Lac-c, Lac Caninum

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Lac-c ₳ Syph

Core theme

  • Sankaran emphasizes on loss of confidence and feeling of inferiority and compensatory effort to gain satisfaction (behavior of a dog towards its owner), but this effort does not lead to success and the feeling of inferiority still exists and usually leads to anger and aggression.
  • Low self confidence

MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence

MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence - self-depreciation

MIND - DELUSIONS - fail, everything will

MIND - DELUSIONS - insulted, he is

Lac-c in brief

  • It is a state between Phos and Lyc, but its emotional traits and irritability are more sever
  • Angry to whom has humiliated him (Staph, Germ-met)
  • Nervousness and irritability (Nit-ac, Germ-met)
  • Self-loathing (Ambr) (Ambr ₳ Lac-c)
Lac-c ₳ Lyc
  • Both have low self-steam
  • Lyc is afraid of not being able to handle his work and responsibility, so he has a controlled behavior.
  • Lac-c feels inferior and has been humiliated (Germ-met), so he is angry with someone who humiliated him (Germ-met)
Lac-c ₳ Phos
  • Like Phos, Lac-c is very ticklish and sensitive to external stimuli
  • You see sharp Phos that reminds you of Nit-ac and you get confused.



  • Lyc /Staph has a controlled behavior and expresses his anger to a third person, but Lac-c acts uncontrollably and torn in his anger.
  • Like Phos, he is extroverted and timid, but unlike Phos, you don't feel comfortable with him because he is tense and irritable.
  • Extroversion + Nervousness is similar to Caust, which is also a good neighbor to Phos.
  • It reminds you of Nit-ac because of its sharp inner rage
  • Despite his nervousness and irritability (Nit-ac, Germ), he has many visible fears (Phos, Stram).


Neurotic like

  • Nux-v: More irritable
  • Caust: extroverted and nervous patient (sharp and sympathetic towards outsiders and compassionate towards insiders)
  • Phos: extroverted and sensitive
  • Lac-c: Extroverted but Neurotic like
  • It is a state between Phos and Lyc, but it is more irritable.


  • Like Ambr, he considers himself inferior to others.
  • Unlike Ambr, is extroverted and aggressive.
  • In Ambr the feeling of being dirty prevails but in Lac-c there is a feeling of humiliation (Staph).
  • Like Staph, he is angry at someone who humiliated him.
  • Staph feels that his reputation has been lost and that this kind of treatment was not his right. But Lac-c is so angry that he shows his anger easily in any situation. (Lac-c ₳ Staph)


  • Like Ambr, he thinks he is inferior/considers himself inferior to others. (Ambr ₳ Lac-c)
  • Like Staph, he is angry at someone who humiliated him, except that Staph feels his reputation is going away. As if it was not his right or his dignity.
  • Like Lyc, Staph has a controlled behavior and expresses his anger to a third person, but Lac-c acts uncontrollably and torn in his anger. (Lac-c ₳ Lyc)
  • Lyc is afraid of not being able to handle his work and responsibility, so he has a controlled behavior. But Lac-c feels inferior and has been humiliated (Germ-met), so he is angry with someone or those who humiliated him (Germ-met ₳ Lac-c).


  • Despite his nervousness and irritability (Nit-ac, Germ-met), he has many fears that are visible (Phos, Stram).
  • In general Case is not clear and the only clear and widely used characteristic is the alternation of signs between left and right
  • Lac-c is very ticklish and sensitive to external stimuli
  • In the old Materia Medica many fears for Lac-c are listed. In general, his fears are very visible (Stram).
    • Exposure to various conditions similar to Phos, Lyc
    • Fear of death, ghosts, and snakes.
    • Loneliness
    • Duty
    • Unfortunate incident
    • Insanity
    • Debilitating illness, falls,
    • Failures and fainting

Sore throat

  • Sore throat only during period (Calc)
  • Mag-c sore throat before period


Side alternation

Its main and widely used characteristic is the alternation of signs between left and right

  • Headache, sore throat and sciatica, alternating side
  • Sore throat from left to right (Lach) is also a good Differential diagnosis.

Clinical notes

  • You see a sharp Phos that reminds you Nit-ac and you get confused.
  • Lac-c is extroverted and neurotic like:
    • Nux-v: More irritable.
    • Caust: Extroverted and nervous patient (sharp and sympathetic towards outsiders and compassionate towards insiders)
    • Phos: extroverted and sensitive (Lac-c ₳ Phos)

Difficult diagnosis

  • Lac-c is not easy to prescribe, and if you have doubts, prescribe it easily because its typical patient is rare.
  • In my patients, the specific psychological condition has guided me to the prescription. And of course, most of the physical characteristics have been diagnostic.
  • Dissemination of pain from the throat to the ear like Phyt (right-sided)
  • When a mother has lost her child and her milk needs to dry up, the best medicines are Lac-c and Puls


He dreams of snakes and thinks about snakes frequently.

Female remedy

  • Oophoritis
    • Problems during ovulation (day 14)
    • Ovarian pain, alternating side
    • Agg by movement, breathing and bending back
    • Spreading pain down, esp the knee or thigh, or from one ovary to another

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - alternating side



FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - left - extending to - right: LACH

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - bending - backward amel.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - breathing agg.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - coition – after

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - intermittent

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - menses - before LACH

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - menses - during LACH

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - menses - during - amel.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - motion - agg. BELL.k BRY

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - extending to - Knees

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - extending to - Limbs - down

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - extending to - Other ovary; from one to the

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Ovaries - extending to - Thighs

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - alternating sides

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - right ARS

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - menses - during

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - extending to - left

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - extending to - Knee

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Ovaries - extending to - Side; up the


  • Spreading pain down (thighs) or up
  • The pains are neuralgic in nature


FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Uterus - menses - during

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Uterus - extending to - downward

aesc.k Apisk ars.k Cact.k calc.k calc-p.k con.k Graph.k ham.k hydrog.srj2 ip.k kali-i.k Kreos.k lac-c.k mag-m.k nat-m.k nit-ac.k nux-v.k sec.k Sep.k ust.k,mrr1

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Uterus - extending to - upward

lac-c.mrr1 LACH.k lyc.k lyss.k Murx.k,mrr1 phos.k Sep.k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Uterus - extending to - Thighs; down the

apisk ars.k bufok cact.k Calc.k caul.mrr1 cham.mrr1 cimic.mrr1 con.k des-ac.rbp6 graph.k ham.k Kali-c.k kali-i.k kreos.k Lac-c.k mag-m.k nat-m.k nit-ac.k nux-v.k ust.k,mrr1 Vib.mrr1 xan.mrr1

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - lancinating - Uterus

anan.k Ars.hr1,k bufok Con.hr1,k crot-c.a1,k dream-p.sdj1 graph.hr1,k hurak ign.hr1,k lac-c.hr1,k murx.a1,hr1,k ped.a1 sep.a1,hr1,k tarent.a1,k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - lancinating - Uterus - extending to - Upward

lac-c.k sep.k


ap-g.vh1 Apisk cench.k dream-p.sdj1 irid-met.srj5 kali-p.k Lac-c.hr1,k lac-lup.hrn2 Lach.k LIL-T.hr1,k lyc.k sep.k Staph.k ust.hr1,k vib.k xan.k xanth.k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - sharp - Ovaries - right

ignis-alc.es2 Lac-c.hr1 neonsrj5


agath-a.nl2 am-c.k ambr.bg2,k androc.srj1 arg-n.k2 arn.k ars.k Ars-i.k aur-s.k2 bar-m.bg2 bell.bg2 bov.k Calc.k calc-p.k calc-sil.k2 canth.k CARB-V.k Carbn-s.k Caust.k cham.bg2,bg2 Coc-c.k coff.k con.k falco-pe.nl2,bg2 ferr-i.k Graph.k Hep.k iod.k kali-bi.bg2,k Kali-c.bg2,k kali-sil.k2 KREOS.bg2,k Lac-c.k lyc.k meph.k nat-c.a1 nit-ac.k petr.k phos.a1,xxx PLAT.k puls.k,bg2,k sal-fr.sle1 sec.k Sep.k Sil.k,bg2,k sul-i.k2 Sulph.k Thuj.bg2,k Zinc.k zinc-p.k2

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - sore - lying on back and separating knees as far as possible


FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - sore - walking agg.



alet.k2 alum.k am-m.hr1 Ant-c.k Apisk arg-met.k arg-n.k arn.hr1,k Ars-i.k atro.k bell.bg2 BRY.a1,bg2,hr1,k Bufok Canth.k Chin.k cimic.k coloc.k con.k cupr-ar.k graph.k guaj.k ham.hr1,k helon.hr1,k hep.k Iod.k kali-br.k kali-c.k kreos.c1 Lac-c.k LACH.k LIL-T.a1,k med.k Nux-m.a1,k ol-j.hr1,k onos.k Pall.k Plat.hr1,k psor.k puls.k rhus-t.k sep.a1,k Staph.k sul-i.k2 syph.hr1,k tarent.k ter.k ther.hr1,k thuj.bg1 ust.k vesp.k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - sore - Ovaries - menses - before

Kali-c.k Lac-c.k


abies-c.bro1 acon.bro1 Aesc.hr1,k am-c.k ant-c.k Apisk arg-met.k arg-n.k ARN.hr1,k,tl1 Ars-i.k AUR.hr1,k BELL.k bell-p.bg1,tl1 bov.k BRY.k Bufok Calc.hr1,k calc-p.hr1,k canth.k caul.hr1,k cham.k chin.k Cimic.k Cocc.k Con.hr1,k conv.bg2,br1,bro1,c1 ferr.bg2 ham.k13,kl helo.bg2 Helon.hr1,k Hydr.k kali-c.k kreos.k Lac-c.hr1,k LACH.k lappabg1,k Lil-t.k lyss.hr1,k mag-m.bro1 med.hr1 merc.bg1,bro1 MURX.bg2,hr1,k nat-m.k2 nux-m.a1,k nux-v.hr1,k Onos.k plat.bro1 podo.k2 Puls.k rhus-t.hr1,k sanic.bro1,c2 sec.a1,k sep.hr1,k tarent.k til.a1,bg1,bg2 tril-p.k VERAT-V.hr1,k


aeth.a1 agath-a.nl2 alum.bg2,hr1,k Ars.bg2,hr1,k aur.k bart.a1 Bell.a1,,bg2,hr1,k Borx.k Calc.a1,,bg2,hr1,k Calc-p.k cann-xyz.bg2 caust.bg2,k coc-c.k,bg2,hr1,k,bg2,hr1,k fl-ac.bg2 Glon.k GRAPH.bg2,k hydr.sne ign.k inul.hr1,bg2,hr1,k kali-n.h2,kl kreos.bg2 lac-c.k Lyc.a1,bg2,h2 meli.k merc.bg2,k murx.k nat-s.k nit-ac.bg2,k oci.bro1 pall.k,bg2,k,bg2,hr1,k,bg2,k2,bg2,k,bg2,k sul-ac.k tarent.a1,k tell.c1,bg2,k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Labia - left - extending to - Uterus to right ovary; through

bell.k lac-c.k phos.k thuj.k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Uterus

ACON.hr1,k agath-a.nl2 anan.hr1,k Apisk Arg-n.hr1,k ars.k aur.hr1,k BELL.hr1,k borx.bg2,k bufobg2,k calc.hr1,k cimic.bg2,hr1 CON.hr1,k cur.hr1,k dream-p.sdj1 Ferr.a1,hr1,k fl-ac.hr1,k gels.hr1,k graph.k hurak ign.k inul.a1,hr1,k Kali-c.hr1,k kali-p.k kolastb3 Lac-c.k lap-a.br1,c1,hr1 Lil-t.k lyss.a1,hr1,k Merc.hr1,k,k2 Murx.k nux-v.k phos.bg2,k plac.rzf5 plat.bg2,k SEP.a1,hr1,k syph.k2 tarent.hr1,k

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - stitching - Uterus - extending to - upward

LAC-C.k murx.k,mrr1 Sep.k

Alternating sides

  • In general Lac-c is not an easy prescription.
  • The only clear and widely used characteristic is the alternation of signs between left and right
    • Headache, sore throat and sciatica, alternating side
    • Sore throat from left to right (Lach)

Difficult diagnosis

  • Lac-c is not easy to prescribe, and if you have doubts, prescribe it easily because its typical patient is rare.
  • In my patients, the specific psychological condition (not necessarily with the rubric) has guided me to the prescription. And of course, most of the physical characteristics have been diagnostic.

Peculiar keynotes

  • Dissemination of pain from the throat to the ear like Phyt (right-sided)
  • When a mother has lost her child and her milk needs to dry up, the best medicines are Lac-c and Puls
  • Sore throat only during menses (Calc) (Mag-c sore throat before menses)


  • In general, his many fears are very visible (Stram)
  • Fear of exposure to various conditions similar to Phos, Lyc
  • Fear of death, ghosts, snakes, Loneliness, Duty, Unfortunate incident,
  • Insanity, debilitating illness, falls, failures and fainting


  • He dreams of snakes and thinks about snakes frequently.
  • He frequent washes their hands (Lac-c ₳ Syph)