Cluster headache

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Revision as of 09:11, 21 December 2023 by Mehrdad (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Remedies {| class="wikitable" |+ ! ! ! ! |- |'''Cluster Headache at precisely same hour''' | === Cedr === | * Severe pain around the eye at a particular hour. * Pain may radiate into the ear. * Pain around the eye may radiate to the temples or back of head. * Watering from eyes with burning may also present itself with eye pain. * Night aggravation of pain is also noted. * Although the pain may appear on any side, the pain over the left side of eye...")
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Cluster Headache at precisely same hour


  • Severe pain around the eye at a particular hour.
  • Pain may radiate into the ear.
  • Pain around the eye may radiate to the temples or back of head.
  • Watering from eyes with burning may also present itself with eye pain.
  • Night aggravation of pain is also noted.
  • Although the pain may appear on any side, the pain over the left side of eye is felt more often
Every day
Every alternate day
Every week
Every month
With redness or swelling of eyes Bell
  • Flushing of face.
  • Deep pain in the eyes, mostly throbbing or shooting in nature, + Congestion / Redness of eyes.
  • The eyes also show protrusion.
  • Photophobia: Light agg the pain
  • In most cases, lying down worsens the pain
  • Tight bandage or pressure seems to provide relief.
  • The sudden onset of a violent headache
  • The attacks appear suddenly and with intensity and leave with the same suddenness.
Left-side Cluster Headache


  • Severe violent pain around the eye and in the eye socket esp on left side.
  • The eyeballs too appear large.
  • The pain can be of varying nature like digging, boring, shooting, violent, throbbing or stitching pain, with a feeling of needles pricking in the eye on the left side.
  • Pain in eye, agg on moving or turning the eye. (Main feature)
  • Sometimes noise or touching the eye agg.
  • Rest in most cases seems to relieve the pain.
  • Redness of eyes with sensitivity to light and dropping of eyes also show their presence.
  • Pain around left eye in morning either on rising or while lying in bed, which amel from washing with cold water (Main feature)
  • Spigelia is a top natural Homeopathic medicine for left-side cluster headache. The other useful Homeopathic medicines like Cedron, Oreodaphne Californica, Bryonia and Epiphegus are amongst the best natural remedies for cluster headaches specially on left side.
  • Cedron is the best Homeopathic remedy when pain around or above the left eye appears at precisely the same hour of day. Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is the ideal remedy when the main feature to be considered is pain in left-side eye worsening by the slightest of motion. The pain is bursting in nature with a sensation as if the eyes will be pressed out. Epiphegus is the Homeopathic remedy of great help and can provide immediate relief from cluster headaches when the pain is located in the left temple region. The most peculiar and characteristic feature for using Epiphegus is appearance of pain when a person engages or exerts in any activity apart from the daily routine activities, be it physical or mental activity. After getting a good sleep, the pain is relieved.
Oreo Oreodaphne Californica is of great help when pain in left eye is accompanied by dropping of eyelids. In most cases, the person has a need to close the eye to get relief. Light and noise seem to worsen the pain. Perfect silence is what is needed to get relief.
Right-side Cluster Headache Sang For treating right-side Cluster Headache, natural Homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Can is the ideal remedy. The use of Homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Can is considered in all those cases of Cluster Headache where the pain settles over or around the right eye. A bursting sensation with a feeling as if the eyes will be pressed out is very marked. Periodicity of pain is noted mostly with beginning of pain in morning and continuing till evening. The most aggravating factors in pain to be kept in mind where Sanguinaria Can is applicable are motion and light. And sleep and lying down still are the soothing factors. Characteristic relief from pain may also be brought about by walking in open air for some patients needing Sanguinaria Can. Along with pain over right eye, there is a profuse watering of eyes. The eyes are also very congested, and red with burning sensations. The face, especially cheeks, shows flushing. In a few persons, nasal congestion is a prominent feature.
For dealing with right-side Cluster Headache, the best natural Homeopathic medicine is Sanguinaria Can. The other very effective Homeopathic medicines for right-side Cluster Headache are Magnesium Phos, Chelidonium, Silicea and Iris Versicolor. Magnesium Phos is among the top Homeopathic remedies for right-side supraorbital pain. The main indication for using this Homeopathic medicine is relief from pain by heat applications. Chelidoinum is another beneficial Homeopathic remedy when profuse watering from the eyes accompanies the pain in right eye. The pressure application seems to be relieving. The pupils too are contracted. Homeopathic remedy Silicea is the ideal mode of treatment when pain that has settled over the right eye worsens from a slight cold air exposure, and the person gets relief by wrapping up warmly. Iris is the best Homeopathic medicine when pain in right temple or supraorbital region gets worse from taking rest and motion provides relief. Vomiting or nausea may also show prominence with pain for using Iris Versicolor.

: Best Homeopathic medicine for

Belladona: Homeopathic medicine for Cluster Headache

Spigelia: Homeopathic medicine for

Sanguinaria Can: Homeopathic medicine for

Homeopathic remedies for Cluster Headache on left-side

Homeopathic treatment for Cluster Headache on right side

Homeopathic remedies for Cluster Headache as per periodicity