Ars in Sehgal

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SELF; torture (7)

Acon, ars, bell, lil-t, plb, tarent, tub

DELUSIONS; hang himself; want to (1)

SUSPICIOUS; plotting against life people; are (3)

Sehgal Rubrics

They have two states:

Well says sick very

  • He is aware of his problem but does not feel the need to do anything about it as long as it does not interfere in his daily life.
  • He obstinately avoids treatment and also ignores the advice of his family.
  • In an irritated tone of voice he tells them that he has no problem and they are unnecessarily bothering him. He actually does it out of his concern for them.
  • He says: "I don't want to bother my family with my problem, especially my mother. I know it will send her into panic"
  • This state has another aspect too. If this patient ever finds out that his treatment is doing him no good and there is but a slim chance of his survival/ he will choose to die and save himself from re suffering.
  • He will resist all kind of medical care. He will beg his doctor to prescribe him something to end his painful life or make it free of all pain and difficulties.
  • Ars does not feel sick as long as he is occupied. He never rests excepts when his condition becomes too worse and forces him to do so.
  • It never occurs to him that he must take rest. The moment he lies down either he is reminded of some pending work or he finds something to get out of the bed.
  • Upon asking why he does so? He says, "When I am alone, resting and with no work to do, I begin to have all sorts of negative thoughts. I prefer keep myself busy to avoid them."
  • Occupation amel
  • Work, amel, from work or diversion
  • Bed, aversion to shuns bed
  • Anxiety, alone when
  • Fancies, alone when
  • Thoughts, rush flow of alone, when
  • Hypochondriasis alone when
  • In the worse state i.e. in his state of despair, he does not wish to stay alone.
  • In sickness, although he is disturbed by noises and light and dislikes people talking, unless it is about him, he does not want to be left alone for the fear that his state of despair might drive him to harm himself.
  • Quiet, wants to be
  • Sensitive, light, to
  • Sensitive noise, to
  • Fear, alone of being, lest injure himself
  • Suicidal disposition fright, after
  • One of the prime reasons for an arsenic patient to visits a doctor is, because he feels low. He says, "It looks so bad to roam around like a sick person."
  • He dislikes seeing a doctor but he is concerned about his health.
• Indignation, feeling
  • He becomes obsessed with finding a cure for his problem.
  • It becomes his mission and no matter how worried he is he believes 100% that he will get better.
  • If his condition does not show improvement it is because the doctor has not diagnosed it rightly.

  • Shirking, brain cry (*Brain cry means becoming obsessed with the idea of getting better and to keep asking for quick result)
  • Rest, when things are not in proper place, cannot
  • Positiveness
  • This patient visits the doctor with a feeling of regret for neglecting his problem all along. Why does he feel regretful?
  • It's because with his own negligence he has ruined his good health.
  • Some arsenic patient visits a doctor for their problem only when it starts hindering their day to day life.
  • They are forced to rest more as their problem does not allow them to work as much as they did before.
  • This sends them into a panic as they figure out that it will mean being confined to bed.
  • One of the things arsenic does not like is to bother others. He is not the one to share his problems with his colleague or friends.
  • But when in need he could ask for help from his family members which he thinks he has a right to as he helps them too.
  • In general, Ars is quite rude to people he is close to, in their need he helps them but to certain limit
Anxiety, Health about
  • In the other state when an arsenic patient turns overanxious about his health he cannot wait to get rid of his problem.
  • What troubles an arsenic are the negative thoughts about his medical condition. He grows too worrisome about his future.
  • All he can then think of is how he can save himself from going to his destruction. He needs help and that too instantly.
  • He does not bother to think then how much inconvenience he is causing to others. If his demands are not met instantly he reacts with anger. He cannot stand any delay and does not refrain from shouting at people who makes him wait.
  • In this state of impatience and agitation he begins to feel that if his problem does not get better fast enough, it would grow into something bigger like cancer.
  • ANXIETY, future about
  • ANXIETY, salvation about
  • ANXIETY, hypochondriac
  • QUIETED, carried, rapidly, only by being
  • QUIETED, carried, only by being
  • CARRIED, desires to be
  • CARRIED, desires to be fast
  • This way of thinking tips his emotional balance which is evident when he gives a vent to his thought. The pitch of his voice gets louder and sharper as he speaks about his suffering. It is enough to arouse pity.
  • COMPLAINING, pitiful
  • LAMENTING, bemoaning loud, piercing
  • DELUSIONS, injury, is about to receive


Del, injury, is about to receive

  • Anxiety, future about
  • Anxiety, health about
  • THEORIZING: Ars, Lach, Sil,, Sul
  • Without THEORIZING: Merc, Nux-v,
Anxiety, hypochondriac Ars., lach, nux.v., sil., suiph
Fear, happen something will Ars., lyc., nux.v.
  • DELUSIONS, wrong he has done
  • Anxiety, health about
Ars, Lach, Lyc, Hyos, Merc, Sil, Su



Dream, as if in Ars, Bell, Cann-i, Con, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Op, Stram, Sul


  • Anger, recovery, if one spoke of her
  • ANGUISH, Respiration


(Ars ₳ Lyc)

  • Anxiety Expected of him, when anything is
  • Anxiety, duty as if he had not done

Fear, Narrow

  • Anguish, constricted, as if everything became
  • Anger, irascibility eat, when obliged to


  • Cursing, swearing convulsions, during
  • Del, happy in his own house, he will never be


  • Del, Contaminates everything she touches
  • Del, People doing as he does
  • Del, Specters, ghosts, spirits, sees day and night
  • Doubt of recovery, Medicine is useless (1)


  • Aversion those around him
  • Company, aversion to, meeting of friends, whom he imagines he has offended, to
  • Jesting, malicious
  • Joy, misfortune of others, at the: Anac, Ars
  • Del, friend, offended, has

Horrible things

  • Del, Criminals, about
  • Del, Dead, person sees
  • Del, Hanging, sees persons
  • Del, Vermin his bed is covered with
  • Del, Worms are in bed

Fear of Loss of control

  • Thoughts , control of lost
  • Eats more as she should (Bulimia)
  • Thoughts, Control of lose, chilliness during
  • Thoughts, Control of lose, intrude too weak to keep them off or to hold on to one thought
  • Thoughts, Control of lose, rush flow of alone, when
  • Fear, apprehension, dread day and night alone of being lest injure himself
  • Suicidal disposition, throwing himself windows, fear; from (1)
  • Del, Insane, become thinking long about anything; when (1)

Suicidal disposition

  • Del, Hang himself, want to
  • Jumps, window, out of the
  • Suicidal disposition fright, after
  • Suicidal disposition, fire, to set oneself on
  • Discomfort, chill during
  • Thoughts, control of lose chilliness, during

Carried fast

Quieted, carried rapidly, only by being
Desire, Full of desires, More than she needs: Ars, Bry


Ars, Lach, Merc

Well says sick very

Arn, Ars, Bell, Hyos, Op, Puls

Cares full of, Trifles about: Ars
      • BITE tumbler, bites his edge of, when trying to drink
  • Del, bed drawn alighted on the floor; and she had
  • Del, brain wobble; brain seems to
  • Del, friend, accident, met with an
  • Del, man does all the things he does (1)
  • Del, noise, gnashing their teeth around his bed; hears wild beasts (1)
  • DRINKS more as she should
  • ESCAPE, visit her daughter, wants to
  • FANCIES, alone, when periodically returning
  • FEAR, death vexation, after
  • FEAR, nose, cut off; of having the nose
  • FRIEND has met with accident, that a
  • GESTURES, hands head, to the, sleep, during lifting up hand
  • HYPOCHODRIASIS, alone, when
  • INDIGNATION, morning
  • INSANITY prayer, raising hands and kneeling as in p. signs, writes unintelligible
  • KILL, impulse or desire to drunkards, in
  • KILLED, stabbing heart, by
  • MANIA pains, from - held, wants to be
  • PANIC, night agg
  • RAGE, alternating with sleep
  • RESTLESSNESS midnight 3h. after alternating with sleepiness till stupor (during fever) periodical
  • SADNESS consoled, cannot be
  • SADNESS, loss, after financial
  • SIGHING, sleep, comatose
  • SITS, knees drawn up, resting her head and arms on knees, with -
  • UNCONSCIOUSNESS, alternating with restlessness during fever diarrhea after and vomiting after
  • WALKS more as is good for her
  • WEARY drunkards, in