Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis

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Female remedies

  • Puls is the Queen of female remedies
  • Mild/ Gentle / Yielding / Sad females who cry easily and weeps when talking.
Menstrual suppression
  • She feels like she's getting her menses, but it doesn't starts anyway.

Female - MENSES, general - appear, as if would

Female - MENSES, general - feels, like coming

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - asthma, with

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - convulsions, with : CALC-P , VERAT

  • Menstrual suppression caused by Vexations / Bathing / Humidity esp wet feet (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - vexations, from : COLOC

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - wet, from becoming - getting feet : RHUS-T


Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during - after, agg. - suppressed menses

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during – before LACH, NAT-M

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during : LACH

  • Cramp Dysmenorrhea that bends her forward


Female - MENSES, general - changeable, in appearance : Sep

  • Early menses 7-14 days

Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 7 days : COCC , NAT-M Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 14 days, every

  • Intermittent menses

Female - MENSES, general - intermittent: KREOS

  • Bleeding between menses

Female - MENSES, general - between, periods, menses appear

  • Delayed menses , 21-day in newly matured girls

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - puberty, at

Bleeding pattern

  • Thick and viscous blood
  • Blood-stained mucus
  • Bright blood with clots
  • Delayed, low and dark menses

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only : ABIES-N, Cact, Caust, Coff, Cycl, Ham, Kali-c

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only - mostly on walking

Female - MENSES, general - walking, agg

Female - MENSES, general - lying, agg. - more, on Kreos, Mag-c


  • In Anemic / Pale and newly matured girls
  • With presence of milk in breasts (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)
  • One of the three main remedies for problems caused by hormonal disorders (Sep, Lyc)


  • Thick, creamy, milky
  • Thin, acrid
  • Lecorrhea + Uvula swelling
  • Menses during agg

Premature puberty

Female - MENSES, general - menarche, first menses, appears before the proper age : amber Ant-c. bell Calc-p. Calc. canth. carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chin. coc-c. cocc. ferr. goss. hyos. ip. kali-c. lyc. Merc. nit-ac. Phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sabin. Sec. Sil. sulph. verat.

  • Irregular and painful menses, esp in newly matured girls (Puls ₳ Sep)

    Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period : Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period - girls, young, in : Apis calc-p. graph. Mill. Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - puberty, at : Sep


  • Catarrhal frontal sinusitis
  • Compression pain of Nasal root
  • Sinusitis and congestion of the right nose
  • Yellow / Green Bland discharges

    HEAD - HEAVINESS - Forehead - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - SINUSES; complaints of - Frontal sinuses

FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Maxillary



  • Heat agg
  • Lying down with low head at night
  • Bending over agg
  • Eating fatty foods agg


  • Heat / Closed room agg / Cold and open window amel
  • Work agg / School / Eye strain agg (Ruta)
  • Right temporal pain
  • Unilateral throbbing headache
  • Feeling of heaviness in the head
  • Pain in face and teeth
  • Pain above the eyes
  • Tears on the affected side



  • Puls is one of Lamenting remedies
  • She is mild, Little timid but Jealous and some how hatred


  • MIND - HATRED - women, of PULS, Raph
  • MIND - KISSING - children are caressing and kissing Puls
  • MIND - EMOTIONS - voice; with complaints of: hyos, puls


  • She is very mild. She does not like heat (Destruction, Loud voice, Argument). I cannot tolerate any quarrelsome. She dose not like Hot places. He does not like to fight with anyone even if she is right. In arguments she tries to leave the situation or try to calm down others.
  • She hate Action movies.
  • She likes peace


  • Anxiety, hot air, as if in
  • Dullness, Room on entering it: Acon, Puls
  • Fear, War of
  • Anxiety, As if in a hot air