Sehgal Second Degree Rubrics

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Bed, desire to remain in
  • Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
  • If I am told to remain in bed for all the twenty-four hours. I shall be happy.
  • I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me
Business, incapacity for   Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business. My work do interest me but I do not feel, I have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it
  • Wanting something but knowing not what.
  • That this why rejects those very things desired by him a moment before.              
  1. This much I am sure that there is some relief after taking your medicine. But I can't tell exactly in what respect of in what proportion.
  2. Doctor I can tell you only this much that I require medicine and I am not well and nothing more than this because I myself do not know in detail as to what is exactly my problem.  So is try to prescribe without asking anything more about my sickness."
  • Being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong.
  • To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious before anything happens and careful while doing something .
  • There was a patient who would always bring in writing the minutest details about his sickness and even while reading them to me he will try  to recollect and add if he found that something was left. When he was told that those details were not needed by me, he replied, " You may take it as my carefulness I feel you must get complete information about my sickness, to give the right medicine . In case you do not give full attention to what I say, I would not be able to trust your medicine.
Cares, full of trifles about To worry even for matters of very little importance.

Versions :- ".

It is only the minor things that worry her more.  I am surprised why it should be like that.  To her all it looks necessary
Carried, desires to be.
  • An urge to be carried physically and be in a comfortable state. (He cannot carry his own weight).
  • He requests if you could divert his attention from present intolerable state.
  • He wants to be in a state of health, by a knee method whosoever can make it possible.
  • My present condition is so bad that I feel, to live in it anymore is not possible for me.
  • If trying to find someone who can pull me out of it.  It may be a doctor, a system of medicine.
Cautious         Watchful before anything unwanted happens.  This is as a matter of prevention.

Versions :- "."

These days seasonal disease are quite common. I wanted to know whether it is possible to prevent them by homoeopathy
Cautious, anxiously: Bar-c, Crac, Caust, Lyc, Puls, Sil, Sul Watchful with concern and wants to be educated fully about the nature of his disease, etc. so as to be able to take preventive measures with certainty and well in advance.
  • Sir, many times I have requested you to tell me the name of the disease I am suffering from, but you have been avoiding it.  I must tell you that unless I am sure that my treatment is on the right lines I shall not feel comfortable.
Deeds, feels as if he could do great: Hell
  • Deeds: achievement
  • Thinks that he could do many great deeds in the past, even in the present and also tomorrow if given the requisite conditions.
It is because of my sickness that I could not do anything of much value.  Otherwise, I would have shown my worth.  I had many great things in mind to do but destiny had its own course
  • Defiant: One who is in a mood to boldly resist (defy) an authority or any opposing force which has started dominating it, in intolerant of domination.
  • Challenges the present state of health and declares will not live with it.
Versions :- when he realizes after making a lot of efforts that his condition is not improving and the disease seems to be overpowering him he becomes defiant and says, "I am not going to accept this condition of my health. Neither I shall like to live as a sick person.  I want to live as a healthy man.  I will see that I must get well, whatever may be the cost and whatever may be the effort or I will commit suicide."
Delusions, injury: is about to receive It is being conveyed through senses that one is going to have some harm any moment.
  • Something from within is giving me to feel that a sever attack of fever or something else is around the corner and is about to plunge me into a great suffering
Delusions, wretched, thinks she looks, when looking in a mirror: Nat-m
  • One who is in a very unfortunate condition or circumstances, attended with misery and sorrow.
  • While looking at her face in the mirror she thinks that she looks the one who is surrounded by misery and unfortunate conditions.
What is mirror?  Which presents the picture of the object placed before it so vividly that nothing remains hidden.

There are two aspects of this rubric :

  1. In the mirror when I look at my face and the whole structure of my body I am reminded of the reality that I look ugly amongst the people who are in my contact.  Although all of them are decent, and never point out my shortcoming I feel that how fortunate I would have felt had I been gifted with a good looking personality along with the present surroundings.
  2. When I see people belonging to well off classes enjoying life and compare it with that of mine, like a mirror my reality passes before my inner eyes. That I was born a low class with a very mean Job and will die with the same status.  Feeling of being unfortunate and miserable comes up in my mind.
  • A strong disliking, a strong aversion.
  • This is a state of disliking for anything where one feels that in him no further room is left for even a little liking further for the thing, in question.  Rather it has crossed the limits of acceptancy where he is nauseating and is on the verge of vomiting.
  1. I am fed up of taking medicine daily.  I feel like stopping it for some time.  Please tell me for how long more.  I shall have to take it.
  2. When shall I can get rid of this disease?  I am so fed up the Doctor, I cannot tell you."
  • Envy: Desire for an advantage possessed by another.
  • The object of envious feeling is grudging or grief at the sight of other's success.  But not in the sense of hatred towards them.  It is in the sense that if others can possess something why can't he?  It is in a spirit of competitiveness, or a race for gain, to excel other without entertaining the idea of harming or destroying other's possessions.
  • When I see people enjoying around me, it comes to my mind that will there be a day in my life also when I shall have a smile on my face and will be able to eat, drink and be merry as they are doing."
Excitement, amel
  • Excitement: An excited state
  • Something that which excites or agitates emotions by arousing feelings, ameliorates sufferings.
  1. Something which warms the mind and give it life, acts as a soother to me.
  2. I do not like dullness.  It is the company of live people which I feel can keep me happy .
Exhilaration can recall things long forgotten.
  • Exhilaration is a state of joyousness or inner feeling of pleasantness.
  • Many times I sit and recall the memories of good old days and enjoy at the thought of them but become unhappy when I think that perhaps those days will never come again.
While comparing the present with the past it comes to my mind that I was not like this as I am today but used to be a happy and jolly person.
Fear, injured, of being   We have already studied the rubric Delusions injured is being. In delusion it is the sensation about the injury being received (in present) and in fear it is about the injury one may get in the future. Versions:- "I can bear pains , remain without treatment but not the prick of the needle. I am so afraid of infections, surgical, of the possibility of irreparable damage."