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- It is usually a bacterial infection involving the inner layers of the skin.
- It specifically affects the dermis and subcutaneous fat.
Signs / Symptoms
- Redness which often turns white when pressure is applied
- Swelling / Increases in size
- The area of redness are generally not sharp
- Painful
- Lymphatic vessels are involved
- Fever and feeling tired.
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Ludwig's angina (Cellulitis of the submandibular space): Mixed infections, due to both aerobes and anaerobes, typically includes alpha-hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci, and bacteroides' groups.
Cellulitis vs Erysipelas
- In contrast to cellulitis, erysipelas is a bacterial infection involving the more superficial layers of the skin,
- Erysipelas present with an area of redness with well-defined edges,
- Erysipelas is often associated with a fever.
Related disease
- Abscess formation
- Fasciitis
- Sepsis
First class remedies
Pediatrics - scarlet fever - plan of action - remedies: apis, ars, Bell, lach, phos, rhus-t, sulph
- When the body's reaction is very fast.
- When the skin and mucous membranes are involved.
- When the swelling is non-exudative and in the form of dilute fluid accumulation.
- When the affected tissue is very hot and red.
- When the affected person is highly sensitive to heat.
- Led is also intense and fast (Apis)
- Opposite to Apis, the Swelling is exudative, so it is associated with induration and stiffness of the affected tissue.
- Lymphangitis: simultaneous involvement of lymphatic vessels
- The involvement is not limited to the skin and joints are also involved. (Rhus-t)
- Paradox of cold: Led is very similar to Rhus-t except that the affected tissue is cold and feels better with cold compress.
- When the speed of reaction is slightly slower than Apis.
- The involvement is not specific to the skin and joints and fibrous tissues such as tendons are also involved.
- When a person has a specific feeling of internal shivering.
- When the skin involvement is similar to contact dermatitis and is accompanied by burning, itching and vesicular rashes.
- Agg by cold and humidity and better by heat and movement.
- Lymphangitis
- Exudative swelling: This means that swelling is associated with induration and stiffness of the affected tissue.
Other remedies
Arn, Bufo, Calen, Graph, Hep, Phyt, Pyrog, Staph