Fibroma, Myoma

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Banerji protocols

First line
Second line
  • Thuj C30 BD
  • Con C1000 one dose every 10 days
Third line

Vikas Sharma protocol [1]

Main Core


  • Heavy periods in adenomyosis cases.
  • Copious menstrual flow that have heavy clots.
  • The blood is bright red in color and flows in gushes.
  • The menses may also last for a longer duration and are frequently attended with pain and colic.
  • The characteristic pain goes from sacrum to pubes.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding also appears.
  • Copious / Clotted Bleeding
  • Sacral pain spread to pubis


  • Prolonged menstrual bleeding in cases of adenomyosis.
  • Menstrual bleeding may prolong for ten to even fifteen days
  • The bleeding is also profuse with clots.
  • Uterine colic appears during menses.
  • Marked exhaustion attends excessive bleeding.
  • The next periods start without recovery from the previous one.
  • Sometimes the menstrual bleeding is profuse in every alternate month.
  • Prolonged menstrual bleeding


  • Heavy menstrual flow dark in color in adenomyosis.
  • Sometimes long black stringy clots pass with the dark blood.
  • The blood may also have an offensive odor.
  • Motion tends to worsen the flow and the menses are also prolonged.
  • Extreme pain may attend menstrual flow.
  • Heavy dark menstrual flow
  • Endometrial thickening


  • AUB: Bleeding between periods in cases of adenomyosis.
  • The menstrual flow appears at every two weeks duration.
  • Blood is Profuse/ Gushing / Bright red
  • This may cause the woman to faint.
  • Bearing down pain in the pelvis is also felt.
  • Pain in hips and small of the back, Sensation as if they will fall into pieces.
  • Profuse Metrorrhagia


  • Early, profuse and prolonged periods in adenomyosis.
  • Cutting Pains of nature appear in the uterus during periods.
  • Pain in the back also arise. Nausea may attend with the pain during periods.
  • Headache and vertigo may be felt during periods.
  • Anemia may be present due to frequent and profuse periods of long duration.
  • General agg during menses.


  • Severe cramps or pain during periods in adenomyosis.
  • Pain agg after Eating/ Drinking.
  • Pain amel by bending double or by hard pressure
  • Abdomen may be distended with a sensation of distress along with uterine colic
  • Uterine pain may also begin to be felt before the periods.
  • Great restlessness attends the menstrual colic.
  • Severe cramps during periods (Mag-p) which amel with pressure or Bending double


  • Painful periods in adenomyosis.
  • Pain may be cramping, drawing, darting, shooting, lightening like or cutting in nature.
  • Warm applications tend to relieve the pain
  • Along with uterine colic, a bruised sensation in the abdomen may also be felt.
  • Severe cramps during periods (Coloc) which amel with warm application


  • Uterine pain radiating down thighs in cases of adenomyosis.
  • The entire pelvic region feels full and congested.
  • Pain in the back also arises along with nausea.
  • The menstrual flow is profuse and contains large clots.
  • The blood may also be offensive.
  • Uterine pain radiating down thighs


  • In cases of adenomyosis to manage the complaint of painful intercourse.
  • Early and copious periods.
  • , Bearing-down pain in the pelvis and small of the back during periods.
  • Burning or shooting pain in the uterus
  • Painful intercourse.