Calc is one of the best Sehgal remedies which is used commonly in Sehgal Method
Similar Rubrics
- He does not want to request help from the others even form God.
- How can somebody help me??
- Every thing I have, is because of my struggling.
- Self-centered. Too hard worker. I did not receive any help from any one. Every thing I catch, is due to my hard work
- He does not ask anyone. If someone does him a favor, he is willing to repay quickly
- He does not accept any charity and if is a special situation, he adopt it, he will give it back as soon as possible.
- Haughty
- Helping others, aversion to help others
- ENVY; qualities of others; at (6): Ars, Calc, Lach, Lyc, Puls, Sul
Haughty and stupid
- He thinks that he is unique and that others praise him, since he has unique characteristics.
- He likes to do his own work. He is an independent person
Irritability, idle while
Nux-v, Stann
- He cannot be free/ Without job
- Domestic work for her is no work
- He want to tell the others that he has a lot of Jobs and Independent
- They do not want to marry and become housewife. She want to employed
- Since suffering may disturbs his job
- Embarrassment, ailment after
- Fear of suffering
- Anxiety, Work inclinations
- Sadness, Idleness, while
- Exertion, physicals amel: Agar, Iod, Sul, Tarent
Delusion, Sick, Being, work, and for this reason will not
Caust, Nux-v, sep
- I will not work because I am not well. But this does not mean that I cannot work.
- I do not fear work. The fact is that I am physically unfit to work.
- I feel that my sickness has ruined me and damaged my health beyond repair.
- Delusion, ruined, he: Ign, Verat
- DUTY; no sense of duty (12): alum, ambr, anac, ars, CALC, coloc, hep, lach, merc, nat-m, sil, sulph.
- He is sure that his disease is curable. Every remedy would be useful in my disease
- He thinks positive in his life
- Hope is his wealth
Delusion, Wealth
Fear, Observed, of her condition
- Her condition should not be observed by others, therefor she is indifferent to recovery.
- I am not concerned whether I get cured permanently or not. Please finish my suffering, therefore I could start my work
- I am interested to my work and earn. I cannot live as a parasite.
- He does not try to cure his disease Basically / Completely, it is enough to restore the comfort and peace of the patient.
- Indifference, recovery about his
- Fear of suffering
- Narrating his symptoms agg
- Hiding himself
Narrating his symptoms agg
Nat-m, Puls
Perhaps it gives him an exaggerated feeling of the pain etc.
- Fear, Observed, of her condition
- Hiding himself
Main theme
Related Rubrics
- Anxiety, Others for
- Care full of
- Ailment from cares, worries
- Duty, too much sense of
- Comfort is very important for him
- He does not seek complete treatment. He asks you as a doctor, if you could give him a remedy only for give him a comfortable state, therefore he could start his Job/ Duty
Does not tolerate Force/ Bossiness / Dictator
- Ailment from, Domination,..., long time for
- Ailment from, Egotism
Calc, Lyc, Merc
Calc, Nat-m, Plat
You as a doctor could not forget him, since his character is special
- Cold means Being unloved and neglected
- Anger, cold taking after: He cannot tolerate any cold greeting from any one
- Poverty means Coldness and Calc has fear of it
- Fear, Poverty
- Anxiety, Business about
- Avarice
Compared with Bell and Sul
(Bell ₳ Sul), (Bell ₳ Calc), (Calc ₳ Sul)
- - -
Helping others, aversion to help others
- - -
- - -
- - -
Squander boosting from
- - -
- - -
Squndering alternating with avarice
- - -
Ailment from Domination
- - -
- - -
Compare with Bry
(Bry ₳ Calc)
Both are hard working
Both think they are self made
- Bry is a genius hard worker but Calc is fake.
- Bry is not egoistic.
- He dose not work to be known or appreciated but
Egotistic He likes to be Pampered / Appreciated
Real business man
Talking, Business, of
Earning money is important for Bry
Earning appreciation is important for Calc
Delusion, Head, heavy, his own head seemed too:
He feel a lot of responsibility.
- Duty, too much sense of
- Duty, no sense of duty
- Responsibility, taking it too seriously
Fear, poverty
- - -
Haughty and Stupid
Helping others, aversion to help others
Del, Appreciated, she is not
- Helping others, aversion
- Avarice
- Greed
Complaining, Offenses of long past