Valer, Valeriana Officinalis
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Valer in brief
- Valer is a Hysteric remedy
- Useful in Sciatalgia
Sciatic remedy
- Amel with bending leg
- Agg by hanging down the leg
- Pain starts when immobile (Sitting or Standing) (Bell)
- He has to move his leg (Walk) to amel
- The most similar sciatica remedy according to Radar is Kali-I and Kali-bi
- Hysteria + Spasm + hypochondriasis
MIND - HYSTERIA - hypochondriasis; with
- Esp in menopause
MIND - HYSTERIA - menopause; at: Cimic, Ign, Lach, Ph-ac, Ther, zinc-val
HEAD - PAIN - hysterical headache ASAF (Asaf ₳ Valer)
- Symptoms suddenly change (Status and nature) (Asaf ₳ Puls)
- Pains change location or come and go.
- Alternation of symptoms with each other
- Hysterical cramps and abdominal swelling
- His mind is full of thoughts. Wandering thoughts that are constantly moving from one subject to another.
- Impulse for movement: He prefers to be active and feels bad when he rests.
- Feeling of tightness and suffocation in the larynx, as if a rope was thrown around his neck and he was hung.
- Feeling of suffocation at night when going to sleep (Spong, Lach)
SLEEP - FALLING ASLEEP - suffocation, with
- Nocturnal illusions, he thinks he is light and floating in the air. (Staph)
- GENERALS - PARALYSIS – hysterical
- MIND - QUIET disposition - hypochondriasis, in
- SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - hypochondriasis, in
- MIND - GESTURES, makes – wriggling
- MIND - GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - picking - bedclothes; at the
- EAR - PAIN - spasmodic – Meatus
- FACE - CRAMP - Malar bone: SPIG
- EXTREMITIES - CONTRACTION of muscles and tendons - hysterical: Sec, Zinc
- EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Upper arm - spasmodic Agar, Lact, Mosch, Olnd
- MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - touched, lest he be acon, ARN, ars, chin, coff, kali-c, ach, mag-p, rhod, stram, tell
- Derium, Trembling, with: lact