Canth in Sehgal

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Canth is a Sehgal Remedy which is used in Sehgal Method.

Sehgal Rubrics

DELIRIUM, crying help for

ANGER, pains about

  • It is its king-pin symptom of Canth and Stram but they are quite opposite to each other.
  • Canth has the Rubric ANGER, pains about but Stram is begging / Clinging / Carried desire
  • Canth is angry about the pain and became faithless and disrespectful even towards God. But Stram is prying God and shirking for help

DELIRIUM, nonsense with eyes open

Ars, Cham, Hyos, op, Stram, Tarent, Verat

  • Are you dead?" After hearing his mother's sharp words, the son appeared before her and reasoned with her,' 'Actually I didn't hear you, so I don't think there should be any cause for complaint".
  • She came out with a loud shriek, ' 'Instead of repenting for your fault you are trying to argue. That shows the respect you have in your heart for your mother".
  • Both the son and the mother remained quiet for sometime. After a pause the son addressed me and said, “Please don't attach any importance to anything she says, as she is not aware of what she is saying''.

IRRITABILITY, insults from



  • 'Canth is SENTIMENTAL but one-sidedly so; it is not bothered about respect for others which virtually amounts to another rubric, 'BLASPHEMY'
  • There is no God. If God existed, he would not have tortured me like this.
  • Observing religious ceremonies etc. is useless". He said he had tried all that, it was totally useless
  • "Alright if he exists, then tell Him to help me get out of this paroxysm of seizure
  • The pain is so persistent that it docs not seem to be going away
  • He continued further and said, "If this is not possible, let him look after my work which is suffering badly. Unless I go to the office I know I shall not get my earnings
  • Will your God provide them without my effort? Show me evidence of the existence of your God", he concluded irritably
  • "What nonsense arc you talking?" (8) "Hold your tongue. I am not in the habit of taking Insults". "But I don't mean that.” (8) "But your remark that I am talking nonsense is quite insulting. I can't tolerate that" .
  • ANGER, pains about
  • DELIRIUM, crying help for
  • Another patient with high fever: An important point to be noted in the case of this patient is that under the influence of sickness, an old religious lady, formerly always interested in religious talk and fond of listening to lectures of great saints, takes to blasphemy and cursing.
  • She said, "In bad days Gods also turn their back on their devotees. None turns up to help.".
BUSINESS, talks of
DELUSIONS, seized as if
CRUELTY; brutality; inhumanity (34)