Anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome entities

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This syndrome contains

Anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome refers to a distinct variant of GBS that clinically includes Miller Fisher syndrome, Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis, and acute ophthalmoplegia.

Anti-GQ1b antibody is usually associated with impairments in motor cranial nerves, intrafusal type Ia afferent fibers, and dorsal root nerves [1]


  • Vertigo, Dizziness. Unsteadiness
  • Ataxia, Awkwardness
  • Eyelids Tremor
  • Nystagmus
  • Jerking; myoclonic
  • Emotional lability


  • SHBV: Diplopia + Incoordination + GBS
  • STLE: Diplopia + Incoordination


Here I think we are speaking about a new COD. It contains Rubrics:

  • GBS
  • Ext, Incoordination
  • Eye, Diplopia
  • G, Reflexes, Hyporeflexia
  1. Zhao, Teng MMa; Deng, Yuyan MMb; Ding, Ying MMc; Zhang, Rensheng MMa,∗; Zhou, Chunkui MDa,∗; Lin, Weihong MDa,∗. Anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome presenting with visual deterioration as the initial symptom: A case report. Medicine: January 2020 - Volume 99 - Issue 4 - p e18805 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018805