Cina in Sehgal

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Cina is a good Sehgal Remedy in Sehgal Method


  • Refuse to take help
  • You cannot quiets him even if with force
  • Compared with Cham and Ars
Cina Ars Cham
Weeping, Carried when, child cries Piteously +++

Mother Caresses/ Kisses him

Mother is disgusting

from his child behaving

Mother wants to slap her child

since she become so angry

Quitted, Carried only by being +++ +++
Quitted, Cannot be +++

In being satisfying, Cina is the worse remedy, since you cannot satisfies him by any means. Cham is better than Cina and Ars is better than Cham in this matter.

QUIETED, cannot be, carried, only by being: Ars, Cham QUIETED, cannot be, carried, only by being: Ars, Cham
Carried desire to be fast ROCKING amel, Fast (1) +++

He wants you to listen to him instantly

Cappritiousness +++ +++ +++
Capriciousness, Rejecting the things for which he has been longing, when offerd he is +++ +++
Kicks children in carried, child become stiff and kicks +++ +++

PLAY; aversion to (in children) (8)

Sehgal Rubrics

  • CARESSED, proof, against
  • INDIFFERENCE, caresses, to
  • ANGER, irascibility, caressing, from - children, in
Carried desire for CARRIED, rocked, and
Lamenthing LAMENTING, moaming on waking

MOANING, afternoon

QUIETED, cannot be
REFUSES, to take help

ANXIETY, children, waking, evening, In -

ANXIETY, cough, after whooping



CONFUSION, of mind cough, before paroxysm of

FEAR, evil, evening, walking in open air, while midnight, before-,

IRRITABILITY, cough, from

JUMPING, children In evening impulse, sudden pain, as from -

JUMPING, excitement, emotional

JUMPING, right

ANGER - cough, before temper tantrums

ANGER, throws things away

ANGER, trifies, at

ANGER, worm affection, in

ANGUISH walking in open air

ANXIETY evening night children, in waking, on air, in open children, in

ANXIETY , conscience, as if guilty of a crime

ANXIETY , dreams, on waking from frightful

ANXIETY , touched, anxiety to being waking, on

APPROACH, aversion, to being approached


BITE, desire to

BITE, nails

BITE, fingers - glass when fed

BITE, spoon etc.

BITE, worm affections, in -

CAPRICIOUSNESS, children, in

CAPRICIOUSNESS, longing for things which are rejected when offered

CARESSED, aversion to being.

CARRIED, desire to be fast

CARRIED, desire to be , shoulder, over

COMPANY, aversion to, strangers, avers ion to the presence of

COMPLAINING waking, on

CONTEMPTUOUS, everything, to

CONTRADICTION, is intolerant of



DELIRIUM crying, with raging, raving sleep, during waking, on

DELUSIONS, animals, of

DELUSIONS,, crime, committed a, he had criminals, about

DELUSIONS,, dogs, sees

DELUSIONS,, epilepsy, would have an epileptic fit; he

DELUSIONS, fancy, illusions of

DELUSIONS, figures, sees

DELUSIONS, images, sees frightful

DELUSIONS, smell, of taste, of

DELUSIONS, visions, has evening

DESIRES, full of numerous, various thing

DESTRUCTIVENESS, children, in -


DISCONTENTED, displeased, dissatisfied children - everything, with

DISOBEDIENCE - children, in -

EATING, amel, mental symptoms�

EATS, more than she should

EXCITEMENT, excitable hungry, when nervous

EXERTION, agg. from mental

FEAR, apprehension, dread approaching him, of others,

FEAR, children cannot bear to have anyone come near them

FEAR, evil, of

FEAR, night

FEAR,touch, of

FEAR, tremulous waking, on

FEAR, dream, from a walking, while air, in open

FRIGHTENED, waking, on

GESTURES, nose, lips, at

GESTURES, pick at bed clothes

GESTURES, strange attitudes and positions






HURRY, drinking, on


INDIFFERENCE, apathy agreeable things, to everything, to irritating, disagreeable things, to joy and suffering, to

IRRESOLUTION, indecision

IRRITABILITY, children, in dentition, during heat, after during


IRRITABILITY, spoken to or touched

IRRITABILITY, menses, during rocking fast amel

JESTING, aversion to

KICKS, sleep, in stiff and kicks when carried, becomes worm affections, in -

LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing asleep, while

TOUCH, everything, children, in, impelled to With Others

ABUSIVE, children, Insult parents -

AILMENTS from anger, vexation