Kali-ars, Kalium arsenicosum
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- Health-based anxiety include hypochondria, excessive grooming, and even fear of heart attacks
- Racing thoughts and difficulty sleeping
- Fear of death or dying
- Feeling cold
- Vulnerable to panic attacks.
- Cold: Air, Drafts, Feet getting. Uncovering
- Change of temperature or weather
- Warmth (itching). Becoming heated
- Every other day, morning: 1-3 a.m. (Ars.); 2-3 a.m.
- Touch. Noise. Eating
- Milk. Ice-cream. Quinine
- Walking (fast). Motion Exertion. Ascending
- Suppressed sweat, eruptions
- Warmth
- Rainy days
- Eructations
- Rest
- A very deep and long-acting medicine.
- Complaints associated with eruptions of long before, or at present.
- Tendency towards malignancy.
- Chilly, nervous, restless, anemic. Puffy under the eyes. Pale, waxy, clammy. Emaciated, old-looking. Lack of vital heat, a constitutional coldness with aversion to and < from everything cold.
- Wants very warm clothing and warm room even in Summer (Psor)
- Gouty. Neurotic.
- Tremors; from loud noise or ‘sudden unexpected motion.’ Numbness in limbs. Tingling in limbs.
- Weakness, as in patients heading towards phthisis, Bright’s disease / Gout); Unwilling to move (opp. Ars.).
- Sensitive to Touch/ Noise, esp. Voice.
- Convulsions, with consciousness, clonic. Epilepsy (all KALIs). Hysterical epilepsy. Paralysis.
- Arthritis: Syphilitic pains agg at change of weather. Pains burning, stitching. “Itching, jerking, twitching, burning, nausea and constriction.” Pulsation all over body. Gouty nodosities; < change of weather. Fissures about flexures of joints.
- Mucous membranes: Catarrhal inflammation and ulceration.
- Anemia. Chlorosis. Pale and waxy complexion, with sweat. Veins of legs varicose.
- Edema of chronic nephritis or myocardial weakness (Ars); under eyelids, of face, of limbs (with rheumatic stiffness).
- Discharges: Bloody, yellow, offensive.
- Muscles flabby. Glands atrophy. Bones and other tissues necrosed. Inflammation in many organs and glands; esp. stomach, liver, kidneys. Fatty degenerations (all KALIS).
- Growths: Small nodules under skin. Warts grow rapidly. New growths; lupus; epithelioma; cancerous ulceration; skin cancer, where suddenly an alarming malignancy sets in without any external signs. Presents a good picture of malignancy coupled with a history of eruptions. Parakeratosis (horniation) of corns, warts.
- Conscientious; emphasis on morality. Nervous, anxious and restless, contentious, curt, jealous, oversensitive etc, like
- Nervous tremors from a loud noise or a sudden motion;
- Globus hystericus.
- Apprehension in pit of stomach from emotions.
- Headaches: Gastric, catarrhal; chronic periodic sick headaches, after suppressed eruptions or malaria; toxic, uremic. Worse: uncovering head, cold (opp. Ars.), sleep, lying down, eating. Better: hot drinks, warm wrapping, heat. Hot head, cold limbs.
- Eyes:
- Brilliant, glassy, fishy, protruding. Veins injected, eyeballs fixed, with dyspnea. Cornea: spots on; ulceration.
- Lower lids swollen (Upper Kali-c).
- Pain < evening and night, cold air, > heat. Tinnitus and deafness; after quinine.
- Chronic catarrh; since childhood. Discharge offensive, acrid, bloody, yellow-green, burning. Sneezing frequent and violent.
- Expression: anxious, frightened, startled, staring. Looks sickly, haggard, pinched, sunken and oldish; pale and waxy; muddy. Periodical pain (neuralgic or rheumatic).
- Acne, pustular, < during menses. Boils. Rash. Nodular eruptions. Epithelioma.
- Vesicles. Ulcers. Toothache < eating, menses, cold. Tongue: inflammation, swelling (or feels swollen); burning; dry; clean red like raw beef, coated on edges only; cancer. Taste abnormal. Dry. Salivation.
- Choking, with saliva. Globus, > eructations. Dry and sore; burning; torn as if; ulcerated.
- Desires: Sour, sweet, warm things. Averse to food, meat.
- Worse after: Fats, cold food and drinks, milk, ice-cream (when overheated).
- An anxious, or empty sinking sensation (when faintness) from pit of stomach to spine, with palpitation. Obstinate forms of gastritis, acute or chronic.
- Intense nausea with most complaints, during pregnancy, < cold things.
- Enteritis and ulceration. Peritonitis. Tympanitic distension. Dropsy.
- Liver painful; jaundice; gall-stone colic. Catarrh of colon (mucous colitis).
- Burning; with piles, < walking. Diarrhea < night, after midnight, milk, cold drinks. Constipation.
- Nephritis (all Kalis), cutting and stitching pains, edema; Addison’s disease. Bladder: catarrhal inflammation. Incontinence. Not finished sensation.
- Testes hard, painful, swollen. Erections feeble. Seminal emissions.
- Burning. Leucorrhea offensive, acrid, burning.
- Menses: Acrid, offensive, scanty; absent or suppressed.
- Cauliflower excrescences, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis and stinking discharge. Cancer of uterus (palliative).
- Mammae: Milk suppressed.
- After suppressed eruptions: Hoarseness, aphonia. Asthma, < every other day, 2-3 a.m., touch, noise.
- Cough: Wet in morning, dry at night; choking, asthmatic cough, in cold, anemic subjects; with fever; gastric; spasmodic; < 2-3 a.m., cold.
- Expectoration: Muco-purulent with specks of blood.
- Tropical eosinophilia, fever from 4 p.m. lasting all night, cough worse during fever, after eating and again 2-4 a.m.; patient has black otorrhea (is warm blooded), allergic to dust, thirstless; > in wet weather.
- Chest: Constriction. Oppression. Inflammation of lungs; pleura (with effusion). Threatened phthisis, patient with unmanageable chilliness.
- Pericarditis. Anxious and violent palpitation; with nephritis, with anxiety in stomach. Cardiac and anemic murmurs. Myocardial weakness; dropsy.
- Pulse: Weak, small, imperceptible; contracted; rapid.
- Cold and sensitive to cold air. Stiffness. Much pain and tenderness down spine. Spinal irritation.
- Rheumatic and neuralgic pains in limbs; during chill, in cold air, > heat. Limbs numb and tingle. Aching in (right) shoulder and elbow joints followed by herpetic eruption. Skin of arms thickens and roughens (of soles, Ars.). Gouty nodosities.
- Sciatica, extending downwards. Muscular contraction of knees. Crampy feeling in legs, with partial loss of motion and sensation, livid in places, tending to slough.
- Restless, disturbed, by horrid dreams. Late falling to. Yawning. Sleeps with one hand over the heart region.
- Allergic skins. Dry, wilted (dull), wrinkled, inelastic; muddy, ) remain dark-colored.
- Chronic dry eczema, scales with intense itching that agg night, warmth of bed, walking, undressing, on uncovered parts.
- Herpes eruptions: Papules then vesicles then pustules which dry up into scabs and may ends in cicatrices of eczema
- Herpes zoster
- Psoriasis
- Lichen confluens. Intertrigo. Boils; to remove the tendency. Exanthemata. Erysipelas. Lepra. Epithelial cancer.
- Phagadenic ulcers, with deep base and turned up edges, ichorous, black, offensive discharge.
- Kali-ar. may be a member of the radioactive group (Calc-f., Phos., Plb., Stront-c. ).
- Compare: , Carc., Chin., Kali-sil., Psor., Rad-met., Rumx., X -ray.
- Antidote: Kali-i. (to overdosing).
- Complementary: Nat-m.
- Collateral: , Ars-i., Hep., Kali-bi., Sil., Syph., Thuj.[1]
- ↑ P I Tarkas, Ajit Kulkarni, https://hpathy.com/materia-medica/kalium-arsenicosum/