Sil in Sehgal

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Sil is a Sehgal Remedy in Sehgal Method

Sehgal Rubrics


VIOLENT crossed when

Weeping, telling her sickness
  • He avoids thinking about the object of his fear.


  • He clings to one thought and cannot change it.
  • He says: "Doctor, perhaps you are right, I should change my way of thinking but my problem is that, I cannot do it."
  • Like this idea stuck in my mind that excessive stress is the root cause of my problem and however hard I try { cannot drive it out. His self-rapprochement about making himself suffer is also to blame for his loss of courage and turning overcautious.

Yielding, disposition

Fear, failure of

Sil, Sul

  • Sil has a Weak Character (like Lyc) in all aspects and needs lots of encouragement and courage for performing or doing something.
  • He never say yes. It is straight away "No", he dreads taking responsibility, and always trying to escape it. Character lack:
  • Lacks self-discipline is unsteady and confused in his actions. Sil is always scared of failure, which is largely the reason behind his lack of confidence.

Del, wrong he has done

Prostration of mind, brain-fag



  • They are firm but with their fear of failure makes them work hard.
  • This brings on complete exhaustion, prostration and brain fag and they are forced to give up the task before it is finished. This is enough to discourage them from trying anymore.
  • He does not want to tax his brain too much and so he hates disputes and argument

Embarrassment, ailments after

Fear, undertaking, new enterprise

Lyc, Sil, Sul

  • Fears facing people, appearing at social gathering or exams due to brain fag.
  • Although they do well in exams, it leaves them completely exhausted and they have no energy left to do anything more.
  • Lyc is stupid and he dreads doing anything because of his lack of knowledge. If he is asked to do some work he will be annoyed and curse (Sil will not). He hates work and tries to shirk responsibility. (Lyc ₳ Sil)
  • Due to his fear Sil dreads starting the new venture in spite of being knowledgeable and full of ideas.
  • This fear makes Sil apprehensive of any new venture.

Business, worn out, from

Embarrassment, ailments after

  • Sil may agree to work out of their egotism but fail to complete it.
  • Sil is easily fatigued by prolonged mental efforts.
  • He says he cannot change his thoughts. It makes him fret about his condition even more and he feels more depressed.
  • He needs some courage and support to fight his prostration
  • He has no reliance upon his self confidence and even consolation fails to boost it.

Character, lack of

Caust, Lyc, Puls, Sil Yielding, disposition

MOOD, repulsive

Reverence for those around him

  • Sil fails to control his eating habit which causes problems. Because of prostration, he does not want to tax his mind with dietary guidelines and eats as he likes.
  • Another thing about him is if he thinks that avoiding any food types will not make any difference, no one can convince him otherwise and make him control his eating.
  • A patient told me that he strictly avoided salt, since it produced itching in his body but he could not resist it when he sees something delicious in the restaurant.
  • He yields when someone insists saying it won't harm him.
  • Sometime he took it easy thinking once or twice in a week or month won't hurt him.
  • Sometime when he ran out of patience and thought how long he could stay without salt.
  • When he saw his family go without salt too and give up good food on his account.




  • Assured; overconfident or dogmatic
  • Right always claims to be
  • Although in low spirits and over anxious about his health, he is sure that things would get better.
  • It is hard to change his ideas or break his ego but he is amendable enough to acknowledge other people and compliment them and be nice to them. He respects others but loses his cool if provoked

Yielding disposition

(Nat-c ₳ Sil)

Objective reasonable

  • Alum and Sil may leave treatment when there is no relief even after a long treatment but they can resist on their decision and may start it again after some time under strong pressure from the family
  • Nat-c and Sil do not have any doubt of recovery nor Hope. Only when they see no fruitful result after taking treatment for a long time that the feeling of hopeless of recovery comes in their mind.

Del, pursued, he is

  • Doctor the disease is after me and it will end with my life. It will go only my death. I am being chased by disease which is trying to over take me (My Health)
  • But since he has Repulsive mood, He wants to push the disease. He is not in a mood to be pined down by the chaser (disease). health). (Like Nux-v) (Nux-v ₳ Sil)
  • He feels disease like an enemy which is constantly chasing him and troubling him.

Religious affection

In his efforts to get well, he is committed and devoted to a religious faith, cause, principle or system of beliefs. Held to with ardon and faith, beliefs and practices of such faith.
Bed, Desire to remain


  • If there is disease there is surely some treatments for it. It never ever comes to mind that there is no treatment for sickness. My feeling is there is always a way for any problem.
  • In spite of the sickness and weakness that comes with it, he does not let go off the hope that he will regain health soon.
  • He does not say he is well but will not admit that he has grown weak.
  • To him falling sick is a part of life.
He neither hides nor ignores his illness.