Med, Medorrhinum

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Mental features

Remedy of extremes

  • When they are “up” they seem dynamic, passionate, perceptive, caring and loving so that they captivate those around them.
  • When they are “down” they are possessive, selfish, cruel and emotionally inhibited.

Behavioral fluctuations

  • Sometimes extroverted (Like Phos, Lach, Plat) and sometimes introverted (Like Nat-m)
  • Sometimes Aggressive /Violating / Selfish and sometimes Introverted / Timid / Emotional / Low self-confident
  • Sometimes Violence / Dictatorship / (Like Anac)and sometimes Sweetness / Childish/ Shy / Weeping easily that makes her feel better (Like Puls)
  • Sometimes Destructive / Drug-abused / Psychotic and sometimes Goal-oriented / Ambitious

Extreme extroversion

  • Noisy, very expressive and open personality (easily makes friends with strangers, early experiences with Sex / Drugs)
  • His extroverted behavior is not as honest as Phos and is more like Lyc with calculations and a rude answer. (Lyc ₳ Med)
  • Like Phos he always in Hurry. He is anxious, Beauty lovers + Sensitive to all stimuli. (Med ₳ Phos)
  • Like Plat, Lach she is Selfish, Self-centered and Highly sexual (Med ₳ Plat) , (Lach ₳ Med)

Extreme introversion

  • Very shy and timid, Feeling lonely and feeling a deep distance from others
  • Depression and desire to commit suicide.Teenagers in this phase feel nothingness and death.
  • Self-punishment (He cuts his body with a razor) and Anorexia.
  • Addiction: A strong sense of introversion can lead to Depression / Hopelessness and addiction
  • Anorexia nervosa: They often eat fruit when they force themselves to eat
  • Shyness and low self-confidence alternating with anger or bullying and playing tricks
  • Like Nat-m he has a feeling of futility / Loneliness + Deep sadness that leads him to suicide. (Med ₳ Nat-m)
  • She is psychotic, Deep depression / Delirious state as if separated from the world


  • Violence: Immorality and mental disorder (Calc, Tub) He is fond of violent movies.
  • Stubborn: They hold their grudges for a long time. You will be surprised that a such a small child can hold his grudge against someone who upset him to such an extent.
  • Like Anac he has Violence/ Cruelty towards animals


  • He annoys so much, it seems that he likes to be punished. He likes to beat and be beaten
  • He understands the language of punishment better than encouragement.
  • He pushes back the mother's sweet and loving care. He feels bad about people
  • Throws objects at loved ones. As if they do not understand love


  • Unrestricted and selfish behavior and criticizing everyone
  • He yells at his parents to "Don't talk to anyone but me."
  • They do not value the human rights of others at all.

Goal oriented

  • Intense, driven, passionate, adventure-seeking personality that possesses a vast amount of personal magnetism and charm.
  • Very sensitive, insightful and sympathetic to the point of being clairvoyant. (Phos)
  • They work hard and play hard and look out for themselves to the point they may appear self-centered. (Nux-v)
  • He is always anticipating, feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
  • They strive forward to attain their goals. (Nux-v)

Anticipation / Restless / Hurry

  • Very nervous and they become very restless and full of anxiety, esp when anticipating an engagement or when a time is set.
  • He is in such a big hurry that time always seems to go too slow.
  • Persistent ideas, alternating states or erratic behavior, and they may be impulsive, abrupt or rude.
  • They have many ideas but are uncertain in execution or often non-committal.
  • There is great internal restlessness, which manifests as biting the nails and the “restless leg syndrome”.
  • Fear of examination.

Highly erotic

  • They are erotic people who will put on a good show if it helps them succeed in their sexual conquests. (Hering)
  • If you meet them at night they seem kind, cheerful, playful and exhilarated but the next day they are irritable, impatient, hurried and suspicious. They act as if a new lover is the most special person in the world at night and the next morning they don’t really want anything to do with them (Hering)
  • Cross all the day, exhilarated at night, wants to play. (Hering)
  • Intense and frequent erections day and night.
  • A woman is strongly affected by her sexual desire, especially after their monthly periods. Great sexual desire after menses, in a single woman.
  • The patient may have been physically and sexually abused at a young age, which they either kept secret or have totally repressed so they don’t remember the incident.
  • They may take part in dangerous sexual practices like erotic asphyxiation, etc. The patient often lives a secret life in which they wear a mask of respectability during the daytime and at night they may involve themselves in indecencies.


  • They live by the idea that what others don’t know can’t hurt them. They don’t let persons get too close to them because they fear that their secrets will be revealed and everyone will see them for who they are.
  • Med always thinks there is something going on behind their backs or someone is watching or spying on them. Because of their superstitious nature everything is taken as a sign or omen, and they may change their activities accordingly, not out of knowledge, but out of fear.


  • Telling lie often begins with a normal and relatively harmless apology that it was not my fault.
  • He denies anything that wants to lower his value with you.
  • He tries to distract the doctor from the main topic by finding mistakes in his parents' speech.
  • He does not finish the sentences so that he shirks most of the responsibility.
  • They lie to other children out of jealousy.


  • They suffer despair of recovery and have anxiety about salvation.
  • They reproach themselves for what is happening to them and they feel guilty.
  • Like Syph they feel tainted and are compulsive hand washers.
  • Med can’t express hid emotions it leads to a wild desperate feeling as if they are going insane.
  • Their feelings of guilt give way to religious despair and feeling damned
  • Med is often weeping, which > their symptoms.
  • She cries when telling others about her discomfort and when they are spoken to.
  • He blames /destroys himself, even physically.
  • Fear of making a sensation, lest he should say something wrong, least he should say something wrong, during headache
  • Fear of her salvation, of being damned.

Cognitive problems

  • Mental and physical defects from birth that may result from chromosomal defects.
  • He is a perfectionist and spends a lot of time at the beginning of learning to write, but as his confusion progresses, he gradually dislikes writing.

Memory weakness

  • Memory decreases over time and theoretical information is forgotten.
  • But he remembers visual and auditory concepts.
  • Weak memory, weak speech, forgetting the meaning and concept of normal words

  • Complete failure of memory and intellect.
  • Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line. Forgetfulness of names, words and initial letters.
  • Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own.” They are so confused they confound the present with the past and make mistakes in time.

Time perception

  • It seems that the passage of time is slower than usual for them.
  • He feels that the events that happened yesterday, as if they happened a few days ago


  • Confusion and distraction, difficulty in learning lessons
  • Their concentration is disturbed by the slightest sound.
  • When he wants to speak, a cloud of confusion covers his mind.
  • Lack of concentration to make sentences


Growth & development abnormalities in fine motor skills such as

  • Picking up small objects
  • Separate the color of the images
  • Walking by jumping

Ext, awakwardnes, lower limb, stumbling when walking

Speech problems

  • Speech disabilities + Errors in reading, writing, calculating and drawing
  • Inability to spell words or misspelling letters
  • Haste that leads to mistakes, for example, in drawing or painting.
  • Speech errors are not predictable or fixed
  • Using words in the wrong place

Mind - APHASIA - forgetful, of words while speaking, of, words hunting for

Mind, speech, finish sentence cannot

  • As if their mind is ahead of their mouth which leads to such mistakes.
  • Slurred speech and defective structure of sentences
  • Sentences are constantly changing mechanically
  • As if the child has a foreign accent.
  • Lack of coordination between brain and language communication


  • Impaired concentration In writing
  • Forgetting words in speech
  • Time recognition disorder
  • Absentminded
  • Gradual loss of attention leads to confusion
  • He feels that his soul has left his body
  • It feels spread.
  • He answers when interviewed.
  • Inability to read
  • Typing error

Psychotic features

  • Sensation as if all life was unreal, like a dream
  • Delusions of animals, insects, mice, rats, large rats, mice, insects, etc., running across the room at night.
  • Sees faces looking out of every corner, sees many faces, sees faces wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out from corners.
  • Imagines people, someone is behind him, someone is behind him whispering; talking, with someone behind him; hears footsteps behind, someone walks behind him. Thinks they are being watched, she is being watched at night, he is spied on.
  • Saw large people in the room at night; sees people coming in and looking at her and saying “come”; imagines women by the bedside; someone touches her head; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head from front to back.
  • They hear voices, whispering, someone whispering to him, someone calls him, talking with dead people.
  • Imagines he is persecuted, he is pursued, he is pursued by enemies, and he is poisoned.
  • Delusions of anything having happened, of anything terrible having happened.
  • Religious delusions, of being doomed, sinned away his day of grace, he had committed a crime, is going to hell because he has committed an unpardonable crime. Thinks he is about to die, the time has come to die. Hears sounds, bells, when whistling, sound is double, with vibration as if two people whistle thirds.
  • Thinks business cannot be accomplished.
  • Everything is strange, familiar things are strange, everything is unreal, far-off. Delusions of fainting, faintness; he is falling. Time passes too slowly; a far-off sensation, as though things done today occurred a week ago.


  • Mood affective disorders such as depression, mania, manic-depressive bipolar states and melancholia.
  • OCD, hysterical, anxiety and phobic neurosis.
  • Paranoid disorders. Schizophrenia. Multiple personality disorder. Inferiority complex. Oedipal-Electra complex.
  • Psychosexual disorders; nymphomania, satyriasis, sado-masochism.
  • Homosexuality. Homicidal tendencies; sudden impulses to kill. Suicidal disposition
  • Developmental disorders such as Autism, Retarded children, Learning disabilities and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


  • Hyperactivity + Wild + Restless (Tub)
  • Dirty and Unpleasant
  • Difficult concentration / Forgetfulness esp agg with sour fruits
  • Hyperactive children with fears that cause them to startle /jump up, esp with auditory stimuli

Mind, concentration difficult, abstract subjects on

Mind, kill desire, sudden impulse to kill


  • Antisocial behaviors (obscenity, breaking, threats)
  • Love for animals, because they have a sense of separation from humans
  • Med child creates disgust in others.
  • No credit or pride can be seen in them.
  • Love or hate dogs

Soul-Body detachment

  • The feeling of separation of the soul from the body:
  • The child presents a deep pathology in emotional issues. They say it's like living in a fantasy world (Thuj, Cann-i) (Cann-i ₳ Med)
  • It is as if their soul and body are separated. Or as if one of the two has disappeared, which may frighten them.
  • They feel left in space.
  • Their thought process is on the verge of decomposition. (Cann-I, Plat)
  • Feeling suicidal before menses.

History of suppression

  • Shy Med kids usually have unruly fathers.
  • Their fathers, who are Medical themselves, are extremely lively, hyperactive, and unrestrained Nux-v, who repress their children severely.
  • This suppression is so great that it is mistaken for Staph


  • Fear of being alone in the dark (Puls, Lyc, Phos, Stram)
    • Fear of being alone at night, of the dark
    • From noise, imagines that someone is behind them, of something creeping out of the corner
    • Imaginary things /Ghosts, giants, night thieves / Unknown and invisible things (Calc, Phos, Bell)
    • Fear of and illusions that won't catch him
    • Fear of suffocation esp at night.
    • Fear of falling, of water, of large bodies of water.
  • Fear of animals esp dogs (Tub), cats ,slippery animals such as snakes and jelly fish
  • Fear of water (Stram, Lyss) (Med ₳ Stram). They say they cannot look at the sea without fear
  • Fear of Closed / Narrow places
  • Older children are afraid of any unexpected task that they have to complete.
  • Fear of being seen/ Watched/ Observed (Med ₳ Thuj)
  • Fear of the unknown, as if something Had / Will happened
    • Fear of something terrible, horrible will happen,
    • Fear of misfortune, of evil
    • There are overpowering panic attacks
    • Fear of insanity, of losing his reason.
  • Claustrophobia
  • Fear of poverty/ Impending danger / Death/ Impending disease/ Contagious epidemics / Infection / Cancer / Being incurable / Paralysis, of suicide.


  • Difficulty going to bed at night. He is a night person and does not sleep until late.
  • Wiggles a lot while sleeping.
  • His body is hot and he wants to sleep without covering
  • His feet are warm when he sleeps.
  • He likes to sleep on his stomach or hug his knees
  • He is dull when waking up.
  • He may wake up early with a lot of energy and not fall asleep again


  • Nightmare of being chased (by someone with a knife) or being bitten in sleep
  • Nightmare esp because of eating sweets before sleep.
  • Nightmare of snakes or dogs and insects
  • Nightmare of monsters and ghosts (Calc)

Female genital

  • Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of the knees and terrible bearing-down (labour-like) pains; must press feet against support, as in labour.
  • Menses offensive, profuse, dark and clotted; stains difficult to wash out.
  • Sycotic warts on the female genitals.
  • Metrorrhagia at climacteric; profuse for weeks; in gushes on moving; with malignant disease of uterus.
  • Sterility.
  • Breasts and nipples, sore and sensitive to touch.
  • Leucorrhoea thin, acrid, excoriating and emitting a fishy odour.
  • Gleet; whole urethra feels sore.

Male genital

  • Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.
  • Nocturnal emissions: followed by great weakness.
  • Impotence.

Med in children

General features

  • Faint: Emptiness, hollow, loose, hanging down loose suspended, collapse
    • Faintness esp during urination
  • Flushes of heat, flushes of heat alternating with chills
    • Burning with flushes of heat in face and neck
    • Internal heat as if blood were boiling hot in veins / Burning in blood vessels,
    • Heat + tensive pains + Throbbing / Pulsations / Constricted
    • Activity increased, hot blooded, burning
  • Caged with wires twisted tighter and tighter, spasms, convulsions, drawing, drawn tight, heavy-drawing-wandering, pulling, stiff, tension, tightness, tight band, stretching, must stretch, boring, grinding, grating, aching, dislocated,
  • Sore and bruised all over body,
  • Neuralgic pains: sharp, shooting, sharp or dull quick, darting, quick darting, stitching, tearing, , radiating,
  • Itching, tingling, prickling, formication, crawling, numbness, insensibility, quivering, numbness with quivering, tingling with quivering, trembling, draft of air as if fanned, cold wind, draft,
  • Pain appearing suddenly and disappearing gradually.
  • Craves stimulants. Desire for ale, ice, colds, oranges and green fruits. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets, etc. Ravenous hunger, immediately after eating. Constant thirst; even in dreams she is drinking.

Sensations As If

Sensation of falling; as if she stared at everything; as if intoxicated; as if occiput was enlarged; as of a tight band across forehead; as if front half of brain would come through forehead; as if skin was drawn tight across forehead; as if a tube went through head; as of three points of tension in head, as if large cords were drawn to each; as if head had been struck; as of a cool wind blowing in eyes; as if parchment was drawn over ear; as from a worm, about an inch long, crawling in right, and as if it commenced boring in the anterior wall of the auditory canal; as of a centipede crawling in left nostril; in throat as if she had taken a severe cold; as of a paper of pins in pit of stomach that seemed to force themselves through flesh; beating as of a pulse in abdomen; sensation in liver as if caused by icy cold insects with claws; creeping chills in region of right kidney; as of bubbles, sensation of three in the right kidney, moving like bubbles in water causing faintness; as if caused by icy cold insects with claws; after urinating, a feeling as if something more remained in urethra; as if a sac was distended in left ovary and if pressed would burst; as if she must press ovary; cutting as if with knives in pelvic region; bronchial tubes appear to be very much enlarged and cough spasm causes a flabby feeling as if the lining membrane was a loose fold of tissue; as if lung was drawn up in hand and let loose; as of a lump in larynx; as if lining of larynx and pharynx was torn off; chest as if painfully contracted, filled with burning air, which dilated in puffs in all directions; as if thorax was too full; as if heart was swollen; as of water dropping out of a bottle in lumbar region; pains in shoulders as if bones would be crushed; pricking in left little finger as if asleep; as if a boil was coming on back of hand; as of creeping things throughout body; as if blood was boiling hot in veins; sore all over as if bruised; as if all bones were out of joint; as if she would have nightmare.



  • Daytime, from sunrise to sunset; early morning (3 am to 4 am)
  • Damp, cold;
  • Closed room;
  • After urinating
  • Touch, even slight When thinking of ailment
  • Heat; from covering; warmth of bed; in the sun;
  • inland and mountains; before storms; during thunderstorm; wind; from least movement
  • stretching out; leaning head forward; motion, beginning of and during; sweets; salt bathing.


  • At the seashore; dampness; damp weather
  • lying on face or stomach; knee-elbow position; bending backward
  • motion, continued
  • fresh air; being fanned
  • hard rubbing; clutching anything
  • uncovering; sunset;
  • weeping.


  • MIND - HURRY - children; in
  • MIND - HURRY - everybody - moves too slowly allox.tpw4 irid-met.srj5 Lac-cp.sk4 med.k13,k2 positr.nl2 Tarent
  • MIND - HURRY - occupation, in - desire to do several things at once - finish any, but cannot : positr
  • MIND - HURRY - trifles; about med.mtf33,ptk1 sul-ac.ptk1 sulph
  • MIND - EXCITEMENT - desire for: carb-v, carc, cot, Med, nat-s, Plat, TUB