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  • Dementia is a disorder which manifests as a set of related symptoms including progressive impairments in memory, thinking, and behavior, which negatively affects a person's ability to function and carry out everyday activities.
  • Aside from memory impairment and a disruption in thought patterns, the most common symptoms include emotional problems, difficulties with language, and decreased motivation.
  • Consciousness is not affected

Causative subtypes

Related diseses

  • Behçet's disease
  • MS
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Sjögren's syndrome,
  • SLE
  • Celiac disease
  • Non-celiac gluten sensitivity. A 2019 review found no association between celiac disease and dementia overall but a potential association with vascular dementia. A 2018 review found a link between celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity and cognitive impairment and that celiac disease may be associated with Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, and frontotemporal dementia.

Reversible dementia include:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Lyme disease
  • Neurosyphilis

Sign / Symptoms

Behavioral symptoms Psychological symptoms Cognitive symptoms
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Sexual disinhibition
  • Aggression (Verbal or physical)
  • Depression
  • Psychotic Hallucinations / Delusions
  • Apathy
  • Anxiety
  • Memory loss
  • Visuospatial problems affecting
    • Perception
    • Orientation
    • Language
    • Attention
    • Problem solving

Remedies in brief

  • Alum: The most depressed
  • Nux-m: The most confused (spatial), sleepy + No thirst + Chilly
  • Bar-c, Bar-m: The most Stupid / Childish + High blood pressure + Atherosclerosis
  • Plb: The most paranoid + Heaviness / Paralysis due to degenerative brain diseases
  • Con: Impaired understanding of content + Apathy
  • Hell: Emotional and Neurological Apathy
  • Kali-br: The most restless esp Hand restlessness
  • Op: Deep indifference and conflicting alternative situations
  • Crot-h

Key points

Alum Ambr Anac Bar-c


Con Hell Hyos Kali-br Nux-m Op PlB
Alone desire / Company aversion +++ +++
Apathy +++ +++
Company desire +++ +++
Constipation +++ +++
Disgusting +++ +++ +++
Disorientation +++ +++ +++
Guilty sensation +++ +++
Identity Confusion +++ +++ +++
Knowing anyone +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Nausea +++ +++ +++
Strange seems +++ +++ +++
Timid +++ +++

Important rubrics

Mind - ACCOUNTING, makes mistakes, in senile dementia, incipient stage


MIND - MISTAKES; making - calculating, in

ail.k Am-c.k calc.k2 chinin-s.k con.k Crot-h.k fic-m.gya1 galin.jl lac-e.hrn2 lac-h.htj1 Lyc.k,mtf33 merc.k moni.rfm1 neonsrj5 Nux-v.k plb.mtf33 rhus-t.k Sumb.k syph.k

MIND - MISTAKES; making - speaking, in

MIND - MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - spelling, in

adam.srj5 aegle-m.ckh1 agar.k2,mtf33 all-c.k,vh1 allox.sp1,tpw4 am-c.k androc.srj1 aza.jl calc-sil.k2 corian-s.knl6 Cortico.jl,sp1 crot-h.k dream-p.sdj1 fic-m.gya1 fl-ac.k germ-met.srj5 helo.k helo-s.c1,rwt2 Hydrog.srj2 hyper.k lac-ac.k lac-h.htj1 Lach.k lob-s.a1 Lyc.k,mtf33 Med.k,mtf33 melal-alt.gya4 nux-m.k nux-v.k oci-sa.sk4 plut-n.srj7 rauw.sp1,tpw8 stram.k sulph.k,mtf33 ulm-c.jsj8 xero.br1

MIND - MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - misplacing words

adam.srj5 agath-a.nl2 all-c.k,vh1 alum.k am-c.k Arn.k bit-ar.wht1 bov.k bufok Calc.k calc-s.k calc-sil.k2 cann-s.k carbn-s.k caust.k cham.k CHIN.k,mtf33 choc.srj3 cocc.k con.k crot-h.k cycl.k fl-ac.k graph.k hep.k hyos.k hyper.k kali-br.k kali-c.k kali-p.k kali-s.k kali-sil.k2,mtf33 Lac-c.k Lach.k Lyc.br1,k med.k2 melal-alt.gya4 merc.k moni.rfm1 nat-c.k Nat-m.k Nux-m.k Nux-v.k osm.k puls.k rhod.k sep.k sil.k Stram.k Sulph.k thuj.k,mtf33

MIND - MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using

MIND - MISTAKES; making - writing, in

MIND - MISTAKES; making - writing, in - old people; in am-c.k1 Crot-h.kr1

First class remedies


  • Alum is polycrest of dementia (Alum ₳ Nux-m)
  • Alum is more depressed (Never laughs)
  • Weakness / Laziness, (Sep, Ph-ac, Op), Paralysis / Slowness (Alum ₳ Hell), Heaviness (Alum ₳ Plb)
  • Mani Body self-awareness problems such as Depersonalization and identity confusion
  • Submissive and Naïve
  • DE realization
  • Dysphagia
  • Constipation
  • They aware of this slowness and they may gradually get fed up with themselves.
  • He knows that he cannot do two things at the same time, and when he is asked to do so, he panics and haste leads to confusion and mistakes. Because his nerves and muscles are not able to speed things up.
  • He is in a hurry but does his work slowly. It is as if the neuromuscular system is defying his brain
  • Time passes slowly for him, that means he is in a hurry.
  • His Face / Affect / Speech is blunted
  • Impulsive behavior

Mind - IMPULSE, morbid : alum. anac. Arg-n. ars. caust. hep. iod. lach. lyc. merc


  • The second polycrest is Dementia (Very similar to Alum)
  • Confusion is mostly centered around spatial situations. He gets lost even in well-known streets. (Glon ₳ Nux-m)

Mind - CONFUSION, mental - loses, his way in well-known streets GLON

Mind - CONFUSION, mental - location, about: Cic, Glon , Nux-m, Petr

  • Comatose state: It has many degrees of laziness of mind and soul.
  • Confusion (Similar to Cann-i) Thought vanishing is momentary, e.g. when he is Writing / Reading / Talking.

Mind - ANSWERS, general - slowly : HELL , MERC , PH-AC , PHOS

Mind - SLOWNESS, mental

Mind - SPEECH, general - slow

Mind - TALK, general - slow learning to : AGAR , NAT-M

Mind - TIME, perception, loss of - slowly, moves too

Delusions - TIME, passes too slowly CANN-I

Delusions - TIME, passes too slowly - space, and, lost or confused

  • Drowsiness + Indifference (Nux-m ₳ Op)


  • Hysteria

Brain - COMA, unconsciousness - dream, as in a

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - dream, as if in a

MIND - DREAM; as if in a


  • Passive patient, slow and lazy (Ambr, Hyos, Nux-m, Op)

Mind - SLOWNESS, mental - elderly people, of CALC , CON

Mind - IMBECILITY – senile CON

Mind - TIME, perception, loss of - slowly, moves too : CANN-I , CANN-S , GLON , LYC

Mind - SPEECH, general - slow

Mind - SLOWNESS, mental

  • Bar-c , Bar-m are more shier than Alum. (Alum ₳ Bar-c)
  • Disorientation (Alum, Nux-m)
  • Strangeness Feeling (Bar-c ₳ Nux-m)
  • Arteriosclerosis + High blood pressure esp Bar-m
  • He always feel suffering (Caust)
  • Fear of what is about to happen (Caust) / Possible future problems (Ars)
  • He is full of ideas and imaginations
  • Childish behavior. Barim is always behind his caregiver and under his umbrella.
  • Lack of self-confidence and shyness / Constant need to be guided even in minor matters
  • Extreme fear of exposure (Lyc): When entering a room, they enter cautiously.


  • Paranoia : Plb has disgusting, repulsive and disgusting morals. (Ambr, Con)
  • Delusion that everyone around him might be a murderer or that he will be caught soon.
  • Core theme of plb is Cold + Weak + Heavy + Paralysis
  • Dementia caused by degenerative brain diseases such as ALS, MS and Parkinson.
  • Along with progressive weakness, his mood also moves towards depression and cognitive problems.
  • His growing confusion causes him to be mistaken about his identity. (Alum, Kali-br)
  • This condition is more severe compared to the two mentioned drugs. so that he even thinks he is someone else.
  • Like Barims, he does not like to be alone.
  • Stasis in intestines: Insufficient Constipation: He even takes help from his hand to defecate. The patient will feel better after discharge.
  • Extreme weakness, even not respond properly to his well-chosen remedy
  • Exclusive accompaniments:
    • Paralysis + Dementia
    • Constipation + Dementia
    • Agitation + Dementia
    • Trembling of paralyzed limbs + dementia
    • Progressive atrophy + Dementia


  • Reading / Comprehension problems

Mind - CONFUSION, mental - old age, in Bar-c.mp1 Con. Kali-br.

Mind - ABSENT-minded, preoccupied - old age, in: am-c.mp1 Con.mp1 Lyc.mp1

  • Indifference (Hell): as if the volume has been turned down.
  • Several problems that lead to progressive weakness and Alzheimer's disease
  • Premature aging

Constitutions - OLD age, premature : SEL

Face - EXPRESSION, facial - old looking

Constitutions - REACTION, lack of - old age, in con.mp1

  • Con is good remedy after Bar-c since both have Arteriosclerosis (Bar-c ₳ Con)
  • Con caused by deep emotional problems or cessation of sexual activity
  • Con likes to sit like Plb. The movements of both drugs are slowed down.
  • Constipation is important in Con and Plb.
  • Starting point of Dementia
    • Loss of reputation/position and wealth is the cause (Aur, Kali-br)
    • Alcoholism (Anac, Hyos)
    • Love Failed (Nat-m)
    • Intense guilt (Aur, Kali-br)
  • Dizziness in the elderly

Vertigo - ELDERLY people, in : AMBR

  • Grumpy and easily suffering, having problems with superiors, fighting, resenting him, not tolerating opposition (Aur)
  • He is afraid of being alone, at the same time he avoids society (Kali-c, Lyc)


  • Reversal of cognitive abilities (Bar-c, Bar-m)
  • A feeling of ill-will, ominousness, or demonization (Hyos, Op have milder degrees of this condition.)
  • Feeling of being chased (similar to Anac, Hyos, Plb)
  • Insomnia has overtaken him
  • Extremely sensitive to pain. (unlike Op, which is resistant to pain)
  • With the progress of dementia, Kali-br may not recognize his friends and relatives (Alum, Anac, Hyos, Op, Plb and barium salts).
  • He even forgets his own name

Mind - MEMORY, general, active - forgetful - names – own

Mind - CONFUSION, mental - identity, as to his : ALUM

Mind - CONFUSION, mental - old age, in Bar-c ,Con

  • Aphasia (Word-hunting) + Dementia (Ph-ac)

Mind - MEMORY, general, active - forgetful - words while speaking, of, word hunting

Mind - MEMORY, general, active - loss, of - aphasia, in : cann-i , Hyper

  • Dementia starting point
    • A physical shock
    • Emotional/ Love problems (Death of a friend)
    • Loss of position or property or reputation
    • Kali-br can be the result of a religious crisis (Aur)
    • Alcoholism (Anac)
    • Excessive sex

Mind - MEMORY, general, active - forgetful - sexual excesses, after : Calad, Nat-p, Ph-ac ,Sec Staph

  • Male impotence + dementia

Male - IMPOTENCY, male - memory, with loss of KALI-BR.

  • Sudden or periodic dementia

Mind - MEMORY, general, active - weakness, of - sudden and periodical

  • Key point: He moves his hands regularly and is constantly doing something with his hands

Second class remedies

  • Osteoporosis + dementia
  • Dementia + premature aging (Lyc ₳ Sel, Con ₳ Sel) and premature impotence (Lyc, Kali-br)
  • Fear of people and inability to continue working
  • Weakness caused by heat is a specific characteristic of this remedy.


  • Ambr, like Con, has lost its natural reactions.
  • He is shy to the point of suspicion.
  • He thinks a lot about the bitter memories of the past (Nat-m)
  • Disgusted: Can't stand people,
  • He focused on his guts. Like Alum and Nux-m, he has a lot of stress during defecation.
  • He feels bad during defecation.
  • Ineffectual desire to defecate causes anxiety.


  • Crot-h is a restless remedy
  • Like Hyos, he has suspicions. (Crot-h ₳ Hyos)
  • His mind is too busy with dying
  • His talkativeness and tendency to run away have made him more like Hyos.
  • His sleep disorder and incoherent speech are signs of moving towards insanity.
  • They may be inclined to gather or refuse to see some of their family members.