Cimic, Cimicifuga racemosa

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Core theme

  • Feeling as if being stuck in shackles / Dark clouds
  • Feeling weird in the head
  • Occupation amel


  • She has just become a mother and now she is very regret and thinks that it is too early to accept such a responsibility. Since she will not be able to continue her social activities.
  • She is angry with herself and does not like to think this way about her child.
  • Such a paradox has made her feel trapped in an iron cage.

Envelope in Heavy black cloud

  • She is stuck in a dark space.
  • Sometimes the patient does not have this feeling clearly and expresses it as dullness / Heaviness.
  • But this dullness is different from a simple one, and she describes it as a feeling of pressure from outside to inside. (Just like chest oppression or heavy breathing)


The disease center is head.

  • It is as if there is air in her head which may open her head suddenly and comes out of her brain.
  • She says: "Bad things are happening in my head,"
  • Confusion, feeling of unrestrained and madness and protrusion in the head

HEAD - WILD feeling: Bapt, Hell, Lil-t

MIND - HOLDING - head - moaning; and vomiting when


  • A good remedy for postpartum Depression / Insanity
  • Severe depression with nightmares that are constantly threatening her
  • Restlessness that made her going from one place to another place continuously.(Ars-i)
  • Depressed and nervous, Restless and anxious, Frustrated and skeptical
  • Refuses to take medication
  • Mental condition is agg by Menstruation / Diarrhea


Rat plays a very prominent role in i her fears and delusions.

MIND - FEAR - rats

MIND -DELUSIONS - animals - persons are animals - rats, mice, insects etc.

MIND - DELUSIONS - bed - strange objects, rats, sheep in the bed

MIND - DELUSIONS - rats, sees

MIND - DELUSIONS - rats, sees - running - room; across the

MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - monsters, of - strange objects and rats

MIND - DELUSIONS - mice - sees

MIND - DELUSIONS - mice - sees - chair; running from under a

EXTREMITIES - MOUSE running up limbs; sensation of a

Back, Neck

  • Stiffness /spasms and feeling of stretching, esp in the neck
  • Rigid neck / Back Heaviness + Headache
  • Stretching by bending forward or backward
  • Back pain during menstruation
  • Rheumatic pains in Back / Lower back
  • Hysteric pains in Back / Neck


  • Esp in Vertex / Occiput
  • Headache + Back pain
  • Forehead pain that spreads to Occiput or vice versa
  • Burning sensation in Occiput, esp when moving
  • Feeling pressure on vertex up or out
  • She does not know if the headache started first and hit my neck or neck pain. (Sil)
  • Headaches are both neuralgic and sometimes rheumatic
  • SRP headaches

HEAD - PAIN - Forehead, in - Nose; above root of - extending to - Over the head, with delirium and vomiting; gradually

HEAD - PAIN - boring - Occiput - bolt had been driven from neck to vertex; as if a - pulsating, agg. at every heartbeat

HEAD - PAIN - plug, peg or wedge - Vertex - as if bolt had been driven from neck to vertex - pulsating at every heartbeat

HEAD - PAIN - shooting - Occiput - extending to - Vertex, like a bolt


  • Typically, she comes to you with hysterical tendencies, insomnia, and irritability in Menopause
  • Menopause Hot-flushing

Cimic , Sep, Naja

  • Three important and very similar drugs in women who have suffered many problems due to infidelity, but each of them has not been divorced from their husbands for their own reasons


  • MIND - FEAR - death, of - wires encaging him; saw
  • MIND - FEAR - fainting, of: Acon, Arg-n, ars-s-f, aster, carb-an, kola, LAC-C, Plat
  • MIND - FEAR - riding in a carriage, when - closed carriage and being obliged to jump out; in a