Nux-v in Sehgal

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Nux-v is a Sehgal Remedy in Sehgal Method

Sehgal Rubrics

DELUSIONS, poor he is

FEAR poverty of

ANGER, interruption from

  • More than falling ill what bothers him is the sedentary lifestyle forced upon him by his sickness. His inactivity makes him feel incapacitated in some way, which induces in him the fear of losing his wealth earned through long and hard work.
  • As long as he can go about his work uninterrupted by his illness, he pays no attention to it (Like Ars) He acts only when he finds his movements restricted. Then he seeks a doctor's help to remove disease (interference).


  • ANGER, interruption from
  • Anger, Himself with
  • Disturbed, averse to being
  • Spoken, to being, aversion
  • Irritability, Spoken to when
  • He tells: He hates being sick He has been taking all the precautions since the time he last fell ill to avoid falling sick again, for he hates to be kept away from work on account of his illness.
  • When he fell sick in spite of all his efforts he is cross with himself for his body's weak resistance.
  • Even when the disease got him for the first time and the body hasn't had the chance to get immune.
  • He says, "I do not even want to fall sick. I want to stay fit and working." He also hates being treated as a sick person.


ESCAPE, attempts to

  • Irritability, Idles while: Calc
  • Industrious
  • He says, I do not understand how I fell sick after all those precautions I took.
  • I think beside the treatment for my disease I need to have something to raise my body's immunity.
  • I can't seem to tolerate even a little change.

DELUSIONS, body, threads, inside is made of (1)

SENSITIVE, Complaint to the most trifling (1)

  • Thread: Fine and delicate material that breaks under the slightest stress. •
  • Trifling: A matter of little value
  • DELICACY, feeling of

BUOYANCY, alternating with sadness (1)

  • Mood swings is a particular picture. He is ecstatic when everything goes according to his wishes. He spends indiscriminately and lives lavishly.
  • Money gives him a feeling of warmth and elevates his mood.
  • But if things run contrary he gets very Upset/ Depression. However his depression does not last long. He is able to shake it off as soon as he figures out how he can make up for the loss or amend the things that have gone wrong.


FEAR, losing, his position in the society

For example, this patient was to submit a project but he fell ill. Due to his illness, he failed to prepare it by the due date. Now, no matter what the reason which prevented him, this patient will go into depression. But the reason he is upset, is not because he was unable to prepare his project on time but because it hurts his good image. He has always been known to fulfill his commitment.


  • It is a long time before a Nux patient's endurance gives way and he seeks medical attention for his problem
  • He visits a doctor when he fears that his condition may affect his mobility/ Activity.

ANXIETY, bed in

DELUSIONS, injury is about to receive

FEAR, poverty of

  • Fear of becoming dependent upon others. He says, "Who will look after me if I am bed ridden? Although my wife and children are very caring and supportive I would not want to give them any trouble as they are busy and have their own problems to deal with. It is better to live only as one can live without being dependent on others."
  • "My only wish is to live with my pride. I would not like to live to see a moment in my life when I have to beg for help."
  • He is worried that if he does not get better his condition will only move to worse posing a threat to his survival.

ANGER, chill, from anger

ANGER, chill, from anger, alternating with heat (1)

DELUSIONS, bed, someone gets into and no room in it (1)

Del, Bed, sold his bed, someone has (1)

Del, people, pranks with him, carry on all sorts of (1)

Del, people, questions and he must answer, people address with him (1)

Alcoholism, hypochondriasis, with irritability, with

IMPATIENCE, coryza, with

IRRITABILITY, pains, during

IRRITABILITY, anxiety, with: Acon, Nux-v, Phos

LOQUACITY, health, about his (1)

QUARRELSOME, disturbed, if (1)

SUICIDAL disposition, talks always of suicide, but does not commit (1)

UNCONSCIOUSNESS, delirium tremens, in (1)

Ailment, Anger, vexation, with: Bry, Cham, Coff, Kali-bi, Nux-v

Ailment, Anger,anxiety with

Anger, answer, when obliged to

COMPANY, aversion to; presence of other people agg. the symptoms; desire for solitude

JEALOUSY, animal or an inanimate objects, for: Caust, Hyos, Lach, Nux-v

JEALOUSY, brutal from, gentle husband becoming: Calc, Lach, Nux-v, Sul

JEALOUSY, quarrels, reproaches, scolds, with: Lach, Nux-v

OBSTINATE, headstrong, resists wishes of others: Alum, Dulc, Nux-v

SENSITIVE, oversensitive, slightest, to stepping, of voices, to

STRIKING, desires to strike