KP, Tissue Salt Remedy

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  • Potassium Phosphate, Phosphate of potash or K2HPO4
  • It is a Tissue Salt Remedy
  • Headaches, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, insomnia, depression and lowered vitality. Also consider for shingles and

Core them

  • Neurasthenia
  • Neural Degeneration
  • Offensiveness
  • Blackness
  • Marasmus (Atrophy) / Exhaustion
  • NeuroPsychiatric problems
  • FP ₳ KP

Infectious diseases

Offensivenesss Gangrene Blackness Special conditions
  • Foul-smelling infectious secretions
  • Dysentery: Fetid stools. K.M may also be needed.
  • Ear diseases: Smelly and dirty secretions
  • Sore throat: Infectious and foul-smelling + ulcerated Throat
  • Small-Pox in offensive patients
  • Degeneration / Destruction of tissues with bad smell and secretions,
  • Gangrene with black secretions, thin blood
  • Diphtheria: It progresses to paralysis with a gangrenous throat and bad smell.
  • Chicken pox with black rash
  • Abscess / Bedsores / Frostbite with offensive odor and black discharges
  • Yellow Fever: For black vomit stage
  • Typhus, scurvy
  • Wounds
  • Septic conditions / Sepsis
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Scarlet Fever

Nervous system

CNS PNS Psychiatric
  • Ataxia: KP is the main remedy. MP and KM are also useful
  • Epilepsy when associated with menses (CP)
  • Head injury / Brain contusion
  • Vertigo esp in nervous origin
  • Sea-Sickness: With NP alternately
  • Headache: Headache of students; nervous, irritable, weary despondent
  • Tinnitus
  • Back pain caused by physical and nervous weakness
  • Spinal diseases
  • Paralysis: The chief remedy for Total/ Partial loss of power of motion in any part of limbs
  • NP is better of lower extremities paralysis,
  • Paralysis agitans. KP in alternation with MP
  • Paresis: KP in alternation with MP
  • Sciatica/ Neuralgia For dull, steady pain

Bone / Joints

  • Weak and atrophic bones
  • Rachitism in alternate with fetid diarrhea
  • Chronic rheumatic conditions
  • Spinal Diseases: Softening of the spinal cord

Special disease

  • Diabetes: Developed nerve weakness due to diabetes
  • Epistaxis: Thin and dark blood
  • Eyes: Feeling of sand in the eyes, Photophobia
  • Urinary Disorders: Foul Urine
  • Infants: Very foul, putrid, child in Delirious / Stupor state
  • Bright's disease
  • Appendicitis

GI tract

Stomach Intestine
  • Fullness, Pressure, Heaviness
  • Peptic ulcer, Chronic indigestion
  • In Chronic dyspepsia NS and SIL maybe indicated
  • Coated yellow Tongue with
  • Stomach Full, uncomfortable feeling, tongue yellow
  • Ulcerations of the stomach Enlargement of the stomach
Diarrhea: Very offensive, Dark and thin diarrhea


Male Female
  • Gonorrhoea: Esp with bloody discharge
  • Impotence
  • Spermatorrhoea in neurasthenic patients
  • Syphilis: Phagedenic chancre
  • PMS: Debilitated, depressed, dejected, hysterical
  • Puerperal Fever + ِDelirium / Mania
  • Leucorrhoea: Yellowish, scalding, Foul smelling
  • Puerperal Fever + Mania: Where labor-pains are weak and ineffectual
  • Amenorrhea
  • Black but thin menses bleeding


  • Heart: Weak heart, Nervous patient , Depressed, Dyspnea on least exertion
  • Influenza: Esp for nervous weakness as a complication of Flu
  • Pneumonia: Esp with fetid sputum
  • Croup
  • Asthma, esp in psychiatric origin (Nervous asthma with MP)
  • Nasal chronic discharges: Fetid smell discharges. Ulceration of the nasal cavities. NP or MP maybe indicated
  • Cough is accompanied by salty and foul-smelling sputum


  • Greasy skin crusts, or ichorous, oozing or tinged with blood
  • Nettle rash
  • Sunstroke: in alternation with NM
  • Ulcers: If there be fever, it is used with KM alternately

Kali Phos activates nerve power - Nerve Nutrient - Constituent of all tissues, nerve tissue, brain tissue,

and all body fluids. Important in the formation and maintenance of tissue. Vital action in the brain,

nerves, muscles, and blood cells. Deficiency signs include

It is a part of all bodily tissues, bodily fluids, especially of the nervous system (nerve cells, brain, etc),

and muscles. This Tissue Salt keeps nerves healthy and nourished and is required for the oxidation


Nerve nutrient. Helps in cases of nervous tension, and in cases of nervous exhaustion.

Kali Phos also acts as an effective antiseptic which combats any organic decay.

Signs of Deficiency: Signs would include feeling tired, weak, exhausted and stressed, nervous and

edgy. Helpful in insomnia, depression, anxiety, nervous headaches and dyspepsia. All illness related

to the brain and nervous system. Also acts as a good antiseptic which combats any organic decay.

Yellow coating, sticks to mouth's roof. Mouth very dry on rising in morning. Laryngitis, hay fever, and

nervous asthma.

Feeling mentally and physically exhausted, sleep-deprived, insomnia, ill-tempered, anxious and

stressed. Any illness relating to the nervous system. Brain fatigue, fearfulness, pessimism, shyness,

timidity, easily embarrassed, delirium. Giddiness on getting up, alopecia. Dizziness, palpitations,

cramps, feeling faint. 18 Blurred vision, droopy eyelids, weakened eyesight, (buzzing, hissing, or humming in ear(s)). Bleeding gums, nervous toothache. Rash (similar to nettle rash), chilblains, nervous skin diseases such as dermatitis, crawling sensations, and itching. Feeling empty in the pit of the stomach, and hunger shortly after eating a full meal. Nervous indigestion. Indicated for men who experience impotence or the lack of desire; and for women where sexual desire increases following their periods. Temporary nervousness, nervous headache, irritability, black moods, melancholy, depression, weariness, fatigue, tension, sluggish mind, poor memory, despair, anxiety, tearfulness, weepiness, and other nerve complaints. Neuritis, incontinence, impotence, sciatica, motor and spinal nerve disturbance. Common Ailments: impotence (loss of libido), incontinence, motor and spinal nerve disturbance,