Ign in Sehgal

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Ign is also a Sehgal remedy in Sehgal Method

Sehgal Rubrics

Other remedies which have also these four Rubrics are: Puls, Hep, Nux-v, Sep

A case of Skin eruptions/ Scabies

IRRITABILITY, pain during

  • She said in irritable voice , "I am sorry, I cannot bear this sort of agg by any more.
  • What sort of homoeopathic treatment is this? Oh! It is too tortuous


  • My capacity to continue with your treatment has totally exhausted
  • She feels annoyed and finds it useless to continue further, in her efforts.
  • She will stop further actions in a very strong resentful mood snapping relations from the source of cause

Injustice, can't support

This is totally unreasonable, the way you want to cure me

MOOD, repulsive

Why should one have to bear so much agony? I am sorry, I do not want to be treated


You stop this treatment and stop this aggravation
Del, Ruined

Good rubrics

AMUSEMENT; averse to (7)

Related Remedies

  • Hep: Both are Irritable from pain but Hep is Threatening state and Ign is Disconcerted.