Dros, Drosera Rotundifolia
It is Common cold Cough remedy
Dros is an Anxious remedy with respiratory oppression (Acon, Ars, Spong) (Dros ₳ Spong)
Dyspnea during severe paroxysms of coughs.
Feeling of intense pressure in the chest area
Irritative coughs: Cough due to dryness/scratching of throat and larynx
According to Vithoulkas usage of Dros is not limited to suffocating coughs.
Spastic / Cramp-like coughs which leads to many problems
Weakness caused by frequent and heavy coughing
Red itchy measles- like rash + cough:
Swelling and congestion of the eyelids caused by cough
The best remedy for monthly periodic cough attacks are Dros and Carb-v.
Spastic condition
Tightness, spasms and cramps in Throat / Larynx / Esophagus that even make swallowing difficult.
Feeling as if someone squeezes his throat with his hand after eating.
As if something is stuck in his chest and does not let him breathe
The coughs are so intense that may ends in seizure
A good choice for chronic bronchitis with spastic cough as we see in TB.
He coughs until he throws up
Throat and larynx itching
Pinching pains
Voice Hoarse and constant scratchy sensation of the larynx
Cough caused by tightness and itching in the larynx
Other symptoms
Night agg, Fear of night (Beginning of coughing attacks)
Hot flush and sweating, Heavy sweating when waking up , Hot and chilly attacks
Tiredness / Restlessness /Anxiety /Fatigue
Fear of being alone. Suspicious
Epileptic-like spasms,
Prolonged insomnia, , .
Feeling of constant threat.
Bleeding from the nose, throat, or respiratory system
His face is often pale but may become red and inflamed like Bell and Cupr.