Dull remedies
MIND - DULLNESS - air - wet air - from: Calc, Carb-v, Cimic, Dulc, merc, Nat-s, puls, Rhus-t, sil, sulph, verat
MIND - DULLNESS - alone, when; ph-ac
MIND - DULLNESS - bad news, from: calc-p
MIND - DULLNESS - children, in - puberty; at - girls: apis
MIND - DULLNESS - children, in - school children: carb-v
MIND - DULLNESS - closing eyes, on: zinc
MIND - DULLNESS - coition, after: bar-c, bov, calc, Sep
MIND - DULLNESS - company, in: plat
MIND - DULLNESS - conversation, from: sacch-a, sil, staph
MIND - DULLNESS - coryza; as from: aeth, berb, caul, chin, coc-c, colch, coloc, con, euphr, graph, hep, ign, ol-an, sep, staph
MIND - DULLNESS - cough, during: hep
MIND - DULLNESS - diabetes, in: Helon, Op, sul-ac
MIND - DULLNESS - dreams, after: arn, bell, caps, chin, cocc, eug, sil
MIND - DULLNESS - eating, after: calc-s.k chel.j5.de graph.k led.st meny.h1 petr.a1 phos.h2 Rhus-t.k tab.k
MIND - DULLNESS - emotions, from: acon.k op.k ph-ac.k staph.k
MIND - DULLNESS - epilepsy - before:Caust.k
MIND - DULLNESS - excitement; from:anac.ptk1
MIND - DULLNESS - forehead; with complaints of: acon.bg2 aloebg2 bar-c.bg2
MIND - DULLNESS - gassing, by: Caust, GLON
MIND - DULLNESS - head - complaints of head; with: agar.bg2 am-c.bg2 aran.bg2 ars.bg2 asar.bg2 Bapt.bg2 berb.bg2 bov.bg2 bry.bg2 calc.bg2 castm.bg2 con.bg2 cupr.bg2 dulc.bg2 echi.bg2 gels.bg2 hell.bg2 Hyos.bg2 led.bg2 mur-ac.bg2 nat-c.bg2 nux-m.bg2 ph-ac.bg2 phos.bg2 puls.bg2 sep.bg2 sil.bg2 squil.bg2 sulph.bg2
MIND - DULLNESS - headache, with: CIMIC, ...
MIND - DULLNESS - impotence, with: ph-ac
MIND - DULLNESS - injuries of head, after: arn, cic, hell, hyper, merc, NAT-S, rhus-t
MIND - DULLNESS - interrupted, when
MIND - DULLNESS - looking out the window lasting for hours
MIND - DULLNESS - loss of fluids, after
Chin.k Nux-v.k sulph.k
MIND - DULLNESS - masturbation, after
Gels.hr1,kr1 Nat-p.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 ph-ac.k13,k2 STAPH.hr1,k13,k2,kr1
MIND - DULLNESS - mental symptoms; during
alum.bg2 bov.bg2 caust.bg2 sil.bg2
MIND - DULLNESS - mortification, after
ign.k lach.k Staph.k
MIND - DULLNESS - old people, of
abel.vh1 Abies-n.vh1 AMBR.k Arg-met.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 Arg-n.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 BAR-C.k Con.sf1.de Lyc.sf1.de PLB.gk
MIND - DULLNESS - pain; with
MIND - DULLNESS - palpitation, with
MIND - DULLNESS - paroxysmal
sep.h2,kl zinc.h2,kl
MIND - DULLNESS - periodical
MIND - DULLNESS - pollutions - after
caust.k ind.a1 nat-p.mrr1 ph-ac.bro1
MIND - DULLNESS - pollutions - with
MIND - DULLNESS - pulse; with slow
MIND - DULLNESS - reading - hearing or reading; about what he is
MIND - DULLNESS - respiration; with impeded
MIND - DULLNESS - riding in a carriage - amel.
MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing
arn.j5.de Hell.hr1,kr1 Lach.j5.de Rheumj5.de spong.j5.de
MIND - DULLNESS - sexual excesses, after
Cocc.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 Sel.sf1.de Staph.vh,vh/dg,vhx1
MIND - DULLNESS - siesta; after
bar-c.kr1 eug.vml3 Graph.k lyc.h2 Nat-s.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 STAPH.vh,vh/dg,vhx1
MIND - DULLNESS - sleepiness, with
arn.j5.de benz-ac.a1 bit-ar.wht1 cact.kr1,hr1 calad.j5.de cann-s.j5.de carb-an.j5.de carb-v.j5.de caust.j5.de chin.j5.de clem.j5.de coff.j5.de colch.j5.de croc.j5.de crot-h.j5.de Cupr.kr1,hr1 dig.j5.de ferr.j5.de Gels.j5.de Hyos.j5.de ketogl-ac.rly4 kreos.j5.de lact.kr1,hr1 lyc.j5.de mag-s.j5.de Merc.kr1,hr1 nat-m.j5.de nux-m.j5.de Phos.kr1,hr1 plb.a1 sep.j5.de tax-br.oss1 staph.j5.de zinc.j5.de
MIND - DULLNESS - sleeplessness, with
agath-a.nl2 carc.mlr1 dulc.j5.de lact.j5.de ran-s.j5.de
MIND - DULLNESS - speaking, while
am-c.k cypra-eg.sde6.de kali-c.k Lyc.k mez.k
MIND - DULLNESS - spoken to, when
bry.k13,k2 lob.a1
MIND - DULLNESS - standing - agg.
bov.k bry.k guaj.k
MIND - DULLNESS - stiffness cervical region; with
MIND - DULLNESS - stool, after
apoc.vh1 calc.bg2 cycl.k
MIND - DULLNESS - stramonium; from
MIND - DULLNESS - thinking - long; unable to think
anac.k arb-m.oss1 bamb-a.stb2.de Bar-c.vh/dg,vhx1,vh carbn-s.k2 cham.k cinnb.k dendr-pol.sk4 con.k ery-a.k GELS.vhx2,vh/dg Limen-b-c.hrn2 GELS.k Kali-p.fd1.de moni.rfm1 oci-sa.sk4 PH-AC.vhx2,vh/dg,vh,k PHOS.mtf33,k PIC-AC.vhx2,vh/dg,vh,k rhus-g.tmo3 stram.k
MIND - DULLNESS - understand; does not - questions addressed to her - repetition; only after
ambr.k Caust.k cocc.k hell.hr1,kr1 kali-br.k med.st1 Phos.k,mtf33 Sulph.k Zinc.k
MIND - DULLNESS - urine amel.; copious flow of
Gels.k,mrr1 Ter.kr1
MIND - DULLNESS - vexation; after
ign.k lach.k
MIND - DULLNESS - vomiting amel.
MIND - DULLNESS - walking - air; in open - amel.
borx.k galeoc-c-h.gms1 graph.j5.de LYC.k nat-ar.k plan.k
MIND - DULLNESS - warm room, on entering a
acon.k Puls.k
MIND - DULLNESS - washing, amel. from cold
MIND - DULLNESS - words, with inability to find right
MIND - DULLNESS - writing, while
acon.k arg-n.a1,k cann-s.k chinin-s.k galeoc-c-h.gms1 glon.k,a1 kali-sil.k2,k13 nat-pyru.rly4 mag-c.k nux-m.k rhus-t.k Sil.k