Asaf ₳ Puls

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  • Hysteria: Changeability / Alternation / Wandering of symptoms
  • Nausea and vomiting, foul-smelling, sour and stinky belches
  • Abdominal distention, Crampy / Pressing pains, esp in Left upper quadrant (Spleen)
  • Pain in Forehead / Above the eyes, which agg by bending forward.
  • Visual illusions: Bright lights in front of the eyes
  • Bad smell and sourness from the mouth
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Back pain and feeling more stretched when standing
  • Pain in the limbs (hip joints, knees, legs) that gets better with movement and walking.
  • Movement, especially continuous movement, makes them feel better and rest makes them worse.
  • Right-sided


  • Puls is the best remedy after successful administration of Valer. Especially when we need an antidote.