Plat in Sehgal

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Plat is a good Sehgal Remedy in Sehgal Method


Sehgal Rubrics

First stage

  • He avoid Doctor/ Medicine. He want to be cured Naturally like his tradition method of his family
  • He dose not visit you simply or in start of his disease. He take rest, He take herbal fever, and he does not trust medicine. He come to you when he has no idea to do.
  • He tells you know It MAYBE helpful to visit a doctor.
  • He always feels, he is right.
  • He is completely a blocked patient.
  • Doctor do you think that every medicine is harmful for our body?
  • Admonition agg
  • Refuse treatment, every: Bell, Caust, Lach

Cold, temperament

Sabad, Squil

  • You cannot excite him. He is not excitable
  • Nothing to worry
  • He is not affectinate

Objective reasonable

  • He argues with you to tell you I am right and you are wrong
  • He will argue with you logically to convince you

Embarrassment, ailment after

Doctor, I had a very severe asthma attack last night. So bad, I don't want to experience this attack again

Del, Great person he is


Del, Humility and lowness of others, while he is great

Staph, Germ-m

Haughty, religiousness with

Del, diminished everything, tall he is

DELUSIONS; unfit for the world; he is (1)

Aur, Plat

  • Boaster
  • Dictatorial
  • Del, Proud: Lach, Plat, Stram, VeratI am so great
  • He feels that he is very intelligent (Lach, Plat)
  • Lach is more intelligent than Plat
  • Asking for help is shameful like kilning himself

Killed desire to

He wants his disease to be eradicated

Cheerful alternating with physical suffering (1)

Irritability alternating with tenderness (1)

Tenderness means delicate, or anger easily

Objective, reasonable

Del, wealth

  • Del, Proud
  • Haughty
  • Affectation, Knowledge about his
  • Charlatan
  • Affectation in words
  • Del, Great person he is
  • I have headache but it is not so important for me. I can manage it by myself.
  • Wealth of Plat is his Knowledge.
  • There are two remedies that thinks he is smart, Lach and Plat. Lach is more smart
  • I know everything. No body knows it better than me
  • Someone who claim something which he dose not have it


Chin, Lach, Nux-v, Phos, Plat, Verat

  • Looking or acting famine.
  • He is very concerned with clothes or appearance

Affectation, Knowledge about his

Affectation in words

Booster about his knowledge


Calc, Nat-m, Puls, Sul

Boaster about his ability

Casting off people against her will (1)

  • Whoever opposes him, he will completely cut off his relationship with him

Contemptuous, hard for subordinates and agreeble to superiors

Lach, Lyc, Verat

  • He is only Dictatorial to low persons and very Polite and soft with High position persons

Contemptuous, Paroxysms against his will

Reflecting, sadness in

Cocc, Plat

Del, Strange land as if  in a

Strange feeling:

I have never have such a disease / Problem There is no one in my family who have such a problem

Changeable, overestimation self


  • He is always overestimate himself, but when disease is unbearable he sudddenly change his mind and decide to visit a doctor

Changable, overestimation self (1)

Second stage

Key word

  • Strange (Stram astonished but plat says it is strang)
  • Note that his problem does not seems strange but he says it is strange
  • Del, Strange land as if in: Bry, Verat


Anxiety, sudden

Bell says he comes to Doctor when I can do nothing

Reflecting, sadness in


Shirking, aid for

Delusion, Help, calling for (1)

  • I need some vitamin. My disease is better now, I need some vitamins (Plat ₳ Sul)
  • Do you think you can help me?


MIND - HELPING OTHERS - aversion to help others: Calc, Plat, Sil

Spoken to being, gg (2) Cham, Plat

Jesting, taciturnity (1)

Jesting, Seriousness