Scanty and late periods esp in PCOS
- Menstrual flow is mostly present in the daytime
- Menstrual flow may change appearance
- Cases of suppressed periods.
- Scanty flow + Menstrual colic + Restlessness + Chilliness
- Colic may lead to vomiting
- She is sad and want to weep during the periods.
- Leucorrhoea before or after menses. Pulsatilla is also highly useful for treating scanty periods in cases of .
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
- Menses may be too early or too late, but the menstrual flow is always scanty.
- Bearing down pain in the pelvis may be marked.
- Abdominal distress, pain in the back and constipation before menses.
- Acne on the face before menses
- Sadness + Persistent Headache during menses
- Infertility in women who have scanty and irregular periods.
Scanty / Painful Periods
- Scanty periods includes bad colic during menses.
- There is griping, abdominal spasms, colicky or labor like pains in the uterus + Hip pain and backache.
- Tearing pains in the ovaries
- Heat sensation in the abdomen.
- The menstrual flow may be thick or thin, pale or dark in color.
- The periods also last for a shorter duration.
- Vaginal pain + Dryness.
Blackish Flow
- The flow is offensive
- Periods become shorter in duration (sometimes for as less as an hour.)
- Marked ovarian pains during menses.
- The pain may be pressing or sharp, shooting or stitching in nature.
- Labor-like pains in the uterus and pain in small of the back during menses.
Scanty Periods of Shorter Duration
- Delayed periods by two to three months.
- Pain in the hypogastric region extending down the thigh and legs.
- Marked attending feature: Pain and soreness in the breast before periods.
- Breast pain agg while walking
- Leucorrhoea may follow menses.
Scanty Menses + Pungent Odor
- Menstrual flow is acrid.
- Hot flashes, Shooting /Violent colicky pains over the abdomen + Chilliness before the menses
- Headache, Aching pains in small of back, lethargy, and sleepiness during the menses
Periods that Last Few Hours
- Blood is thin, Light-colored and may be offensive
- Periods are attended with cramping uterine pains.
- The pain from uterus tends to radiate down the thighs.
- Nausea and nervous restlessness may be present with the pain.
- Bearing down / Excruciating pain in uterus, Aching in the sacral region and sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries before menses
Scanty, Early Periods
- Menstrual flow is pale colored
- Scanty/ Early periods due to anemia
Scanty Menses Followed by Profuse Flow
Natrum Mur is an excellent homeopathic medicine for menses that are scanty for a day or two followed by a profuse flow. The flow is more during the night. Uterine cramps appear with cutting pain in the groins. Anxiety, sadness, irritability, pressing headache arise before menses. Natrum Mur also works well in cases of scanty and delayed periods in anemic women. Natrum Mur is also thought of in cases of sterility in females with late and scanty periods.
Stringy Periods with Dark Clots
Use of homeopathic medicine Ignatia is considered in cases where the menses are scanty and stringy with dark clots. During periods, griping, cutting uterine colic may appear. Uterine spasms seem to get better by pressure. Burning heat in the vagina before the menses may be felt. Other symptoms include heaviness in the head, sensitivity to light, anxiety, palpitation, extreme prostration before and during menses is present.