Hell, Helleborus Niger

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Hell in brief


First Apathetic remedies are Hell, Ph-ac, Sep

  • Although the five senses are neurologically healthy; But he is so slow as if a neurological problem has arisen

MIND - SENSES - dull - organs of hearing, taste and vision unimpaired; yet

  • Reduced reactions, paraplegic state (PLV)
  • Brady Kinsey (Parkinsonism panel): WEE
  • Stupor, difficult to regain consciousness (Compared to Ph-ac is easier to regain consciousness) (JE)
  • Severe weakness
  • Decreased control power of the mind over the body (Nervous tics of Limbs / Head) (STLE, JE)
  • Indifferent towards everyone, even those whom he loved (Hell ₳ Sep)


  • Responds slowly and with delay
  • Weakness of memory, esp the things he heard
  • Strange thoughts
  • Indifference - automatism - otherworldliness
  • He is completely confused and when he is distracted
  • Even his muscles do not obey him
  • He is clumsy, esp when he talks, his hands deviate
  • He dreams that he is immersed

MIND - ANSWERING - reflecting long


MIND - CONFUSION of mind - thinking of it - agg.

MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - heard; for what he has

MIND - STARING, thoughtless

MIND - ANSWERING - confusedly as though thinking of something else

MIND - ANSWERING - difficult

MIND - ANSWERING - repeats the question first

MIND - ANSWERING - stupor returns quickly after answering

MIND - ANSWERING - unintelligibly

MIND - ASKING - nothing; for

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - stooping, when

MIND - DELIRIUM - meningitis cerebrospinalis

MIND - DULLNESS - chill, during

MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing

MIND - DULLNESS - understand; does not - questions addressed to her - repetition; only after

MIND - GESTURES, makes - automatic

MIND - INCONSTANCY - thoughts, of

MIND - MUTTERING - unintelligible

MIND - SLOWNESS - old people, of

MIND - STUPEFACTION - chill, during

MIND - STUPOR - hydrocephalus, in

MIND - STUPOR - meningitis, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - hydrocephalus, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - meningitis, in

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - mental insensibility

Violent reaction

  • His reaction to others is sharp
  • Gets angry when someone disturbs him, approaches him or interrupts his work/talk
  • Thoughts of suicide (drowning or hanging)

Involuntary movements

  • Turning / Grumblinghis head and
  • Pendulum movement of the head to the sides
  • Convulsive movements during sleep
  • He sticks his tongue out of his mouth and shakes it
  • Limbs (one-sided, one arm and one leg)



  • Esp paranoid type
  • For immobile catatonia, the best miasm is JE, and for agitated catatonia, the best miasm is RBS. Interestingly that both have Hell.
  • Hell is very compatible with catatonia and Apathy: He stares at a corner for hours without thinking about anything.

MIND - STARING, thoughtless

ACUTE DISEASES - Neurological disorders - schizophrenia: cann-i, cann-s, hell, hyos, lach, stram, SULPH

Mind - SCHIZOPHRENIA - paranoid - persecuted, that he is: DROS, IGN, LACH, ..

Mind - SCHIZOPHRENIA - paranoid - pursued, by enemies: ANAC, LACH...


  • He barks like a dog

MIND - BARKING - growling like a dog

  • Illusions in the field of salvation

MIND - DELUSIONS - lost; she is - salvation; for

  • The illusion that everything is new.

MIND - DELUSIONS - new; everything is

  • He whispers under his breath.

MIND - MUTTERING - unintelligible

  • Strange jobs, strange clothes.

MIND - STRANGE - crank

MIND - STRANGE - crank - dressing, in

  • He is unconscious. It seems to react automatically. As if his brain has shut down

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - mental insensibility

  • He has the illusion that he can do great things

MIND - DEEDS - great deeds; sensation as if he could do

  • Illusions of crowds.

MIND - DELUSIONS - assembled things, swarms, crowds etc.

  • Illusion of enlarged body

MIND - DELUSIONS - body - greatness of, as to

  • Hallucination of seeing the devil or images of ghosts and scary things (in the dark), which causes him to suddenly jump out of bed.

MIND - DELUSIONS - devil - sees

MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - dark, in the

MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - dark, in the

MIND - FEAR - imaginary - things; of imaginary

MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - jumps up suddenly from bed

  • Illusion of talking with dead people

MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - dead people; with

MIND - TALKING - dead people, with

  • Mania, haunted

MIND - MANIA – demonic


  • ABSENT - minded, unobserving
  • ABSORBED, buried in thought
  • ABSTRACTION of mind
  • AILMENTS from homesickness love, disappointed
  • ANGER, irascibility consoled, when easily interruption, from spoken to, when trifles, at
  • ANSWER, aversion to
  • ANXIETY breathing, amel.
  • ANXIETY conscience, as if guilty of a crime
  • Delusions - neglected; Delusions - wrong; Escape - crime; Remorse; Reproaches - himself; Restlessness - conscience) fear, with shuddering, with # speaking, 'when #
  • AUTOMATISM (Gestures - automatic; Unconsciousness - conduct)
  • AVERSION to being approached
  • BARKING, growling like a dog
  • BEWILDERED (dazed, things look strange; loss of sense of location)#
  • CHAOTIC, confused behavior
  • CHEERFUL, alternating with sadness
  • COMPANY, aversion to; presence of other
  • COMPANY, aversion, Alone when amel
  • CONFUSION of mind, chill, during
  • CONFUSION of mind, thinking of it agg
  • CONSOLATION, kind words agg
  • CONTRADICTION, is intolerant of
  • DEATH, presentiment of, predicts the time
  • DEEDS, great; sensation as if he could do
  • DELIRIUM morning waking, on (Hell answer correctly when spoken to, but delirium and unconsciousness return at once
  • Answering, slowly
  • DELUSIONS, imaginations, hallicinations, illusions morning, bed, in assembled things, swarms, crowds, etc. body greatness of, as to
  • DELUSIONS, crime, committed a crime; he had
  • DELUSIONS, devils, sees die, he was about to doomed, being fancy, illusions of evening in bed figures, sees images, phantoms, sees
  • DELUSIONS, neglected his duty, he has
  • DELUSIONS, new, everything is
  • DELUSIONS, pursued by enemies

  • DELUSIONS, sick, being
  • DELUSIONS, spectres, ghosts, spirits, seeing
  • DELUSIONS, talking with dead people
  • Delusions - neglected; Delusions, duty
  • Reproaches - himself
  • DESPAIR, recovery, of (Delusions - disease - incurable; Delusions - health; Doubtful - recovery) religious despair of salvation DIPSOMANIA, alcoholism DISCOMFORT DISCONTENTED, displeased, dissatisfied DISCOURAGED DISTURBE, av. to being - DREAM, as if in a (Absentminded - dreamy; Unreal) DRESSES indecently DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending, torpor afternoon chill, during injuries to head - says, nothing understands questions only after repetition ENVY ESCAPE, attempts to (Delirium - escape; Fear - escape; Home - leave) fever, during jumps up suddenly from bed # (Bed - jumps out; Delirium - bed; Jumping - bed)


  • MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult - rubbing the forehead when trying to concentrate; is: hell
  • MIND - CONCENTRATION - lack of - agg: Bell, Camph, cic, HELL.
  • MIND - CONFUSION of mind - injury to head - after: hell.mrr1 NAT-S.k,mrr1,mtf33 op.mrr1
  • MIND - CONFUSION of mind - thinking of it - agg.: HELL.k,vh/dg,vhx1 olnd.k ox-ac.vh podo
  • MIND - DULLNESS - understand; does not - questions addressed to her - repetition; only after: ambr.k Caust.k cocc.k hell.hr1,kr1 kali-br.k med.st1 Phos.k,mtf33 Sulph.k Zinc.k
  • MIND - DULLNESS - understand; does not - happening; what is: hell.mrr1
  • MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing: arn.j5.de Hell.hr1,kr1 Lach.j5.de Rheumj5.de spong.j5.de
  • MIND - DULLNESS - injuries of head, after: arn.k cic.k hell.bg,mrr1 hyper.k merc.k NAT-S.mrr1 rhus-t
  • MIND - ANSWERING - repeats the question first: ambr.k Caust.bg2,k hell.kr1 kali-br.k Med.ckh1,mtf33,vh,vh/dg,vhx1 sulph.k,mrr1 Zinc

Conversation agg

  • MIND - ANXIETY - speaking, when: alum.k Ambr.k aq-mar.jl,xxx Hell.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 irid-met.srj5 ketogl-ac.rly4 nat-c.a1,k plat.k stram
  • MIND - TACITURN - mutism: agra.br1 hell.mtf11 verat
  • MIND - ANGER - spoken to; when: Cham.kr1 Elapskr1 Hell

MIND - DEEDS - great deeds; sensation as if he could do: Cocain.br1,vh,vh/dg Hell.k,vh/dg ignis-alc.es2

MIND - CONFUSION of mind - muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away: gels, Hell, lil-t, phys, tarent.

MIND - DELUSIONS - walking - cannot walk, he - run or hop, must: apisk hell.k

Neurological disturbances

  • MIND - DELIRIUM - loss of fluids, from: Chin.k Chr-ac.k Hell.k Lach.hr1,k Nat-s.k Sulph.k Verat.k verat-v
  • MIND - DELIRIUM - encephalitis; with: Acon.kr1 Cocc.kr1 hell.mrr1 Puls
  • MIND - DELIRIUM - meningitis cerebrospinalis: Apiskr1,sf1.de Chr-ac.hr1,kr1 Hell.hr1,kr1,mrr1 najakr1 Nat-s.hr1,kr1 Sulph.hr1,kr1 Verat.hr1,kr1 verat-v, zinc
  • MIND - STUPOR - hydrocephalus, in: APISk Apoc.a1,k2,kr1 Clem.k Hell.k Hyos.k Lyc.k Nat-m.k
  • MIND - STUPOR - meningitis, in: Ant-t.kr1 Apiskr1 apoc.k2,kr1 Hell.kr1 Merc.kr1 Sulph.kr1 Verat.kr1 zinc
  • MIND - STUPEFACTION - rouses with difficulty:m hell.k lyc.k OP.k sel.k sul-ac.k
  • MIND - STUPEFACTION - injury to head, after:n arn.bg2,hr1 cic.bg2 con.bg2 hell.bg1,bg2,st1 puls.bg2 rhus-t.bg2
  • MIND - MEMORY - loss of memory - concussion of the brain; after: hell.fb3 Hype
  • MIND - INSANITY - apoplexy - after: hel

MIND - DEATH - presentiment of - predicts the time: ACON.br1,k1,st,vh Aloekr1 alum.st1 Arg-n.hr1,k cench.k2 hell.k13,k2,ptk1 Lac-d.hr1,kr1 theast

Fancy illusions

  • MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - dead people; with: bell.k CALC-SIL.k1 canth.dw5,k hell.k Hyos.k med.k2 nat-m.k stram
  • MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - dark, in the: Bell.k Carb-v.k hell.k petr.k puls.k Stram.k,vh/dg,vhx1
  • MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of - evening - bed; in: calc.h2 hell.h1
  • MIND - FANCIES - vivid - evening: cycl.a1 hell.a1
  • MIND - FANCIES - exaltation of - going to bed, after: chin.k hell.k ign.k Phos
  • MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - dark, in the: Bell.k Carb-v.k hell.k ign.k lach.k petr.k puls.k scop.k stram

Reproaching himself

  • MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - doing something wrong; he is: Carc.fd2.de germ-met.srj5,xxx hell
  • MIND - DELUSIONS - sinned; one has - unpardonable sin; he had committed the: aur.k2 chel.rb2 hell.k2 med
  • MIND - INSANITY - women; in - reproaching herself; from: hell


  • MIND - INDIFFERENCE - suffering; to: androc.srj1 bac.bn chir-fl.gya2 Hell.k Lac-h.htj1 OP.k plut-n.srj7 STRAM.k tung-met
  • MIND - INDIFFERENCE - joy of others; to - and suffering: ambr.a1,j5.de,k2 anac.j5.de Anthraci.vh1 carb-v.k2 cinaj5.de falco-pe.nl2 hell.j5.de Op.j5.de,kr1 puls
  • MIND - INDIFFERENCE - external impressions; to: choc.srj3 con.a1 Hell.kr1 lyc.a1 nat-sil
  • MIND - INDIFFERENCE - desire, nor action of the will; has no: hell.k Kali-p.fd1.de podo.fd3.de Verat.kr1


  • MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - stooping, when: calc.a1,k cortico.sp1 hell.k sulph.h2
  • MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - reading, fromasaf.a1,k cycl.k hell.k2 tarax.a1,h1,k
  • MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic


  • MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS - conduct, automatic
  • MIND - GESTURES, makes - one arm or leg or head: apoc.ptk1 bry.ptk1 hell.ptk1 iodof.ptk1 mygal.ptk1 pyrog.ptk1 zinc.ptk1
  • MIND - GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - grasping - head: glon.bg2 Hell.hr1
  • MIND - MANIA - hands - wringing hands; runs about day and night: Hell
  • MIND - MUTTERING - unintelligible: Anac-oc.hr1,kr1 Ars.a1 bell.a1 cann-s.a1 Hell.hr1,kr1 hyos.a1 Nux-v.hr1,kr1 plb.a1 MIND - MOANING - weeping, with: Hell
  • MIND - BARKING - growling like a dog: alum.a1,k anac.a1 Bell.a1,h1,hr1,k hell.k Hyos.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 lyc.a1,h2,k lyss.k mag-m.k,mtf33 phos

MIND - FEAR - death, of - scarlatina; after: Hell.kr1

MIND - FEAR - alternating with - mania: Bell.k hell.fyz

MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - throw himself into the river; tries to


MIND - ESCAPE, attempts to - fever, during

Chlor.kr1 Coloc.j5.de,kr1 Hell.kr1 Op.kr1 RHUS-T.hr1

MIND - ENVY - happy; seeing other people

hell.a,ptk1 helon.ptk

MIND - IMBECILITY - shrieks when occupying with him

Hell.st1 Ign.st1

MIND - IMBECILITY - negativism

hell.st1 ign.st1 loxo-recl.bnm10

MIND - HURRY - drinking, on - unconsciousness; during: hell.ptk1

MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - vomiting, after: hell.a

MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - infant, feels like an: hell.kr1

MIND - HEEDLESS - exhilaration, from: hell.a op.a

MIND - GRUNTING: bell.k hell.a1,k ign.k puls.k

MIND - GROWLING: alum.bg2 ars.bg2 hell.bg2 lyc.bg2

MIND - INCONSTANCY - thoughts, of: alum.j5.de am-c.j5.de hell.j5.de kali-p.fd1.de merc.gl1.fr,j5.de mez.j5.de olib-sac.wmh1 thuj

MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - thoughts - mental power; from despair about loss of: hell

MIND - STRIKING - bystanders, at: BELL.a1 carbn-s.a1 chen-a.a1 hell.hr1 Hyos.a1 lyc.a1,c1,h2,hr1,mtf33 stram.a1

MIND - STRANGE - crank - dressing, in: carb-v.mtf33 hell.gl1.fr sil.gl1.fr sulph.gl1.fr

MIND - STARTING - sleep - from - comatose sleep, from: Ant-t.st hell.st sec.j5.de

MIND - STARTING - evening - jerking or twitching, ceasing on falling asleep

Agar.k hell.k

MIND - THINKING - complaints - amel: CAMPH.b2.de,b7.de,bg2,br1,k1,ptk1,ptk2,st,tl1 cic.b2.de,b7.de,bg2,k,ptk1,ptk2 cocc.kr1 Hell.b2.de,bg2,k,ptk1,ptk2 mag-c.k pall.k prun.bg2,k

MIND - WILD feeling in head: ambr.bg bapt.a1,br1,ckh1,hr1,k Cimic.bg Hell.mrr1 lil-t.a1,ckh1,k,mrr1 Med.ckh1,k,mrr1 positr.nl2 rhod.a1

MIND - DELUSIONS - new; everything is: asar.ckh1 Hell.a1,h1,k Irid-met.srj5 stram.a1,h1,hr1,k,ptk1 symph.fd3.de

MIND - DELUSIONS - body - greatness of, as to: Cann-i.k Cocavh,vh/dg,vhx1 Hell.vh,vh/dg,vhx1 Plat.k staph.k

MIND - DRESS - indecently, dresses: hell.a1,b7.de,bg2,gl1.fr,vh hyos.a1,b7.de,bg2 plat.mrr1 sal-fr.sle1 sec.ckh1,st stram.b7.de,bg2,mtf33