Cann-i, Cannabis Indica

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Cann-i has three main axis (Mind + Limbs + Generality)

Core theme

  • Exaltation spirit, with excessive loquacity.
  • Hallucinations and imaginations innumerable.
  • Anguish, accompanied by great oppression: better in the open air.
  • Constant fear of becoming insane.
  • Exaggeration of duration of time and extent of space, seconds seem ages, a few rods an immense distance.
  • Horror of darkness. Fear of approaching death. Inability to recall any thought or event, on account of different thoughts crowding on his brain.
  • Very absent-minded. Every few minutes he would lose himself, and then wake up, as it were, to those around him.
  • Delirium tremens, trembling, hallucinations, tendency to become furious, nausea, unquenchable thirst.

Talkative but useless

  • Loquacity changing from one subject to another
  • Their statements seem correct and logical, but the topics are not related
  • His numerous dialogues are often humorous, ridiculous, and generally pleasant.
  • His constant thoughts, which sometimes take on the aspect of philosophy. Talking to him, you think of a train speeding through different areas, and the train driver is constantly explaining about different areas. It is as if his mind never stops moving
  • Sudden loss of Speech/ Memory, begins a sentence but cannot finish it.
  • Stammering and stuttering.

MIND - THOUGHTS - persistent


Laughs at everything

  • Full of fun and mischief, and laughs immoderately at merest trifle.
  • Cann-i is usually very happy and laughs a lot
  • The reason for these laughs is the sense of ridicule of objects. They see objects as Distorted.
  • Their smiles are in a state of frequent contractions and expansions.
  • So you may see him laughing all the time.
  • He sees everything bigger and bigger than reality

    MIND - DELUSIONS - enlarged

MIND - DELUSIONS - enlarged - distances are

MIND - DELUSIONS - enlarged - objects are

Chaotic spiritual experiences

  • Severe mood swings between suspicion and excitement
  • Specific but completely irregular and chaotic spiritual experiences

Specific hand position

  • Shake their hands from the shoulders when talking. They bend forward.
  • The look and affect of their face is a bit strange.

Out-of-body experiences

  • They have out-of-body experiences therefore frightened. (Stram)
  • Fear of getting out of control
  • Fear of going crazy (Med, Calc, Cimic) He thinks that I should not go crazy and he is afraid of this.

MIND - FEAR - insanity

MIND - DELUSIONS - insane - become insane; he/she will

  • Desire to have influence upon the others.

    Magnetized desire to be Calc, Phos, Sil, Lach

  • Strange/Unreal feeling: The illusion of being weird even his own voice become strange

    Delusions - STRANGE, familiar things, seem - voice, her own seemed alum

MIND - DELUSIONS - strange - familiar things seem strange

MIND - DELUSIONS - time - exaggeration of time

  • He is very strange and at the same time is determined and somewhat has stubborn thoughts
  • The illusion of being unreal (Cann-i ₳ Med)

    Delusions - UNREAL, everything seems : HYDROG

Self-identity disorder

  • Talkativeness + Identity Disorder (Verat)
  • Their thought process is on the verge of disintegration. (Med, Plat) (Cann-i ₳ Med)

MIND - DELUSIONS - identity - errors of personal identity : VERAT

MIND - DELUSIONS - separated - body - soul; body is separated from

Mood swing

  • Severe mood swings between suspicion and excitement have obvious mood swings.
  • Sometimes sweet and gentle and sometimes hopeless and skeptical.

    MIND - EXCITEMENT - sadness, after : spig


  • Confusion and dizziness, disorientation, memory loss
  • He may be lost in familiar places due to forgetfulness and confusion
  • He is very confused and forgetful, for example, he completely forgets for a moment what he was talking about or doing.

    MIND - FORGETFUL - words while speaking; of


MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - write; for what he is about to

MIND - SPEECH - finish sentence; cannot

MIND - SPEECH – incoherent

Full of fantasy

  • A lot of fantasy, esp about astronomy and space creatures
  • Very attractive and bright ideas that are quickly forgotten
  • Prophetic Dreams (Verat)
  • Excessive sexual desire

Distorted time perception

Time passes too late, it feels longer.

MIND - TIME - slowly, appears longer; passes too

MIND - LATE - too late; always

MIND - DELUSIONS - time - exaggeration of time

The illusion that time and space are mixed or disturbed.

Burning pains in the urinary tract

Feeling the head open and close