Asthma remedies

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Treatment strategy

Asthma treatment consists of two stages:

  1. First Palliative/ Acute treatment
  2. Then Chronic / Condtitutional / Miasmatic treatment

ACUTE DISEASES - Pulmonary disorders - asthma: Ant-t, Ars, Ip, Kali-ar, Kali-c, Nat-s, Nux-v, Psor, Puls, Samb, Tub

Banerji protocols

Extrinsic, allergic asthma
  • Calc C30 BD or C1000 one dose weekly
  • Ip C30 in Gagging cough
  • Kali-i C6 in Wheezing, Dyspnea
Intrinsic Chronic asthma in adults
  • Chel 6X every 3 Hours alternating with Hep C6 and Kali-i C6 in acute wheezing, dyspnea
  • Kali-c C200

Top Remedies

Top Quality Rubrics Modalities / Triggers Concomitants


  • Allergic asthma
  • Night agg
  • Rash suppression
  • Eczema
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - sudden, attacks: Cupr, Ip
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general – suffocative Ant-t, Cupr ,Ip ,Samb
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - cyanosis, with Carb-v ,Cupr, Samb
  • Smoking (Ars ₳ Calad) (Ars ₳ Lob
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - recent, uncomplicated cases: Hydr-ac
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - midnight, after - must spring out of bed : Graph. SAMB
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - night - 2 a.m. Kali-bi , Med , Rumx
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - night - 10 p.m. - 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ars-i, Con
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - anxiety, with : Arg-n , Dig , Kali-a
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - despondency, thinks she will die, with : psor.
  • Night esp After midnight (Ars ₳ Samb) which pulls her out of bed (Ars ₳ Samb)
  • Asthma that agg around 12 -1-2 A.M
  • 10 P.M to 2 A.M
  • Amel with sitting up straight
  • Agg by eating


  • Asthma with short and tough respiration, and panting.
  • Along with difficult respiration, whistling from the chest on inhalation is noted.
  • Cough is deep, dry, barking,
  • Hacking Cough
  • It is best to start in 30C potency BD.
  • It can also be taken in high  (200C) potency.
  • In most cases, warm drinks bring relief from cough.
  • Cough with extreme dryness of all the air passages.


  • Excessive rattling
  • Asthma with rapid, short and difficult breathing as if gasping for air.
  • Loose/ Catarrhal Cough: Excessive rattling, Lungs feel full of mucus, but it comes out with much difficulty.
  • Typical spastic asthma + Excessive phlegm
  • Children / Elderly people (Ambr ₳ Ant-t) (Ant-t ₳ Ars)
  • Gasping feeling when coughing: His breath gets stuck in his trachea
  • Periodic asthma attacks (Ant-t ₳ Ars)
  • Diseases - ASTHMA - bronchial catarrh, with: BLATTA-O
  • Children - ASTHMA, children ARS , CHAM , KALI- N , KALI-S , MED , NAT-S , PHOS , PULS , SAMB , TUB
  • Children - ASTHMA, children - vaccination, after ANT-T , THUJ
  • Breathing – WHEEZING ARS. CARB-V. IP. KALI-C. LOB.
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - spasmodic
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general – suffocative
  • Amel
    • Expectoration
    • Open air
    • You must fan him
    • He must bend forward to get better
    • Lying on the right side
  • Agg:
  • Nocturnal asthma, esp early morning
  • cold and damp weather.
  • Lying down, with a need to sit up.
Accompanying symptoms:
  • Nausea (Ip, Lob)
  • Sleepiness
  • Twitching of facial muscles + Cough
  • Respiratory stridor + coldness of limbs + cold sweat
  • Dizziness present along with cough.


  • Cough with thick, ropy, green phlegm is present.
  • Top-grade remedy in children asthma.
  • It can be taken 3-4 times  a day.
  • Agg around 4 am and 5 am.
  • Difficult breathing in damp weather.


  • Dyspnea, suffocative cough with difficult respiration and yellow, pus-like mucus.
  • Mother tincture BD. But can be taken in 30C and 200C if there are not many changes. Usually, 1M potency is not recommended.
  • Remedy for asthma triggered by dust.
  • It can also be given for asthma triggered in rainy weather.


  • Cold agg
  • Copious dirty mucus
  • Asthma attacks: Difficult respiration, whistling, wheezing, and preventing sleep at night + Copious mucus expectoration.
  • Yellow or whitish dirty mucus
  • Difficulty in breathing deeply
  • Wheezing + Choking cough
  • It can be administered in 30C potency 3-4 times in a day.
  • 200C can be taken once or twice in a day. 1M is used in very rare conditions.
  • Agg by cold air or slight draught of air and
  • Amel from covering up and Heat/ Warmth.


  • Repeated attacks + Dyspnea and gasping for air.
  • Catarrhal bronchial asthma (Ant-t ₳ Ip)
  • Constant Wheezing cough + Rattling, chest is full of phlegm but nothing comes out.
  • Cough with mucus which is not easy to expel.
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - sudden, attacks : Ars , Cupr
  • Hysterical asthma: Sudden wheezing Dyspneal
  • Spastic / Suffocating / Wheezing (Ant-t, Ars, Cupr, Samb)
  • Allergic children's asthma (Ars, All-c, Phos)
  • Suppression of rashes (Puls)
  • Motion agg
  • Hot, humid weather agg
  • Asthma caused by dust inhalation (Blatta-o)
  • Sudden wheezing due to Excitement
Digestive tract

Second class Remedies

Second class Rubrics Trigger/ Modality Concomitants


  • Hysterical asthma (Mosch, Nux-m, Puls)
  • Tightness/ Suffocation/ Heaviness in Throat / Chest (Hydr-ac, Lach, cact, Mosch)
  • Chest constriction (Cact ₳ Lob)
  • Spasmodic (Ars, Carb-v, Kali-c)
  • Breathing becomes progressively more difficult. (Ip ₳ Lob)
  • Severe/ Dry / Debilitating coughs
  • His breath stops when he coughs
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - itching, with: Calad, Cist, Psor, Sabad

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - nausea, with : Ant-t , Ip

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - vomiting, with Cupr, Ip

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - digestion disturbed, after

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - gastric derangements, with

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - smoking, from: Ars, Calad, Puls

  • Cold agg
  • Motion agg (unlike Ip and Lob)
  • Warm (Air/ Food) amel
  • Mass Sensation in epigastrium
  • Chest weakness as if coming from the epigastrium
  • Tingling of body
  • Headache
  • Back Spine pain / Discomfort in the sacrum bon
  • Feeling cold in the teeth
  • Cough + Nausea
  • Itching
  • Digestive problems (Nux-v), esp Nausea / Vomiting + Salivation + Extreme hunger + White tongue


  • Asthma in Elderly /Weak people (Ars ₳ Carb-v)
  • Allergic Asthma (Rhinitis + Sneezing)
  • Periodic asthma (Ars ₳ Carb-v)
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - wet, weather, in - warm, wet weather Bell. Carb-v, Nat-s

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - cyanosis, with : Ars , Cupr , Samb

  • After midnight (Ars ₳ Carb-v) (Carb-v ₳ Samb)
  • Morning (Carb-v ₳ Kali-c)
  • Summer asthma (Ars ₳ Carb-v)
  • Winter asthma
  • High places (Coca)
  • Warm Wet weather

Amel by:

  • Sitting up straight
  • Cold amel / Heat agg .
  • Closed room agg /Wind amel

Asthma due to

  • Suppression eruptions
  • Measles (Brom)
  • Disturbed digestion / Stomach distension
  • Digestive tract
    • Amel with belching (Carb-v ₳ Nux-v)
    • Increased salivation in asthma attacks
    • Asthma + Salivation
  • Heart and lack of oxygen: feeling of tightness in the chest
  • Asthma with cyanosis
  • Respiratory arrest + Sighing and wheezing
  • Asthma with coldness of the skin in touch


  • Fast and loud breathing
  • Asthma after activity and lying down afterwards
  • Asthma caused by fright (Carc, Op)
  • After midnight esp between 3 - 4 A.M which forces him to jump out of bed. (Ars ₳ Sumb)
  • Asthma during sleep / On-going sleep
  • Spastic and suffocating


  • Laryngeal spasm causes cough
  • His breathing is moaning and gasping.
  • His breathing is fast and deep
  • He must stay awake so as not to suffocate
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - sleep, coming on during - falling asleep, after: Am-c, Grin, Lac-c Lach, Merc-pr-r Loosening his clothes amel Asthma with Cold hands and feet


His face is blue or pale
  • Bloody sputum or yellow mucus
  • Asthma+ Weak pulse + Despair
  • Severe palpitations + severe asthma
  • Dyspnea + Throat tightness
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - constriction in throat, with : Cact , cham , dros , lach , lob , Mosch

Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - violent - asthma, in Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - feeble, after disappointment of affections - asthma, with


  • Spastic asthma with wheezing
  • Elderly asthma (Ambr, Ars)
  • A lot of Sticky / White sputum,
  • Severe nasal congestion, He must breathe through mouth
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - morning - waking, early : am-c.mp1 ant-t.mp1 Ars.mp1 grin.mp1 kali-bi.mp1 Kali-c.mp1 nat-s.mp1 nux-v, zing.

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - sleep, coming on during - falling asleep, after am-c.mp1 Grin.mp1 lac-c.mp1 Lach.mp1 merc-pr-r.mp1 op.mp1

Lungs - ASTHMA, general - evening - bed, in: graph. sep

  • Cold / Open air amel (Am-c ₳ Puls)
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - air, draft of, agg. - open, amel
  • Warm / Hot food agg (Am-c ₳ Kali-s)
  • Lungs - ASTHMA, general - warm, food agg. - room agg.
  • Night agg (Sleep-beginning / Early morning / Lying down agg)
Asthma + Heart problems (Exertion agg , Fast, strong and small pulse)
  • Unbearable thirst
  • Severe burning in the esophagus
  • Pressure / Heaviness / Fullness in Nasal Root


Asthma attacks following a common cold


Hysteric Asthma



  • Chills and wants you to cover him
  • Spastic asthma, violent and constant coughs
  • First a sudden gasping, then 2-3 long breaths, then a breath pause, and then 2-3 gasps.
Lying down and sitting straight causes congestion in the chest. Therefore, he should be in a semi-sitting-lying position.
  • Accompanying symptoms:
  • Asthma + Heart problems (Clubbing fingers; Cyanotic Face / Lips; Full and irregular pulses)Thirst for low amount of water
  • Low urination


Hysterical asthma

Tissue Salt Remedies

  • KP: Neurological (psychological) asthma
  • NS:
    • Cough + Gray-Yellow sputum
    • Humid agg
    • A course of treatment with NS can eradicate asthma
  • NM:
    • Frothy, Watery /Clear sputum
    • Hay fever which ends in Asthma
    • Cold agg
  • CF:
    • Asthma + Hard /Lumpy / Pus sputum
    • Menses agg
  • KM:
    • When asthma affects Heart
    • Amel with Keeping still and Agg with motion
    • Amel with cold applications and agg with physical exertion
  • MP: When asthma is spastic and painful