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== Herscu remedies ==
=== Herscu remedies ===
[[Paul Herscu]] suggest 8 remedies for children constitutionally
[[Paul Herscu]] suggest 8 remedies for children constitutionally

=== [[Calcerea Carbonica|Calc]] ===
* [[Calc in Children|Calc]]
* [[Lyc in Children|Lyc]]
* [[Med in Children|Med]]
* [[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]]
* [[Phosorus|Phos]]
* [[Puls in childen|Puls]]
* [[Sul in Children|Sul]]

=== [[Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
* [[Tub in Children|Tub]]
=== [[Medorrhinum|Med]] ===
=== [[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]] ===
=== [[Phosorus|Phos]] ===
=== [[Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]] ===
=== [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]] ===
==== Four types ====
# Carefree: (Similar to Phos)
#* Witty/ Cheerful by nature
#* Extremely pretentious
#* He is the leader of the group and hates to be subordinate (Brave and fearless)
#* Curious: He asks himself questions and answers himself
# Irritable (Unpleasant negative): (Similar to Cham)
#* Hits/ Screams
#* Shy
#* Allergy to milk
#* The rarest type of Sul
#* Children often become irritable during severe diarrhea.
#* Children often become irritable during fever.
# Hyperactive (Similar to Med)
#* Breaks the law, Doesn't care about anyone
#* Noisy, Destructive. He does not take care of his belongings
#* He screams until he gets what he wants
#* Exacerbation: before lunch, when blood sugar drops
# Mental (Similar to Nat-m)
#* Shy: He has limited friends.
#* Gash
#* He does his work in order.
#* Eager to study
==== Personality elements ====
* Messy/ Dirty in Work/ Room/ Personal hygiene
* Highly intelligent
** Quick to learn new things
** Becomes a leader very soon for two reasons (1) fearless (2) High IQ
** Easy to make friends
** Explorer new Tools / Places
** Appears bright
* Arrogant / Self-centered / Independent
** The rules are not about me
** Seeks to do everything for themselves
** Disregarding others
** He does not take care of his property and that of others
** You have to remind him to divide regularly
* Mental stupidity
** Dreamer
** Conversation instead of reading
** Procrastination
** Reading less and intensively for exams
** Poor concentration which leads to laziness
* Fear
** Height
** Family health
** Bathroom
==== General ====
* Warm-Blooded
* They are either thin and tall (Like Phos/ Calc-p) or Stout like Calc
* It is a remedy that complements the recovery period
* Recurrent diseases
* Red orifices (anus, nose, mouth, ear, vagina and urine)
* Frequent skin rashes
==== Sleep ====
* Little need for sleep
* High energy before sleep
* Waking up during sleep at night (often occurs at night and around the first four hours of sleep)
* Nightmare of being pursued
* Sweating of the head area while sleeping
* Wakes up early in the morning
==== [[Headache]] ====
* Visual changes before the onset of headache (Iris, Kali-bi)
* Getting better by lying down
* Improve by keeping the head up
* Caused by drinking milk
* Headache caused by mental activity: children who like to stay home and play and not go to school
* Throbbing headache with nausea/vomiting and facial flushing (Bell) + improvement with cold things
==== Confirming Sign/ Symptoms ====
* Sleeping on the left side
* Warming up in sleep and removing the bedspread
* They wake up frequently
* Great interest in sweets, spices and fat
* Dislikes eggs and sour foods
* Loose stools and sensitive sores of anus
* Smelly diarrhea, esp early in the morning
* Much itching, red rash + burning
* Aggravation of rash by Heat/ Contact with Wool/ Bathing
* Inflammation makes the affected area red + fetid and ulcerative secretions
* Aversion to bathing or exacerbation of symptoms with it
* Aggravation with heat + Heat of the head and feet
==== Eyes ====
* Conjunctivitis, cyst of tear ducts
* Dry, thick, yellow secretions and closed scabs in the morning that prevent the eyes from opening
* Sul's eyelids are red and inflamed, esp on the sides. (Marginal blepharitis)
* Calc has a less inflammatory process than Sul.
* Sul's tears are scalding
* Inflammation of the eyes agg by putting a wet application. (Similar to Puls, with the difference that the inflammation and severity of symptoms are more severe in Sul. Also, unlike Puls, Sul gets better with cold water.)
* Redness caused by the destruction of mucous membranes in all infections
==== Scalp rash (Graph-like) ====
* Red rash
* It is easily infected
* Impetus: Yellow pus discharges
* Aggravation by washing the head
==== Hair ====
* Rough and rough and smelly thick
* Dry, fragile and sensitive hair
<blockquote>Constitutions - HAIR, general, head and body - painful, when touched</blockquote>
==== Hot head ====
* Can't stand the hat
* May sweat profusely
=== [[Tuberculinum|Tub]] ===
=== Others ===

== Radar ==
'''Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies'''
'''Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies'''

arg-n. aur. ''Bar-c.'' '''CALC.''' calc-f. '''CALC-P.''' calc-s. cupr. ferr. ''Lyc.'' merc. '''PHOS.''' plb. '''PULS.''' '''SIL.''' stann. ''Sulph.''
arg-n. aur. ''Bar-c.'' '''CALC.''' calc-f. '''CALC-P.''' calc-s. cupr. ferr. ''Lyc.'' merc. '''PHOS.''' plb. '''PULS.''' '''SIL.''' stann. ''Sulph.''

=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
* Nocturia
* Children confusion
Children confusion  
* Complications of Child-abuse
* Effects of fear and panic<blockquote>Children - FRIGHT, ailments from, in highly excitable children, nervous</blockquote>
Complications of Child-abuse

Effects of fear and panic<blockquote>Children - FRIGHT, ailments from, in highly excitable children, nervous</blockquote>Diarrhea, emaciation, nervous weakness, old and dry face of the child<blockquote>Children - OLD looking - look, withered, dried up</blockquote>
* Diarrhea, emaciation, nervous weakness, old and dry face of the child<blockquote>Children - OLD looking - look, withered, dried up</blockquote>

=== [[Aur, Aurum Metallicum|Aur]] ===
=== [[Aur, Aurum Metallicum|Aur]] ===
Three-line drug for children's depression

Good medicine for enuresis, Child-abuse with violence
* Best children's [[depression]] [[Homeopathic remedies|remedy]]

Inguinal hernia, hydrocele<blockquote>Children - BOYS, general - pining, lifeless, low-spirited, lacking in going, bad memory</blockquote>
* Good [[Homeopathic remedies|remedy]] for enuresis, Child-abuse with violence
* Inguinal hernia, hydrocele<blockquote>Children - BOYS, general - pining, lifeless, low-spirited, lacking in going, bad memory</blockquote>

=== [[Bar-c, Barium Carbonicum|Bar-c]] ===
=== [[Bar-c, Barium Carbonicum|Bar-c]] ===
One of the best chronic remedies of children
* One of the best chronic remedies of children
* Down syndrome
Down syndrome, dumbness and confusion, idiot (Hyos), intellectual problems, learning disorder, slowness of mind (Carc), concentration disorder<blockquote>Children - SLOWNESS, mental
** Dumbness and confusion, idiot ([[Hyos in children|Hyos]])
** Intellectual problems, learning disorder, slowness of mind (Carc), concentration disorder
Children - DOWN'S, syndrome
<blockquote>Children - SLOWNESS, mental</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DOWN'S, syndrome</blockquote><blockquote>Children - IDIOCY</blockquote><blockquote>Children - INTELLECTUAL</blockquote><blockquote>Children - LEARNING, disabilities</blockquote><blockquote>Children - LEARNING, disabilities - understanding, difficult</blockquote><blockquote>Children - RETARDED, mentally</blockquote>
* Big belly, abdominal distension<blockquote>Children - ABDOMEN, general - enlarged, in</blockquote>
Children - IDIOCY
Children - LEARNING, disabilities
Children - LEARNING, disabilities - understanding, difficult
Children - RETARDED, mentally
</blockquote>Big belly, abdominal distension<blockquote>Children - ABDOMEN, general - enlarged, in</blockquote>Low self-confidence, timid child, panic, Problems with the presence of strangers<blockquote>Children - FEARFUL, children
Children - STRANGERS, presence of, agg.
Mind - Timidity, Bashful</blockquote>Development disorders (Calc-p, Carc), growth disorders such as short stature<blockquote>Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested
Children - DWARFISH, children - stunted growth

Children - GROWTH, disorders
* [[Self Confidence|Low self-confidence]], timid child, [[Panic attacks|panic]], Problems with the presence of strangers
<blockquote>Children - FEARFUL, children</blockquote><blockquote>Children - STRANGERS, presence of, agg.</blockquote><blockquote>

Children - GROWTH, disorders - infants, in
Mind - Timidity, Bashful</blockquote>
* [[Developmental Disabilities|Development disorders]] ([[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]], [[Carc, Carcinosin|Carc]]), growth disorders such as short stature
<blockquote>Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DWARFISH, children - stunted growth</blockquote><blockquote>Children - GROWTH, disorders</blockquote><blockquote>Children - GROWTH, disorders - infants, in</blockquote><blockquote>

Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk</blockquote>
Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk</blockquote>

=== [[Calc-f, Calcarea fluorica|Calc-f]] ===
=== [[Calc-f, Calcarea fluorica|Calc-f]] ===
Low self-confidence
* Low self-confidence
* Delay in walking, spine curvature problems, osteogenesis imperfecta
Delay in walking, spine curvature problems, osteogenesis imperfecta<blockquote>Children - OSTEOGENSIS, imperfecta, bones
<blockquote>Children - OSTEOGENSIS, imperfecta, bones</blockquote><blockquote>'''Bones - CURVATURE, of bones :''' CALC, HECLA<sub>,</sub> SIL, SULPH</blockquote><blockquote>Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - curvatures, with</blockquote><blockquote>Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - delayed </blockquote><blockquote>'''Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - imperfect'''</blockquote><blockquote>Bones - RICKETS - curvature - especially spine and long bones CALC, ''Calc-p''</blockquote><blockquote>'''Bones - WEAK, bones'''  </blockquote>
* These rubrics are very general. Question: What special feature brings us to Calc-f?
'''Bones - CURVATURE, of bones :''' CALC , HECLA <sub>,</sub> SIL , SULPH
* Answer: A baby who cannot not hold his neck and his parietal cartilage is slightly swollen ([[Sil, Silicea|Sil]])
<blockquote>Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - parietal bone swelling, infants</blockquote>
Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - curvatures, with
* [[Herpetic eruption|Herpes]] in the lower corner of the mouth ([[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]])
Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - delayed  

'''Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - imperfect'''
<blockquote>Children - HERPES, anus, about - herpes, mouth, corners, below</blockquote>

Bones - RICKETS - curvature - especially spine and long bones CALC, ''Calc-f , Calc-p''
'''Bones - WEAK, bones'''  </blockquote>These rubrics are very general. Question: What special feature brings us to Calc-f?
Answer: A baby who cannot not hold his neck and his parietal cartilage is slightly swollen (Sil)
Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - parietal bone swelling, infants
Herpes in the lower corner of the mouth (Nat-m)
Children - HERPES, anus, about - herpes, mouth, corners, below

=== [[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]] ===
=== [[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]] ===
Problems caused by breast milk and lack of desire for it
* Problems caused by [[Milk intolerance remedies|breast milk]] and lack of desire for it
* [[Developmental Disabilities|Developmental problems]] such as  
Developmental problems such as late teething, late walking, growing pains, curvature of the spine, short stature or excessive height of children, not closing the fontanel, not holding the neck, rickets<blockquote>Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies
** Late teething, late walking, growing pains
** Curvature of the spine, short stature or excessive height of children
Children - CURVATURE of spine
** Not closing the fontanel, not holding the neck
** [[Rickets and Osteomalacia remedies|Rickets]]
Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow
<blockquote>Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies</blockquote><blockquote>Children - CURVATURE of spine</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DULLNESS, mental, children</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DWARFISH, children</blockquote><blockquote>Children - FLABBY - thin</blockquote><blockquote>Children - FONTANELLES, open</blockquote><blockquote>Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - open sutures</blockquote><blockquote>Children - GROWING pains - legs, in</blockquote><blockquote>Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast</blockquote><blockquote>Children - RICKETS, rachitis</blockquote><blockquote>Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk - tardy development of bones</blockquote>
* Irritable and stubborn children, problems when weaning, stubborn and irritable child
Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested
<blockquote>Children - IRRITABLE, children</blockquote><blockquote>
Children - DULLNESS, mental, children
Children - DWARFISH, children
Children - FLABBY - thin
Children - FONTANELLES, open
Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - open sutures
Children - GROWING pains - legs, in
Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast
Children - RICKETS, rachitis
Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk - tardy development of bones
</blockquote>Irritable and stubborn children, problems when weaning, stubborn and irritable child<blockquote>Children - IRRITABLE, children

Children - OBSTINATE, children</blockquote>
Children - OBSTINATE, children</blockquote>
The child refuses to eat his mother's milk<blockquote>Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - mother's milk agg.
Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - refuses mother's milk
Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - refuses mother's milk - milk has salty taste remaining long in mouth</blockquote>

=== [[Calc-s, Calcarea Sulphurica|Calc-s]] ===
=== [[Calc-s, Calcarea Sulphurica|Calc-s]] ===
Children's diarrhea

Spinal curvature problems, especially in the thoracic region, genetic defects of the spinal cord
* Children's [[diarrhea]]
* Spinal curvature problems, esp in the thoracic region, genetic defects of the spinal cord
A child is Shy/ Timid  like Puls and Lyc and Dirty like sul with Rash like Calc and Dutiful like Ars and Sil<blockquote>Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles
* [[Self Confidence|Shy/ Timid]] like [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]] and [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] and Dirty like [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]] with Rash like [[Calc in Children|Calc]] and Dutiful like [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] and [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]]<blockquote>Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles

Children - DIRTY, children
Children - DIRTY, children
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=== [[Ferr, Ferrum Metallicum|Ferr]] ===
=== [[Ferr, Ferrum Metallicum|Ferr]] ===
Anemic girls, nosebleeds, nocturnal enuresis

She likes you to be hugged and gently moved (Puls).<blockquote>Children - CARRIED, desires to be - slowly</blockquote>Growth problems (grows fast and gets tall) (Calc-p)<blockquote>Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during</blockquote>Growth disorder, especially height increases quickly<blockquote>Children - GROWTH, disorders
* [[Anemia remedies|Anemic]] girls, [[Epistaxis remedies|nosebleeds]], [[Bed wetting remedies|nocturnal enuresis]]
* She likes to be hugged and gently moved ([[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]]).
<blockquote>Children - CARRIED, desires to be - slowly</blockquote>
* Growth problems (grows fast and gets tall) ([[Calc-p, Calcarea Phosphorica|Calc-p]])<blockquote>Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during</blockquote>
* Growth disorder, esp height increases quickly<blockquote>Children - GROWTH, disorders

Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast
Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast

Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast - too fast in length</blockquote>Fat kids<blockquote>Children - OBESITY, in</blockquote>Disorders during puberty, esp [[Pica remedies|Pica]]<blockquote>Children - PUBERTY, ailments in
Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast - too fast in length</blockquote>

Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - chlorosis, with longing for indigestible substances - retarded
* Fat kids<blockquote>Children - OBESITY, in</blockquote>

Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - girls, in</blockquote>Rickets (bone tenderness)<blockquote>Children - RICKETS, rachitis
* Disorders during puberty, esp [[Pica remedies|Pica]]<blockquote>Children - PUBERTY, ailments in

Children - RICKETS, rachitis - soften or bend, disposed to</blockquote>
Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - chlorosis, with longing for indigestible substances - retarded

=== [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]] ===
Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - girls, in</blockquote>
It is one of the good and widely used constitutional remedies in childhood<blockquote>Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies</blockquote>

==== Milk problems ====
* [[Rickets and Osteomalacia remedies|Rickets]] (bone tenderness)
Breast milk induced diseases such as regurgitating or vomiting breast milk<blockquote>Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - mother's milk agg.

Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - refuses mother's milk
<blockquote>Children - RICKETS, rachitis - soften or bend, disposed to</blockquote>

Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during - vomits milk after nursing</blockquote>
=== [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]] ===

==== Bone problems ====
* It is one of the good and widely used constitutional remedies in childhood [[Milk intolerance remedies|Milk problems]]<blockquote>Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedie</blockquote>
Such as

# Rickets, spinal curvature problems and pain
* Bone problems Such as [[Rickets and Osteomalacia remedies|Rickets]], spinal curvature, Spina bifida and pain

<blockquote>Children - CURVATURE of spine
<blockquote>Children - CURVATURE of spine
Line 330: Line 128:
Children - RICKETS, rachitism
Children - RICKETS, rachitism

</blockquote>2. Spina bifida<blockquote>Children - SPINAL BIFIDA
</blockquote>3. Difficult and delayed teething<blockquote>Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething

Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow</blockquote>4. Head problems such as
* Open fontanelles: A child who does not hold his neck, sweat on his head and big belly (Sil, Calc only)<blockquote>Children - FONTANELLES, open  Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - sweat about head, large bellies</blockquote>
* Difficult and delayed teething
<blockquote>Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething

 Head hematoma
Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow</blockquote>

* Head problems such as Head hematoma, Scalp Sebaceous cyst and Hydrocephalus

 Open fontanelles : A child who does not hold his neck, sweat on his head and big belly (sil, Calc only)<blockquote>Children - FONTANELLES, open
<blockquote>Children – CEPHALAHEMATOMA</blockquote><blockquote>Children - SEBACEOUS cysts - scalp, of</blockquote><blockquote>Children - HYDROCEPHALUS</blockquote>
* Low self-confidence
<blockquote>Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem</blockquote>

Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - sweat about head, large bellies</blockquote> Sebaceous cyst, esp on scalp<blockquote>Children - SEBACEOUS cysts - scalp, of</blockquote> Hydrocephalus<blockquote>Children - HYDROCEPHALUS</blockquote>
* Reduced focus and accuracy or on opposite side censorious about trifles

==== Mind problems ====
<blockquote>Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - can't fix attention</blockquote><blockquote>Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while</blockquote><blockquote>Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles</blockquote>
Such as

# Low self-confidence
* Stubborn

<blockquote>Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem</blockquote>2. Reduced focus and accuracy<blockquote>Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - can't fix attention
<blockquote>Children - OBSTINATE, children</blockquote>

Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while</blockquote>3. Deep conscientiousness<blockquote>Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles</blockquote>4. Stubborn

Children - OBSTINATE, children
* Hydrocele<blockquote>Children - HYDROCELE, boys, of</blockquote>

* Thin, weak, marasmus and short children<blockquote>Children - DELICATE, puny, sickly
<blockquote>Children - DWARFISH, children</blockquote><blockquote>Children - MARASMUS</blockquote><blockquote>Children - THIN, sickly, children</blockquote><blockquote>

General problems<blockquote>Children - DIARRHEA, children
Children - WEAK, children</blockquote>
* Parasites of children during teething who also have constipation along with this problem<blockquote>Children - WORMS, children, in - dentition, with constipation - difficult</blockquote>
Children - HYDROCELE, boys, of</blockquote>Thin, weak, marasmus and short children<blockquote>Children - DELICATE, puny, sickly
Children - DWARFISH, children
Children - MARASMUS
Children - THIN, sickly, children
Children - WEAK, children</blockquote>Parasites of children during teething who also have constipation along with this problem<blockquote>Children - WORMS, children, in - dentition, with constipation - difficult</blockquote>

=== [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]] ===
=== [[Staph, Staphysagria|Staph]] ===

==== Being abused ====
* Being abused: Abuse of children and its various consequences, including sexual assault, esp when the child is humiliated because of it, or abuse accompanied by violence, reprimand and resentment.<blockquote>Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - indignation, with
Abuse of children and its various consequences, including sexual assault, esp when the child is humiliated because of it, or abuse accompanied by violence, reprimand and resentment.<blockquote>Children - ABUSED, ailments from being
Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - indignation, with

Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - punishment, from
Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - punishment, from
Line 384: Line 172:
Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - violence, from</blockquote>
Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - violence, from</blockquote>

Problems caused by a domineering parent<blockquote>Children - DOMINATION, by others, ailments from
* Problems caused by a domineering parent<blockquote>Children - DOMINATION, by others, ailments from

Children - PUNISHMENT, ailments after
Children - PUNISHMENT, ailments after
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Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem
Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem

Children - HIDE, desire to</blockquote>
Children - HIDE, desire to</blockquote><blockquote>Children - GLOOMY, disposition - morning early</blockquote>
==== Skin problems ====
Infantile dermatitis seborrhoea<blockquote>Children - CRUSTA lactea</blockquote>Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething
Children - DIRTY, children

Children - GLOOMY, disposition - morning early
* Infantile dermatitis seborrhoea<blockquote>Children - CRUSTA lactea</blockquote>

* Head lice

<blockquote>Children - LICE - head, of</blockquote><blockquote>Children - DIRTY, children</blockquote>

Head lice

Children - LICE - head, of
== Other remedies ==
* Chin
* Cham
* Stram

Latest revision as of 05:48, 28 October 2023

Herscu remedies

Paul Herscu suggest 8 remedies for children constitutionally


Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies

arg-n. aur. Bar-c. CALC. calc-f. CALC-P. calc-s. cupr. ferr. Lyc. merc. PHOS. plb. PULS. SIL. stann. Sulph.


  • Nocturia
  • Children confusion
  • Complications of Child-abuse
  • Effects of fear and panic

    Children - FRIGHT, ailments from, in highly excitable children, nervous

  • Diarrhea, emaciation, nervous weakness, old and dry face of the child

    Children - OLD looking - look, withered, dried up


  • Good remedy for enuresis, Child-abuse with violence
  • Inguinal hernia, hydrocele

    Children - BOYS, general - pining, lifeless, low-spirited, lacking in going, bad memory


  • One of the best chronic remedies of children
  • Down syndrome
    • Dumbness and confusion, idiot (Hyos)
    • Intellectual problems, learning disorder, slowness of mind (Carc), concentration disorder

Children - SLOWNESS, mental

Children - DOWN'S, syndrome

Children - IDIOCY


Children - LEARNING, disabilities

Children - LEARNING, disabilities - understanding, difficult

Children - RETARDED, mentally

  • Big belly, abdominal distension

    Children - ABDOMEN, general - enlarged, in

Children - FEARFUL, children

Children - STRANGERS, presence of, agg.

Mind - Timidity, Bashful

Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested

Children - DWARFISH, children - stunted growth

Children - GROWTH, disorders

Children - GROWTH, disorders - infants, in

Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk


  • Low self-confidence
  • Delay in walking, spine curvature problems, osteogenesis imperfecta

Children - OSTEOGENSIS, imperfecta, bones


Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - curvatures, with

Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - delayed

Bones - DEVELOPMENT, bones - imperfect

Bones - RICKETS - curvature - especially spine and long bones CALC, Calc-p

Bones - WEAK, bones  

  • These rubrics are very general. Question: What special feature brings us to Calc-f?
  • Answer: A baby who cannot not hold his neck and his parietal cartilage is slightly swollen (Sil)

Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - parietal bone swelling, infants

Children - HERPES, anus, about - herpes, mouth, corners, below


  • Problems caused by breast milk and lack of desire for it
  • Developmental problems such as
    • Late teething, late walking, growing pains
    • Curvature of the spine, short stature or excessive height of children
    • Not closing the fontanel, not holding the neck
    • Rickets

Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedies

Children - CURVATURE of spine

Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow

Children - DEVELOPMENT, delayed or arrested

Children - DULLNESS, mental, children

Children - DWARFISH, children

Children - FLABBY - thin

Children - FONTANELLES, open

Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - open sutures

Children - GROWING pains - legs, in

Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast

Children - RICKETS, rachitis

Children - WALK, general, late learning to walk - tardy development of bones

  • Irritable and stubborn children, problems when weaning, stubborn and irritable child

Children - IRRITABLE, children

Children - OBSTINATE, children


  • Children's diarrhea
  • Spinal curvature problems, esp in the thoracic region, genetic defects of the spinal cord
  • Shy/ Timid like Puls and Lyc and Dirty like Sul with Rash like Calc and Dutiful like Ars and Sil

    Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles

Children - DIRTY, children

Rickets and curvature of the spine

Children - CURVATURE of spine - curvature, thoracic


Children - CARRIED, desires to be - slowly

  • Growth problems (grows fast and gets tall) (Calc-p)

    Children - BREAST-feeding, ailments during

  • Growth disorder, esp height increases quickly

    Children - GROWTH, disorders

Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast

Children - GROWTH, disorders - growth, too fast - too fast in length

  • Fat kids

    Children - OBESITY, in

  • Disorders during puberty, esp Pica

    Children - PUBERTY, ailments in

Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - chlorosis, with longing for indigestible substances - retarded

Children - PUBERTY, ailments in - girls, in

Children - RICKETS, rachitis - soften or bend, disposed to


  • It is one of the good and widely used constitutional remedies in childhood Milk problems

    Children - CHILDREN, general - constitutional, remedie

  • Bone problems Such as Rickets, spinal curvature, Spina bifida and pain

Children - CURVATURE of spine

Children - CURVATURE of spine - pain in

Children - RICKETS, rachitism


  • Open fontanelles: A child who does not hold his neck, sweat on his head and big belly (Sil, Calc only)

    Children - FONTANELLES, open Children - HEAD, cannot hold up - sweat about head, large bellies

  • Difficult and delayed teething

Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - slow

  • Head problems such as Head hematoma, Scalp Sebaceous cyst and Hydrocephalus


Children - SEBACEOUS cysts - scalp, of


  • Low self-confidence

Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem

  • Reduced focus and accuracy or on opposite side censorious about trifles

Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - can't fix attention

Children - CONCENTRATION, difficult - studying, reading, while

Children - CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles

  • Stubborn

Children - OBSTINATE, children

  • Hydrocele

    Children - HYDROCELE, boys, of

  • Thin, weak, marasmus and short children

    Children - DELICATE, puny, sickly

Children - DWARFISH, children

Children - MARASMUS

Children - THIN, sickly, children

Children - WEAK, children

  • Parasites of children during teething who also have constipation along with this problem

    Children - WORMS, children, in - dentition, with constipation - difficult


  • Being abused: Abuse of children and its various consequences, including sexual assault, esp when the child is humiliated because of it, or abuse accompanied by violence, reprimand and resentment.

    Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - indignation, with

Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - punishment, from

Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - sexual abuse, from

Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - sexual abuse, from - shame, from

Children - ABUSED, ailments from being - violence, from

  • Problems caused by a domineering parent

    Children - DOMINATION, by others, ailments from

Children - PUNISHMENT, ailments after

Children - CONFIDENCE, lack of self-esteem

Children - HIDE, desire to

Children - GLOOMY, disposition - morning early

  • Infantile dermatitis seborrhoea

    Children - CRUSTA lactea

  • Head lice

Children - LICE - head, of

Children - DIRTY, children

Other remedies

  • Chin
  • Cham
  • Stram