Delusion Wealth

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Related rubrics

  • Del, Poor he is
  • Jealousy
  • Benevolence
  • Carefulness
  • Fear, poverty
  • Egotism
  • Preying
  • Begging: Ars, Aur, Bell, Kali-c, Lyss, Plat, Plb, Puls, Stann, Stram
  • Barganing: Bry, Puls, Sil, Sul
  • Contentment
  • Pompous, important
  • Flattering
  • Booster

Beautiful combination of rubrics

Del, Wealth

Fear, poverty

  • In starting his treatment he feel wealth and tell the doctor, Do not worry in prescribing expensive medicine
  • After several sessions, when the treatment become prolonged, he start to feel that his Money / Power is getting reduced slowly. He tells you I need too many medicine.

Del, Poor

  • I never need medicine. I am healthy / Wealthy
  • But recently I have disease, I do not know from when.
  • This malady is bothering me. I want to get rid of it so fast. (Carried desire to fast)
  • He wants some remedy to enjoy life again. So he come to you when his enjoyment is hurt


  • He has a very strong ego, he even does not ask God for helping
  • How can somebody helps me. He doe not go to temple.
  • Calc lady has been sick for last one year. She tells you I do not have enough time. I did not have money. There is no one bringing me.
  • She come to you because of money. She could not asks anybody for money. This is Haughtiness + Stupidity. She suffer so much pain because of her stupidity.
  • You ca not break his Egotism / Haughty. This image is very important for Calc
  • You do not have Calc in rubrics Praying / Begging
  • He thinks he knows everything. This is his wealth. He is haughty about.
  • He gives some medical suggestion to his doctor
  • He also follows up his suggestion, which means that he believes in his knowledge.
  • He has strong ego. He never take help from any body
  • It is his red limit.
Verat He feels God as a friend. This is his wealth.


  • He is always satisfied. No worries. He is not happy but content
  • Not Worry about others but worry for herself/ Her own wealth
  • He never make friendship relation with poor people
  • To stay near rich people
  • He never likes his family member, since they are poor and useless for her.
  • He thinks he is a hard worker. He archive many things by his hard working

Pompous, important

Plat, Sul, Verat, Bell, Calc, Cann-i, Phos
  • What is the important of wealth? To show it to others, which means Pompous.
  • Pompous feeling show his benevolence in familiar people to tell him I am so important
  • Bell spend his money, in order to show you his importance
Plat, Verat, Calc
  • Bell thinks life should move. He is afraid if life will stop. He is not malicious. He is rarely become broken heart
  • Calc is very cautious / Reserved. He try to make effort. he believe in his effort
  • He is too strong. He boast about his independency
  • When you offer help, money to his, he gives it back as soon as possible.
  • He does not request for help directly. He tells you "You told me before, if you need, you can call me. If you can still help me?
  • His wealth is hopefulness.
  • He is exclusive. So he likes to be pampered since he has especial qualities (Pompous). Calc has boaster / Show off
  • He asks you when he is completely bad situation. He is indifferent about his recovery.
  • Comfort: If his life is comfortable, he does not ask you anything
  • He is avarice. But he squandering
  • He likes to be in his own battle. He lives in an independent life
Boaster Bell
  • Bell has squandering on thing for showing off.
  • His staring sentence is: I never become so sick, because they feel blessed by God
  • Mobility: I may have little disease but not a big. but when he feels that his life / Enjoyment / Mobility / Freedom is hurt, he come to doctor.
  • I do not like to be sick. I do not understand why people get sick. I have never such an experience.
  • He always keep smiling to hide his sickness or because of Frivolous
  • He has no program for future. He like Gambling. He is Credulous. You should ask him what do you plan for future? He answer you who have seen tomorrow?
  • When I see people who have so much money, I told them why do not enjoy it?
  • he tells you I am not worried about my pain, but for my life/ enjoyment
Verat, Nux-v, Plat
  • He thinks he is the only one who can tolerate such an intense pain without complaining/ Lamenting to others. Any one can see my weeping
  • Speaking with exaggerations from himself
  • Th kind of pain, which I can tolerate pain, no body could do it
  • He thinks he is most powerful person, who does not cry. No body ever sees my weep (Similar to hide desire)
Flattering Phos, Verat, Nux-v, Plat, Sul
Squandering, boasting from Bell,
  • They do not want spend their money, but only for Show of
  • They think God has given them a lot. So They are happy. They have every thing they should have
  • The axis of their life is enjoyment
  • When they come to doctor? When they have no pleasure. The cannot enjoy and this is alarm for them
  • I have a lot of thing but Ii cannot enjoy.
  • I cannot not understand sickness, since I have not ben sick yet
  • I Know I am cured fast.
  • First they want to hide their problem but if their disease hurt their enjoyment and freedom, they present their illness.
  • They are always smiling to hide their maladies. Of course they are frivolous
  • He is not fearing of future, health or poverty. He is not Jealous or Avarice
  • Gambling, passion, make money to: Bell, Calc, Lyc, Mag-m, Merc, Nat-c, Plat, Puls, Staph, Sul
  • Naïve: You should not save your money. You should Spend/ Enjoy it