Am-c, Ammonium Carbonicum

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Respiratory system

Respiratory system is Am-c center of action


Apnea, esp at sleep-beginning. You have to wake him up to breathe (Am-c ₳ Lach) (Am-c ₳ Carb-v)

Breathing - STOPPED, breathing - sleep, on going to : GRIN, LACH

Breathing - STOPPED, breathing - sleep, during : CENCH , GRIN , LACH

Breathing - STOPPED, breathing - coughing

Gasping, rattling and stridor and finally apnea

Breathing - CHEYNE strokes

Breathing - GASPING, for air

Harsh / Noisy breathing

Breathing – STERTOROUS : ANT-T , OP.

Breathing - LOUD, breathing

Breathing – ROUGH : BRY

Harsh rales in the lungs that do not amel even with expectoration (Ant-t) (Am-c ₳ Ant-t)

Breathing - RATTLING - expectoration, amel. - without

Elderly chronic respiratory problems

Kent: The main drugs for sputum in elderly people with a harsh rattling sound are Am-c, Bar-c, Bar-m, Seneg

Give Am-c when

  • He is between 60 - 80 years old
  • Constant expectoration
  • He is better in summer and worse in winter
  • He has no other symptoms


Dyspnea + Cyanosis in advanced lung problems such as Pulmonary edema , Emphysema , Chronic bronchitis, COPD and Breathing problems of cardiac origin

Breathing – CYANOSIS

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - heart, problems, with

Kent suggest Am-c along with Ant-c, Camph, Ant-t in old, withered and emaciated people who catch cold and chill even in normal weather. A cold can be life-threatening, as if he has advanced pneumonia.

Pulmonary edema

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - edema, pulmonary : ANT-T


Asthma and chronic bronchitis esp in the elderly (Am-c ₳ Carbn-s)

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - emphysema, in

Closed space agg

  • Bathroom Agg: Heat , closed and moist space and Amel in open air

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - warm, bath - room, in a : APIS , KALI- S , PULS , SULPH

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - wet weather : NAT-S

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - air, in open - amel

  • Children who don't like baths (Ant-c, Sul)
  • He cannot bear anything in front of his nose (Opposite to Rumx who holds the handkerchief on his nose to prevent breathing cold air.)

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - handkerchief, cannot bear to have, approach the mouth as it will cause dyspnea

  • In the bathroom, she becomes pale suddenly.
    • She must remain completely motionless until she gets better

      Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - warm, bath - room, in a - becomes deathly pale and must remain quiet

3 a.m. agg

Apnea and chronic asthma (Kali-c)

Agg of respiratory problems such as cough, irritation of the larynx and respiratory tract at 3 a.m.

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - night, during - 3 a.m : ANT-T , KALI-C , SAMB

Lungs - TICKLING, in air passages - night - 3 a.m.


  • Constant Urging to sneeze, severe and watery coryza, nasal catarrh
  • Sneezing, Nasal inflammation / Discharge / Congestion due to Prolonged cold
  • His nose is closed at night until morning (3 am).
  • A cold in the nose and head that makes his nose stuffy and he can't breathe at night.
  • Sensitivity to cold and better with heat
  • Nasal wheezing of babies (Hep, Nux-v, Samb, Stict)


  • Bronchopneumonia: nocturnal dry cough and bloody sputum
  • Non-catarrhal tracheobronchitis (Dyspnea + Dry cough)
  • Chronic catarrhal bronchitis (lung rattling)
  • Dry cough caused by throat irritation with dust
  • Excretion of bloody, dark or acidic sputum

Psychological Dyspnea

Respiratory problems in anxiety that shoulders retraction amel it

Breathing – ANXIOUS

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - retraction of shoulders, amel

Angina pectoris

  • Angina pectoris: Dyspnea + Palpitations

Cardiovascular disorders - coronary artery disease

Diseases - HEART, remedies

Diseases - ANGINA, pectoris

  • Agg by taking a few steps and in the warm air / Closed room

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - afternoon - 3 p.m. when running

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - ascending

  • Radar suggest it in Vascular collapse

ACUTE DISEASES - Cardiovascular disorders - vascular collapse


  • Bloody secretions
  • Bleeding from the nose, esp in the morning washing your hands and face when you wake up. (Am-c ₳ Kali-c)
  • Nosebleeds with Dry Coryza, especially at night

Nose - NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis - washing face, from : ARN

  • After meals (Am-c ₳ Kali-c)

Nose - NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis - eating, after

  • When sneezing or blowing nose (left)

Nose - NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis - sneezing, when Nose - NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis - blowing, the nose, from – left

Nose - NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis - headache, during - after : SEP


Fat, weak, swollen, stay-at-home/dull/lazy/boring women

Constitutions - LARGE, fat, people, bloated CALC, CAPS, KALI-BI, KALI-C, LYC

GENERALS - OBESITY - women; in

GENERALS - REACTION - lack of - women; in – obese

GENERALS - SEDENTARY habits - women; in – obese

GENERALS - WEAKNESS - women; in – obese

Obesity in the elderly

Constitutions - OBESITY - elderly people, in : AUR , CALC , KALI-C

Body fat and thin legs

GENERALS - OBESITY - Legs thin; body fat but : am-c , Am-m , ant-c

Obese women who catch cold a lot

GENERALS - COLD - take cold; tendency to - women; in – obese

Obesity with chronic Dyspnea with or without heart failure

RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - accompanied by – obesity

RESPIRATION - WHEEZING - accompanied by – obesity

CHEST - WEAKNESS - Heart - accompanied by – obesity

Female genital problems


  • Chorea-like symptoms at the beginning of the menses (Bov, Verat)
  • Early, heavy periods with PMS
  • Epidemic severe diarrhea before menses in obese women

RECTUM - CHOLERA - cholera-like symptoms - menses; before - women; in obese


  • Acrid menses , which causes burning and peeling of the groin.
  • Heavy menses bleeding at night and while sitting (Zinc)


Watery, burning, profuse, ulceration of the vulva


Herpetic eruptions

Herpetic rashes, esp on face (around the mouth, chin, cheeks)

Red, secretive, small and itchy grains, burning and wounding.

Murphy: scarlet fever: red and small skin rash and small scales in weak people may even lead to cerebral palsy (Tub, Zinc)

Some points:

Kent: When others feel cold but the person is warm or vice versa, you have four choices: Am-c, Laur, Sec, Camph