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Here is a list of remedies

Calc, Ferr, Graph, Phyt, Thyr, Ant-c, Fucus religoisa, Phos, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Puls, Seneg


  • Three F: Fat, Fair and Flabby
  • PCOS + Anovulation
  • Excessive sweating on head
  • Extreme sensitivity to cold air
  • Peculiar craving for boiled eggs
  • Pica: Craving for strange things like chalk and lime.
  • Local perspiration + Swelling of glands + Scrofulous + Rachitic conditions
  • Obesity in children: Large belly + Large heads + Pale skin
  • Coldness of single parts of body


  • Obesity + Anemia + Puffy face + Pitting of flesh
  • Young, weakly Chlorotic / Anemic persons
  • Pseudo-plethoric patients who flush easily and have cold extremities, suffer from weakness even on speaking or walking though looking strong.
  • Pallor of skin, mucus membranes and face.
  • Modalities
  • Worse by: Night, Rest, Sitting quietly , During menses.
  • Better by Slow motion, Walking slowly, Summer.


  • Fat and sluggish and with large buttocks, fatty tumors and thin legs.
  • All mucus secretions are increased and retained.
  • Generally suffering from respiratory troubles and associated affections of liver.
  • Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus.
  • Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion; crumble from the verge of anus.


  • Anemia + emaciation, muscular weakness,
  • Increased sweating, tingling and palpitation
  • Goiter and excessive obesity and acts best in
  • Females with paleness and uterine fibroids or mammary tumors.


  • Obesity in young people with excessive irritability and fretfulness
  • Thick coated white tongue
  • Aggravate by heat and cold bathing
  • Children and young people inclined to grow fat, for the extremes of life.
  • Old people with morning diarrhea suddenly become constipated or alternate diarrhea and constipation
  • Pulse hard and rapid.
  • Sensitive to the cold and agg After taking cold.
  • A fretful, peevish and child who cannot bear to be touched or looked at,
  • Sad, Sulky , Weeping child who does not wish to speak or be spoken to and become angry at every little attention.
  • Longing for acids and pickles
  • Gastric and intestinal affections esp agg with Bread / Pastry / Acids/ Vinegar/ Sour / Bad wine
  • GI problems after cold bathing, Over-heating And hot weather.
  • General amel in the open air, During rest and after a warm bath.


  • Obese / Fair complexion females with delayed menstruation.
  • Many skin affections and
  • Constipation
  • Chilly patients who take cold easily
  • Swollen genitals with indurations of tissues.


  • Glandular swellings with heat and inflammations
  • Rheumatism of syphilitic origin where the pains are wandering, shifting and shooting.
  • Burning in throat as from coal fire and cannot swallow hot liquids.
  • General soreness, lameness, bruised feeling over whole body causes the patient to groan.
  • Intense prostration, sitting upright makes him faint and dizzy.
  • Mother tincture is used for weight reduction.


  • A good remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter
  • Digestion is improved and flatulence diminished.
  • Obstinate constipation.
  • Thyroid enlargement in obese people.


  • Flesh and obese around menopause
  • Chilliness with dropsical affections
  • Cancer of uterus, affections of spleen and mesenteric glands are often found associated.
  • Great mental depression.
  • The slightest emotion causes palpitation


  • Suits nicely people with lax fibers, weak
  • Fat/obese/ Indolent and have no vital heat or no reactive force.
  • General uncleanliness of body and opposed to physical exertion.
  • Burning pains and general chilliness with marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process are found.


  • Half anemic people with waxy, translucent skin and Delicate eyelashes
  • Fair, blondes, tall slender persons of sanguine temperament
  • Quick and hemorrhagic diathesis
  • Pseudo-hypertrophy of muscles
  • Quick perceptions, Very sensitive nature.
  • Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop who are chlorotic or anemic;
  • Old people, with morning diarrhea. Hemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed profusely from every mucous outlet.
  • Longs for cold food and drink, juicy, refreshing things
  • Desire for ice cream which agg gastric pains.
  • As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up.
  • Worse – Evening, before midnight, lying on left or painful side; during a thunderstorm; weather changes, either hot or cold.
  • Cold air relieves the head and face symptoms but aggravates those of chest, throat and neck.
  • Better – In the dark; lying on right side; from being rubbed or mesmerized; from cold food, cold water, until it gets warm.


  • Useful in obesity and where diseases are associated with faulty nutrition.
  • Sick headaches with intense throbbing, nausea and vomiting, prostration and all complaints aggravated during menses.


  • It is specially indicated for fleshy, fat, light haired complexioned people with scrofulous or syphilitic history.
  • Symptoms tend to increase in the morning and all pains migrate quickly with rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternating.
  • Catarrhal stage of all mucus membranes.


  • A female remedy with tendency to obesity
  • Mild, Obese, gentle, yielding females who are sad, cry easily and weeps when talking.
  • The symptoms are changeable and contradictory.
  • She seeks the open air and feels better in it.
  • Thirst less, chilly fat females
  • Aversion to fatty foods, still grows obese
  • Indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament;
  • Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears
  • Affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition.
  • Weeps easily: almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping. Especially, in diseases of women and children.
  • Fleshy women , with scanty and protracted menstruation.
  • Worse in a warm close room, very rich, fat, indigestible food
  • Bette in the open air; lying on painful side, cold air or cool room, eating or drinking cold things


  • Obesity in females with weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensations.
  • Pains extend down to back and patient chills easily with uterine troubles.
  • Obesity in menopausal females with hot flushes and perspiration.
  • Particularly sensitive to cold air, “chills so easily;” lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases.
  • Anxiety: with fear, flushes of heat over face and head
  • Great sadness and weeping. Dread of being alone; of men; of meeting friends
  • Indifferent even to one’s Family/ Occupation
  • Greedy, miserly.
  • Worse from sexual excesses
  • Better with warm bed, hot applications; violent exercise.


  • People with lax fibers who tend to become obese
  • Children who are chubby in appearance.
  • Children usually suffer from repeated respiratory catarrhal affections where rattling cough and profuse mucus but difficult raising are characteristics.