Hep, Hepar Sulphur

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Sankran view

  • It is a syphilitic remedy.
  • It was first prepared by Hahnemann
  • But he feels that people upon whom he depends for support push him down, treat him badly, humiliate him.
  • He becomes very violent, so much so that he wants to set things on fire, wants to kill.
  • He is very hurried, esp in speech, quarrelsome and very dissatisfied, nothing pleases him.
  • Great touchiness.
  • Feeling of being terribly offended that precedes a violent revolution
  • Feeling of being terribly Insulted/ Offended by the person who is supposed to look after you (e.g. the king). In such a revolution, things are set on fire and people are slaughtered: arson and murder.

Calc, Sul, Calc-s

  • Like Calc, the Hep person has a tremendous fear of being alone and is very concerned about the health of relatives.
  • Like Sul, Hep is also concerned very much with appearance.
  • He feels unappreciated like Calc-s. But the feelings are much more intense, as seen by comparing the symptom “Sits and meditates” of Calc-s to that of Hep “Dementia with complete stupidity, sits silent and speechless in a corner”, “Sad mood for hours, must cry vehemently”.
  • Calc is fearful, Hep has “violent fright” as is seen in the symptoms:
    • Frightful visions of fire and dead persons.
    • Violent fright on slumbering

The irritability of Sul is present but again in a violent form:

  • Violent, passionate, fretfulness.
  • Wrathful irritability even to the most extreme violence, threatening to end in murder and arson.

  • Besides oneself

Physical concomitants

  • Desires: fats, sour, spices
  • Abscess / Suppuration, boils,
  • Touchy, Extremely tender in touch
  • Eruptions ameliorated by heat.
  • Very offensive odor of discharges.
  • Oversensitive to noise, pain and draught of air.
  • Pains are splinter-like.
  • Hasty speech.
  • Violent from pain.
  • Extremely chilly

Acne Cough remedy


  • Contrary to expectations, Hep is less commonly used in sinusitis
  • But more commonly used in Thick / Yellow secretions of Sinuses / Nose.
  • Pain in the nostrils due to burning secretions
  • Over Sensitivity of ducts to cold air
  • Sensitivity of the scalp to touch


  • Boring severe headache
  • Their problem started with sneezing
  • Headache + Sinusitis and it seems as if a nail is inserted in his head or his head is cracking
  • Agg by shaking, driving, pushing the hat, bending and moving the eyes