Coff, Coffea cruda

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Sankran view

  • It is one of the group of “drug” remedies and belongs to the sycotic miasm. In Coff there is a need to be industrious, productive and creative, and to do things for the benefit of others, in order not to feel isolated.
  • He feels that he will be accepted only if he is benevolent, doing good things for others, therefore he will sit awake at night, working and creating and making plans.
  • He is very conscientious and if anything goes wrong, he feels very remorseful.
  • Coff person works for the benefit of others and hardly expects any kindness to be shown to him.
  • He hardly experiences any joy, and then if there is some sudden joy such as unexpected kindness, he cannot tolerate it, he weeps from joy


  • Ailments from joy, excessive.
  • Ailments from pleasant surprises.
  • Forsaken feeling.
  • Delusion, beautiful landscape, of.
  • Benevolence.
  • Delusion, home, away from, is.
  • Charmed with description of beauties of nature.
  • Fear, pain, of.
  • Remorse.
  • Plans, making many.
  • Mental activity, increased excessively.
  • Mental activity, with sleeplessness.
  • Activity, creative.
  • Anxiety, future, about.
  • Quick to act (Lach).
  • Weeping, joy, from.
  • Sleepless, thoughts and activity of mind, from; the same idea is always repeated.



  • The main remedy for side effects of both positive and negative emotion
  • Excited and ecstasy, shock caused by sudden events, he cannot calm down, headache and insomnia.
  • Bad effects of sudden surprises (Caust)
  • Gels is the best for the adverse effects of sudden bad news.
  • Nervous shocks and fainting (Ign) (Coff ₳ Ign)


His nerves are so stimulated that perceptual stimuli have become unbearable for him.

  • Open air, tastes and smells are unbearable for him.
  • High sensitivity to sound (Asar, Nux-v, Acon), sound even causes pain. (Ther)
  • External stimuli cause unbearable pain that pushes him to the point of despair.


  • Highly sensitive to pain, therefore he thinks of death in pain.
  • He becomes frustrated with pain.
  • He faints from pain. (Nux-v)

MIND - SENSITIVE - pain, to - beside oneself from pain; being : ACON, CHAM

MIND - DESPAIR - pains, with the : ACON , AUR , CHAM , NAT-M

MIND - DESPAIR - pains, with the - Stomach, in the MIND - ANGUISH - pain; from - Abdomen; in


  • Neuralgic pain in the teeth and face, which is better with ice water and worse with heat and touch.
  • Nervous headache with sensitization of smell and hearing

MIND - ANGUISH - pain; from - Teeth; in


  • Feels like his brain is falling apart
  • One-sided headache with acute smell and hearing
  • Nervous headache: High sensitivity of all five senses (Bell, Cham, Op)
  • As if nails were being drawn on the brain (Ign, Nux-v)

HEARING - ACUTE - headache, during

  • Headache caused by Too much mental activity / Thinking/ Talking
  • Motion / Walking agg
  • Any sound agg

Headaches - FOOTSTEPS : NUX-V

Headaches - NAIL, pain, sensation, as if from a: THUJ


Nervous insomnia caused by an influx of thoughts, or caused by the excitement of good and bad news

  • His active mind prevents him from sleeping
  • His thoughts and mentalities race with each other in an uncontrollable way. This makes him restless and nervous.

    VISION - ACUTE - reading of small print; easier

  • The patient cries, moans and rolls over and is restless or wakes up frequently.
  • Physical excitement along with activity and high mental sharpness


  • He eats and drinks in a hurry (Hep, Bell)