Led, Ledum Palustre

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Wound remedy

The most important remedy of Penetrating / Punctured / Dissecting trauma which leads to a open wound

GENERALS - WOUNDS - penetrating, punctured: APIS , LED, NIT-AC

Emergency - WOUNDS, general - deep


GENERALS - WOUNDS - stab wounds : HYPER , LED

Emergency - WOUNDS, general – dissecting : ARS , CALEN , LACH , PYROG

Crushed / Painful injuries Esp when the wound of nerve-filled areas such as palms and feet (Hyper)

GENERALS - WOUNDS - penetrating, punctured – painful GENERALS - WOUNDS - penetrating, punctured - Palms and soles, of : HYPER , LED , PLAN

Wounds caused by a painful injection/ Spine / Thorn

GENERALS - WOUNDS - injection, from painful GENERALS - WOUNDS - splinters, from : CIC , HYPER.


Acute wound where the tissue is cold and Pale

GENERALS - WOUNDS - cold, become GENERALS - WOUNDS – pale led

Kent suggestions

  • Don't waste your time with Arn in the bruised wounds and go straight to Led. (Arn ₳ Led)
  • In a wound with sharp and acute pain caused by nail penetration with shooting pain, Led is the best choice, but if the patient returns tomorrow and the pain spreads from the wound to the hands, such as the thigh and hip, give Hyper. (Hyper ₳ Led)
  • Hyper is the main remedy of tetanus fallowed by wound. For prophylaxis in such penetrating wounds give Led as soon as possible

Complicated wound

A wound that is black and bruised (Lach, Vip)

Emergency - WOUNDS, general – black Emergency - WOUNDS, general – bluish

A wound that has led to pus and putrefaction

GENERALS - WOUNDS - suppurating Emergency - WOUNDS, general – fester

Other complications such as Seizures, Cellulitis (Inflammation of the surrounding tissue), Bleeding

GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - tetanic rigidity - wounds in the soles, finger or palm; from : HYPER


GENERALS - WOUNDS - swelling of

GENERALS - WOUNDS - bleeding freely


GENERALS - WOUNDS - painful - stinging in wounds

GENERALS - WOUNDS – paralyzed

GENERALS - WOUNDS - constitutional effects of : Calen, LED


Rich-nerve area ulcers

GENERALS - WOUNDS - Nerves : hyper , led

A deep wound where the deep tissues are torn and even the nail is damaged

GENERAL - WOUNDS - soft tissues; with torn : CARB-AC

GENERAL - WOUNDS - soft tissues; with torn - accompanied by - Nail; tearing of


Emergency - WOUNDS, general - crushed - crushed and lacerated finger ends : HYPER

Bites and Stings

The first remedy for Wounds / Inflation caused by bites and stings (mosquitoes and spiders to dogs, cats and snakes)


GENERALS - WOUNDS - bites - cats; of Led.

GENERALS - WOUNDS - bites - dogs, of : LYSS

GENERALS - WOUNDS - bites – mosquito

GENERALS - WOUNDS - bites - poisonous animals, of : GENT-L , LED.

GENERALS - WOUNDS - bites - snakes, of : LACH , LED.

EYE - INFLAMMATION - erysipelatous - bites of insects; from

FACE - ERYSIPELAS - bites of insects, from

GENERALS - SWELLING - inflammatory - bites and stings; after LED

Lymphangitis caused by Bites / Stings



Arthritis starts as pain, inflammation, heat and swelling (Bry) and then leads to dry joints (Rhus-t, Caust), cracking and arthritic nodules.

Joints - ARTHRITIC, deposits, nodosities - pinching and cracking on motion

Joints - ARTHRITIC, deposits, nodosities - skin, in, over joints

Joints - ARTHRITIC, deposits, nodosities - painful

All joints (Knees , Shoulders and pelvis) but mostly small joints of hands and feet and big toe (Colch)

Alen: Arthritis of left shoulder and hip (Agar, Ant-t, Stram)

Pain agg with movement (walking). (Opposed to Rhus-t)

Agg in the morning

His ankles Sprained easily (Carb-an, Stront-c)

Comparable to Arn, Crot-t, Ham, Belis, Ruta and Con


  • He is chilly and his body is cold but Amel with local cold (Sec) and Agg with heat (Merc) (opposite Rhus-t)
  • Camph and Sec both have cold bodies and do not tolerate covering
  • The coldness of Led 's body is similar to Sep, Sil.
  • Pain extends upwardly (unlike Kali and Kalm)

    BACK - PAIN - extending to – upwards GELS , NIT-AC

BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - upward

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - rheumatic - extending to – upward

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Joints - rheumatic - extending to - Upward to more proximal joints

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - gouty - extending to – upwards

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - rheumatic - extending to – upward

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - extending to – upwards

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Foot - extending to – upwards

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Upper arm - extending to – upward ARS

  • Oblique pains, such as pain in the left shoulder extends to right pelvis, in general, the medicine has a special tendency to the right pelvis.
  • Sprained as if, tearing, pressure, sore, burning and bruises pain
  • Sciatalgia agg with heat
  • Burning of foot-soles
  • Periostitis esp in fingers