Cupr, Cuprum metallicum

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Core theme

Spasm / Colic / Cramp

  • Severe / Painful Hiccups/ Vomiting
  • Severe crampy stomach pains
  • Severe gurgling esp caused by cold water
  • Spasms of uterus, legs and fingers
  • Cholera: Diarrhea + Rectal cramps
  • Abdominal colic
  • Seizure / Opisthotonos
    • Clonic convulsions with facial bruising and vomiting
    • Convulsions from suppression of rash or before eruption of rash

Children Behavioral disorders

  • Fear of strangers, Shy
  • Malicious behavior
  • Does not like to play
  • Tantrums, Screaming/ Kicking / Biting / Spitting
  • Night nightmare

General Agg


  • Esp when the patient faints
  • Painful menses
  • Delayed or prolonged menses


  • Long violent uninterrupted paroxysms
  • Asthmatic / Paroxysmal coughs
  • Worse moon phases
  • Agg by emotional excitement
  • Sudden/ Severe/ Suffocating coughs typically agg at 3:00 AM

Mental problems

Sankaran view

  • Cup is the first line of metals in the Periodic Table along with Zinc, Ferr, Nicc, and Mang.
  • It is a psoric remedy.
  • As with the other metals, Cupr also has the theme of attack, defense and performance.

Threat of attack

  • The main feeling of Cupr is that of being attacked. He feels he has to be prepared for a sudden attack and has to attack back.
  • This feeling comes in paroxysms in contrast to Zinc which feels attacked continuously. (Cupr ₳ Zinc)
  • This is the theme of war, and Cupr has a lot to do with war and armies.
  • Delusion of being an officer, a great person, a person of rank, a general.
  • Feeling of being attacked and the need to defend is also reflected in his hobbies, which often include the martial arts such as judo, karate, etc. Funnily enough, Cup has the symptom: “Fists are clenched during convulsion”.
  • Not continuous but intermittent, occurring suddenly and spasmodically
  • Sometimes periodical and sometimes due to an exciting cause. (Cupr ₳ Zinc)
  • The cough comes in attacks, anger comes in attacks.
  • Children: Fear of being approached; the child cannot bear anyone coming near her and reacts immediately by striking, shrieking, biting, spitting, rage, kicking, attacking with fists, etc.

Fear, approaching him, of others, children cannot bear to have anyone come near them.

Delusion, pursued, police, by.

Delusion, arrested, is about to be.


  • Delusion, commander, being a.
  • Delusion, general, he is a.
  • Delusion, great person, he is a.
  • Delusion, officer, he is an.
  • Delusion, rank, he is a person of.
  • Dictatorial, command, talking with air of.


  • Delusion, he is selling green vegetables
  • Delusion, he is repairing old chairs
  • These are very ordinary occupations and Cupr needs to be much more than that, he needs to be a general.

Imitating others

  • They imitate others, sometimes making fun of others. There is also a certain degree of egotism seen in Cupr. They can be good entertainers as well.


  • Although repertory is full of different delirium of Cupr, this is my theory to consider Delirium as a main theme of Cupr.
  • Finlay I will become insane

    MIND - DELUSIONS - insane - become insane; one will


  • Intolerable Pain (esp Abdominal), Hemorrhage, Fits, Delivery and Inflammation/ Fever, Seizure

    MIND - INSANITY - hemorrhage, after: carb-v. Chin. Cupr. kreos. ph-ac. Sep. staph. verat

    MIND - INSANITY - pain; from intolerable: ACON. Bell. canth. Colch. croc. cupr. Hyper. VERAT.

    MIND - INSANITY - pain; from intolerable - Abdomen, in canth

    MIND - INSANITY - perspiration - fits of insanity followed by perspiration

    MIND - INSANITY - puerpera

GENERALS - INFLAMMATION - followed by – delirium cupr

MIND - DELIRIUM - fever - during

MIND – DELIRIUM – convulsions – during


  • Maniacal, Malicious, Megalomania, Loquacity

    MIND - DELIRIUM - maniacal

    MIND - INSANITY - malicious: agar. Bell. cann-s. Cupr. gaert. Hyos. lyc. morg. STRAM.

    MIND - INSANITY – megalomania anac. bacls-7. cupr. glon. Graph. Hyos. Lach. lyc. Phos. Plat. Stram. sulph. Syph. Verat-v. Verat.

    MIND - DELIRIUM – loquacious

    MIND - DELIRIUM - loquacious - fever; during: bell.bg2 cupr.bg2 lach.bg2 rhus-t.bg2 Stram.bg2 verat.bg2

Accompanied by

  • Anxiety, Cheerfulness, Convulsions, Escaping, Wild look maniacal rage face, Bitting
  • Frequent pulse ,Increased perspiration
  • He is afraid of approaching others and wants to run away.
  • It agg with darkness
  • His delirium is manic and accompanied by talkativeness and violence (Biting) (Bell ₳ Cupr)

    MIND - INSANITY - anxiety, with ars. bell. cupr. kali-c. nat-c. Stram. verat. verb.

    MIND - INSANITY - cheerful, gay: bell. cann-s. croc. cupr. ign. mez. stram. verat.

    MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful acon.bg2,k agar.k agath-a.nl2 ant-t.kr1 aur.k Bell.bg2,k cact.k cann-s.k con.k croc.zzz cupr.zzz hyos.k lact.k lact-v.zzz op.bg2,k plat.zzz spig-m.zzz spong.zzz Stram.k sulph.bg2,k verat.bg2,k

    MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful - fever; during Bell.bg2 croc.bg2 cupr.bg2 Hyos.bg2 spong.bg2 stram.bg2 verat.bg2

    MIND - INSANITY - convulsions, with cupr. Hyos. oena. phos. Stram. Verat-v. Zinc.

    MIND - INSANITY - escape, desire to ars. Bell. cupr. dig. nux-v. Op. stram. verat.

    MIND - INSANITY - face - wild look; with cupr.

    MIND - INSANITY - wantonness, with: bell. cupr. Hyos. merc. mez. stram. verat.

    FACE - DISCOLORATION - red - maniacal rage, with acon. ars. BELL. Camph. cic. Cupr. Hyos. lyc. meli. merc. nux-v. Op. plat. puls. Stram. Verat.

    MIND - INSANITY - pulse; with frequent ars. crot-h. Cupr-act. cupr

    PERSPIRATION - INSANITY; attacks of – after cupr.

MIND - BITING - delirium, during: BELL.kr1 Canth.kr1, cupr.a2, hydr-ac.a1 lyss.kr1 phos.a1 STRAM

MIND - ANTICS; playing - delirium; during: bell.k cupr.k HYOS.k lact.k lact-v.a1 op.k phos.k plb.k stram.k

MIND - DELIRIUM - evening - dark, in the Calc-ar.hr1,k cupr.hr1,

MIND - DELIRIUM - bed - escapes, jumps up suddenly from bed

MIND - DELIRIUM - bellows like a calf cupr.hr1,k

MIND - DELIRIUM - bite, desire to anthraci.vh BELL.hr1,kr1,tl1 Canth.hr1,kr1, cupr.kr1, hydr-ac.a1,kr1 lyss.hr1,kr1 STRAM.hr1,kr1

MIND - DELIRIUM - collapse, with cupr.hr1,kr1

MIND - DELIRIUM - dark, in Calc.k Calc-ar.hr1,k Carb-v.k Cupr.hr1,k Stram.k

MIND - DELIRIUM - fire, talks of Calc.k cupr.vh

MIND - DELIRIUM - look fixed on one point Acon.kr1 art-v.k bell.j bov.k camph.k cann-s.j canth.k cham.j Cic.j cupr.k guaj.j hell.j Ign.k,ptk1 kreos.j mez.j nat-c.j ran-b.k stram.k

MIND – DELIRIUM – picking at nose or lips, with Arum-t.hr1,k BRY.k camph.kr1 Carb-v.k Chel.k chin.k chlf.kr1 croc.k cupr.k HYOS.k hyosin.a1 kali-p.kr1 op.k past.a1 Ph-ac.k phos.k plb.k rhus-t.k sec.k tab.k valer.k verat.k


MIND - DELIRIUM – raging (2+)

MIND - DELIRIUM - shrieking; with Agar.br1 crot-h.bg2 cupr.bg2 merc.bg2

MIND - DELIRIUM - sleep - during: APIS, BELL, BRY



MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - delirium; during: alco.a1 bell.a,br1 bry.br1 Coloc.zzz Cupr.kr1 dig.a2 hyos.br1 merc.a1 oena.a1 phos.a1 rhus-t.br1 Stram.a,br1 sul-ac.a verat.a,ll1

MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - delirium, in: cupr.k stram.k Thuj.k

MIND - INDIFFERENCE - delirium; after cupr.kr1 op.a1


  • Ailment from excitement, emotional.
  • Anxiety, paroxysms, in.
  • Bite, desire to.
  • Fear, strangers, of.
  • Rage, biting with.
  • Rage, shrieking with.
  • Rage, violent.
  • Spit, faces of people, in
  • MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - delirium, in cupr.k stram.k Thuj