria|Stict]] ===
* Intense inflammation and redness over the knee joint.
* Marked heat also shows its presence along with redness.
* The pain felt is excruciating and shooting
* The pain is not located just over the knee but the whole surrounding area of knee hurts and is inflamed.
* All the symptoms like swelling, redness and pain are well controlled in a very little period.
|'''Stinging/  Burning pains'''
=== [[Apis, Apis mellifica|Apis]] ===
* Warmth agg
* Touch and pressure agg
* Shining swelling over the knee.
* The pain and swelling may appear over one or both knees
* It may shift from one knee to another
|'''Nigth agg'''
=== [[Kali-i, Kalium Iodatum|Kali-i]] ===
* Pain is mostly tearing in nature
* Skin of knee shows a marked swelling and inflammation with effusion.
* Motion brings relief from the pain.
|'''Bending / Kneeling agg'''
=== Ruta ===
* Kneeling and bending the knee worsen the pain
* Ruta has a marked action on tendons and ligaments apart from bursa
* Ruta helps in reducing pain as well as recovery from the wear and tear that has occurred in ligaments and tendons.
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Revision as of 04:15, 22 January 2024


Osgood Schlatter Disease

  • Inflammation that appears just below the knee at the top of the tibia.
  • It is the area where the tendon from the knee gets attached to the tibia/shin bone.
  • A bump may also form on this very same area.
  • It is seen in children during their puberty between the ages of 8 years to 15 years (when a growth spurt appears.) It is during these phases that the bones, muscles, and tendons tend to develop speedily.

Knee bursitis


Top Homeopathic remedies for Knee Bursitis


  • Motion agg and rest amel
  • Rest agg
  • Swelling, pain, heat, tenderness and stiffness of knee.
  • Due to over-straining of knee.
Due to trauma, fallor knee blow


  • Trauma led to inflammation of knee bursa.
  • Marked swelling and pain in knee.
  • The pain in most cases gets worse from slightly touching the knee.
  • Fears of being approached by other persons as the slightest touch agg the pain.
  • Feeling of soreness and bruised sensation as if someone has beaten them up on the knee
  • The pain and swelling increase after over-exerting.
Housemaid’s Knee


  • Intense inflammation and redness over the knee joint.
  • Marked heat also shows its presence along with redness.
  • The pain felt is excruciating and shooting
  • The pain is not located just over the knee but the whole surrounding area of knee hurts and is inflamed.
  • All the symptoms like swelling, redness and pain are well controlled in a very little period.
Stinging/ Burning pains


  • Warmth agg
  • Touch and pressure agg
  • Shining swelling over the knee.
  • The pain and swelling may appear over one or both knees
  • It may shift from one knee to another
Nigth agg


  • Pain is mostly tearing in nature
  • Skin of knee shows a marked swelling and inflammation with effusion.
  • Motion brings relief from the pain.
Bending / Kneeling agg


  • Kneeling and bending the knee worsen the pain
  • Ruta has a marked action on tendons and ligaments apart from bursa
  • Ruta helps in reducing pain as well as recovery from the wear and tear that has occurred in ligaments and tendons.
Modality and Concomitants Modalities
Pain agg from Motion


  • It is usually painful to touch and may be swollen.
  • The knee also feels stiff along with the above features.
  • Accompanied by Tibia tearing pain.
  • Keeping the knee at rest amel pain.
Night agg


  • The knee feels as if it is sprained while walking.
  • Pain agg from stretching the leg.
  • Walking agg the pain
Pain + Swelling


  • The swelling is very intense over the knee.
  • The pain may be tearing or stitching
  • Sensation as if the knee is very tightly bound.
  • Knee is painful to pressure
Tensed /Painful Knee


  • Pain + Tensed and tight feeling in knee .
  • Knee is swollen and stiff with pain.
  • A burning sensation in the knee joint.
  • Great heaviness is felt in the knee.
  • Overstraining the knee agg the complaint in most cases.
  • Standing agg the knee pain
Painful /Weak Knees


  • Stitching, drawing, stinging or tearing pain
  • Pain from knee may extend down the toe
  • Knee also feels lame. Sensation of dislocation of the knees is felt from intense pain.
  • Crackling sound from the knee may appear on walking.
  • Knee is also swollen and hot in many cases.
Pain after Exertion


  • Tendons of the knee are too short.
  • Stiff feels upon walking.
  • Cracking sensation while walking
  • Drawing feeling may extend down the feet.




  • The best suited when the knee pain agg on rising from a seat and walking.
  • They are usually overweight.
  • Pain agg on climbing up and down the stairs.
  • Pressure over the knee may provide momentary relief.
  • Knee pain is accompanied by marked stiffness and cracking

Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Knee joint pain gets worse with the slightest movement.
  • The knee will be swollen in most such cases.
  • The pain and swelling get better with rest.
  • Knee pain with stiffness.
  • The pain and stiffness of the knees get better with walking. 
  • Rest worsens the symptoms.
  • Salicylic Acid, on the other hand, is considered for acute arthritic knee pain.
  • Where the knee is highly inflamed, painful and may be accompanied by high fever,
  • The slightest touch or movement of the knee will worsen the pain in such instances.


  • Rhus-t and Ruta are very useful medicines for knee pain from ligament or tendon injury.
  • They help decrease pain and promote natural healing of the injured ligaments and tendons.
  • Prominently used for knee pain from fractured knee joint. Symphytum,
  • It helps promote the union of fractured bones and decreases knee pain arising from the fracture
  • It helps by promoting callus formation required to re-unite the bone.



  • Acute gouty pain in the knees appears with marked swelling and heat.
  • The knee is very sensitive to touch and the slightest touch causes unbearable pain.
  • Movement of the knee worsens the pain in such cases.
  • Knee pain from gout when gouty nodes are formed over the knee joint.
  • He experiences pain and cracking sound in knee joint on movement.
  • Tearing and stitching pain is felt in the knees along with swelling.
  • Pain gets agg at night.
  • It results in complete healing and cure.


  • Pain with marked swelling.
  • The slightest touch and pressure over the knee worsen the pain.
  • The pain is mostly stinging, burning in nature.
  • Warmth worsens the pain.
  • Knee pain, accompanied by swelling, agg from the smallest movement.
  • Absolute rest brings relief from pain.


1. Apis Mellifica – Where Pain Worsens Under Pressure

Apis Mellifica, also known as the Poison of the Honey Bee, is a medicine derived from dried honeybees commonly found in the Western region and Europe. Apis Mellifica is an effective remedy with a sphere of action revolving around the urinary system, gastrointestinal system and the skin with characteristic burning stinging pains as that from the bite of a bee.

It is used to treat a swollen knee that is accompanied by intense, stinging, and shooting pain in the knees. The pain worsens under pressure. The knee may appear shiny, sore, and sensitive to the touch. In the case of housemaid’s knee, it is indicated when the knee is highly swollen, sore and sensitive to touch. In some cases, the knee pain is of burning, stinging nature. Slight touch and pressure can worsen the pain.

2. Arnica Montana – For Swelling Due to Injury

Arnica Montana is used to treat a swollen knee that develops as a result of an injury or trauma. Arnica is also known as Leopard’s Bane, which is a perennial flowering plant native to Europe. It belongs to the family Compositae. Its main sphere of action is around the muscles and the cellular tissues of the body by acting through the cerebrospinal system. Other symptoms include soreness, bruising and pain. A sensation of dislocation with a tenderness of the knee joint may also be present.

3. Bryonia Alba – For Swelling Due to Rheumatic Joint

Bryonia Alba is a medicine used to treat swelling in the knees due to a rheumatic joint complaint. It is also known as White Bryony and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. This is a perennial climbing herb found in Europe and Northern Iran. The knee joint is red, hot and swollen. Along with swelling, a sharp, tearing, stitching pain may also be present. The slightest movement of the knee can worsen the pain. Through the cerebrospinal nervous system, no other remedy affects the mucous membranes as Bryonia does.

Other Significant Remedies

4. Benzoic Acid – For Swollen Knee due to Gout

Benzoic Acid is a medicine used to treat a swollen knee due to gout. Along with swelling, painful nodes on the knee joint may be present. Drawing pain in the knees, a cracking sound upon movement and aggravation of the symptoms might indicate the need for this medicine.

5. Rhus Tox – For Swelling with Stiffness

Rhus Tox is used to treat a swollen knee with stiffness. The knee feels hot, painful, heavy and tense. Massage and movement help ease the pain.

6. Sticta Pulmonaria – Swelling due to Bursitis

Sticta Pulmonaria is one of the best medicines for a swollen knee that occurs due to bursitis. The main symptom that indicates the need for this medicine is a red, hot, intensely swollen knee. This is due to the collection of a significant amount of fluid in the patellar bursa. Stretching the leg or moving about often brings relief. For housemaid’s knee, the primary guiding symptom for using this medicine is severe shooting pain in the affected knee. The knee is also highly inflammed with marked redness and heat.

7. Benzoicum Acidum – For Gout affecting Knee Joint

Benzoicum Acidum is a remedy for gout that affects the knee joint. The joint is swollen and painful with a cracking sound on movement. In some cases, nodes from the deposits of urate crystals may be present on the knees.

4. Silicea – For Tearing Knee Pain

Silicea is a natural medicine for housemaid’s knee and swelling when knee pains are tearing in nature. Pressure and exercise worsen the pain over the knee. The knee is also highly swollen and shining.

5. Kali Iodatum – Swelling Aggravated at Night

The main feature to use Kali Iodatum is the pain over knee worse from lying on the affected side. Other symptoms indicating Kali Iodatum use are swelling over knee aggravated at night time.