Sehgal Fifth Degree Rubrics

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Main Rubrics


Mood repulsive

  • He become irritated when you ask him why?
  • He does not answer you nicely

Snub one who differed from himself, desire to

  • He feels humiliates/ Ignored when you ask a question from him

Held, desire to be

Held desire and amel


Excitement, Hope, as in joyous

  • The patient is so logical. He has some hope on your treatment, but if you cannot treat him, he is not surprised, since death is the end of all creatures and I am ready to die


  • There must be a treatment for me.
  • How long do you try? I have no limit. I should be cured. How can I stand still. It is not a good solution. He remain hopeful even if after failure

Hopeful, recovery of

  • Why you are hopeful? Reason?
  • I do not need any reason, my family has been cured with homeopathy and so I trust it. Maybe you have some extra knowledge that other doctors
  • Did you have any research on it? No it is not necessary.

Naive but very intelligent

  • The technology is progressing and I hope they could find my treatment in future
  • I have 40-50% hope.
  • I try and I hope to be cured until I die
Bell, Chin, Hyos, Stram, Sul, Verat

Delusion, Sheep driving

  • Patient come to you, to make him assure that his problem is not dangerous.
  • He has been visited by many doctors and has done a lot of tests but he is not sure yet
  • Sheep means not important
  • Can You give me Hope? Can You assure me?

Hopeful alternating with despair

  • Doctor please give me more time than usual, since I think other doctors could not understand my problem yet. So I become discouraged
  • If I had enough time I could explain all of my problems so you can diagnose and then make me assure that every thing is OK. By this way I could be cured

Squandering money


Squandering, Boasting from

Calc, Nux-v, Plat, Puls

Squandering, alternating with avarice

Calc, Lach, Sul

Destructive rubrics

WEEPING, refused, when anything
BREAK, things desire to Break: To injure so as crack or divide.
MANIA, spit and bite at those around him, would
MANIA, scratching themselves
RAGE, medicine, from forcible administration of
Tormenting, himself
NOISE, inclined to make a

Other remedies are Tarent, Tub and Verat

Destructiveness (n) = The tendency to destroy, having faith in the principle of destruction.

Mania (n0 = Excessive excitement in action like an insane person.

Scratching (v) = Rubbing harshly something rough over a surface of anything producing scratching sound.

Rage (n) = Excessive anger beyond limits.

Self (n) = By oneself.

Torture (n) = The act of inflicting sever pain.

Noise (n) = A disagreeable loud sound.

Infer. —

All these rubrics (122 to 129) convey, the person’s sense of resentment for something which went against one’s request or the events taking shape as not desired. The tendency to destroy things may be as a matter of habit under the influence of an impulse or faith.

Vers. —

My child will do anything or everything like breaking things; spitting at and biting those around him, refusing to take the medicine, (any other mode of consolation adopted to pacify him) scratching his own body, giving pain to self, making noise etc, if he is refused anything and his wish is withheld.