Genital tract
- Painful ovarian cyst esp in the left ovary
- Can bear nothing heavy on the region.
- Suppuration and chronic enlargements of the ovary
- Boring in the left ovary
- Amel by a discharge from the uterus or bleeding flow
- Amel from pressure.
- Polypi of the uterus and ovaries.
- Cutting pains in the uterus during menstruation.
- Menses too early to profuse, too long-lasting with vertigo.
- Successful remedy for ovarian affections.
Feet icy cold
- Congestion and dropsy of the right ovary with emaciation of Breasts.
- Dull pressing pain extending to the uterus.
- Wedge-like pain in right ovarian region.
- Ovarian cyst that has severe burning, tearing, and twitching pains in the ovarian region
- Esp the right side.
- Congestion and swelling of the ovaries, with pain as from corrosive tumor there.
- Both groins are painful and bloated.
- Stitching pains about the uterus and ovarian region.