Knee Bursitis
- Top remedy for Knee Bursitis
- Motion agg and rest amel
- Rheumatic joint complaint: Knee joint is red, hot and swollen.
- Along with swelling, a sharp, tearing, stitching pain may also be present.
- Knee also feels stiff
- Best remedy of mucous membranes
- The slightest movement agg the pain.
- Painful to touch
- Accompanied by Tibia tearing pain.
- Keeping the knee at rest amel pain.
- Top remedy for Knee Bursitis
- Pain + Tensed / Tight feeling in knee
- Swelling, pain, heat, tenderness and stiffness of knee.
- Due to over-straining of knee.
- Great heaviness is felt in the knee.
- Burning sensation in the knee joint
- Knee feels hot, painful, heavy and tense.
- Massage and movement help ease the pain.
- Knee is swollen and stiff with pain.
- Overstraining the knee agg the complaint in most cases.
- Standing agg the knee pain
- Rest agg
Due to trauma, fallor knee blow
- Trauma led to inflammation of knee bursa.
- Marked swelling and pain in knee.
- Fears of being approached by other persons as the slightest touch agg the pain.
- As if someone has beaten them up on the knee
- The pain and swelling increase after over-exerting.
- Other symptoms include soreness, bruising and pain.
- Sensation of dislocation + Tenderness of the knee joint (Maybe)
- Agg from slightly touching the knee.
- Rhus-t and Ruta are very useful medicines for knee pain from ligament or tendon injury.
- They help decrease pain and promote natural healing of the injured ligaments and tendons.
- Knee swelling due to bursitis: Red, hot, intensely swollen knee.
- This is due to the collection of a significant amount of fluid in the patellar bursa. Stretching the leg or moving about often brings relief.
- Severe shooting pain in the affected knee.
- Prominently used for knee pain from fractured knee joint. Symphytum,
- It helps promote the union of fractured bones and decreases knee pain arising from the fracture
- It helps by promoting callus formation required to re-unite the bone.
- Sensitive to the touch.
- Warmth agg
- Touch and pressure agg
Nigth agg
- Pain is mostly tearing in nature
- Marked swelling and inflammation with effusion.
- Agg from lying on the affected side
- Night time agg
- Motion amel
The knee feels as if it is sprained while walking.
- Pain agg from stretching the leg.
- Walking agg the pain
Bending / Kneeling agg
- Kneeling and bending the knee worsen the pain
- Ruta has a marked action on tendons and ligaments apart from bursa
- Ruta helps in reducing pain as well as recovery from the wear and tear that has occurred in ligaments and tendons.
Pain + Swelling
- Very intense swelling over the knee.
- Tearing or stitching (Maybe)
- Sensation as if the knee is very tightly bound.
- Knee is painful to pressure
- Pressure and exercise agg