HTN + Anxiety / Restlessness
- Markedly feels a sudden fear of death.
- Palpitations
- Pressure on the left side of the chest
- Sensation of weight under the breastbone
- Pain in the heart extending to left shoulder
HTN + Throbbing headache
- Strong palpitations
- Difficulty in breathing and heat on the face are felt.
- Senses pressure in the heart as if heart is contracted.
- Pain in the heart may radiate to other body parts.
- Exertion leads to rush of blood to the heart.
- It dissolve the calcareous deposits in the arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure.
- The main symptom that guides its use is difficulty in breathing from the least exertion.
- Pain in the heart, pressure on the chest
- Anxiety-accelerated pulse which is irregular.
Young people with Modern lifestyle habits
- Especially in young people who adopt sedentary
- Modern lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc.
- These factors predispose a person to high blood pressure.
HTN linked with stress and worries
- He constantly remains under constant stress and worry.
- Palpitations from slight motion, Dyspnea, irregular pulse
- Mental and physical fatigue
HTN linked with excess intake of salt
- Due to this, there may be swelling of feet in the morning.
- Unusual fatigue esp in the morning.
- He may feel tight around the chest and bears intense palpitations on the slightest exertion.
- Headache due to high blood pressure.