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  • It is a mental Disease characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis.
  • Major symptoms include Hallucinations (typically hearing voices), Delusions, and Disorganized thinking.
  • Other symptoms include Social withdrawal, Decreased emotional expression, and Apathy.
  • Symptoms typically develop gradually, begin during young adulthood, and in many cases never become resolved.
  • Most of them have other mental disorders, esp Substance use disorders, Depressive disorders, Anxiety disorders, and OCD.

Sign / Symptoms


Negative/ Apathy


  • Avolition: Lack of motivation, Blunted affect – showing flat expressions or little emotion
  • Anhedonia:
  • Asociality / Social withdrawal
  • Diminished expression includes blunt affect
  • Alogia: Poverty of speech
  • Disrupted cognitive processing affecting memory and planning including goal-directed behavior.
  • Avolition and anhedonia are seen as motivational deficits resulting from impaired reward processing.
Mostly (70%)pronounced in early onset and late-onset illness. They are core features and may be of Nonsocial or of Social cognition.
  • Neurocognition/ Nonsocial is the ability to receive and remember information, includes verbal fluency, memory, reasoning, problem solving, speed of processing, and auditory and visual perception.
  • Mostly Verbal memory and attention are affected. Verbal memory impairment is associated with a decreased level of semantic processing (relating meaning to words).
  • Episodic memory. An impairment in visual perception that is consistently found in schizophrenia is that of visual backward masking. Visual processing impairments include an inability to perceive complex visual illusions.
  • Social cognition: Mental operations needed to understand the self and others in the social world. Impairment of facial emotion perception that is critical for ordinary social interaction.
The best rubrics are
  • Delusion
  • Hallucination
  • Psychosis
The best rubric are
  • Depression
  • Altered Thought pattern
The best rubric are
  • Cognition impaired

Sub types





  • Usually manifests itself in intense and nonsensical suspicions
  • Auditory hallucinations that confirm their suspicions.
  • Disorganized behavior and speech patterns, are usually not present
  • NVCJD is good candidate.
Moving too much or too little.
  • Motionless and resist any attempts to move them, staying rigid and stationary.
  • Purposeless movement including repeat what others say over and over, and mimic the movements of those around them.
  • They may also make strange faces or body contortions, and engage in rocking, waving, or nail-biting.
  • Considering Rigidity, good candidates would be RBS and JE
  • They are not currently experiencing any of the more serious symptoms, including no signs of hallucinations, disorganized speech, or catatonic behaviors.
  • However, they will experience at least two minor symptoms, such as odd beliefs, trouble paying attention, withdrawing from society, and talking less.
  • Considering Delusion and Altered thought pattern, Psychosis and Depression, the best candidate would be EBV and JE
It is primarily distinguished by “disorganized” symptoms such as disorganized speech, behavior, and inappropriate behavior. This can include resisting eye contact, the inability to make facial expressions, incoherence, and trouble beginning or finishing a task.


  • If somebody diagnosed with schizophrenia has trouble classifying themselves into any of the above subtypes but still experience symptoms, they will be labeled as someone with undifferentiated schizophrenia.

Four stages of Schizophrenia

1- Free-will

  • Human-being has free will around the axis of self.
  • "Free-will" make and support "Self".
  • So self is not a meaningful identity without free-will.
  • You make yourself by your thinking / behaviors. Probably you imitate someone, then what makes these thinking / Behaviors, yours? Of course your free-will.
  • This is your identity, therefore you are caring it Uninterruptedly
  • Free-will did not exist from the beginning, therefore you make it through evolution since you need it.
  • It is vital for your survival so anything that threatens it is considered an emergency.
  • That's why hallucinations of RBS is so wild, since this virus attack the center of you, which is your self-identity.
  • This is the state of Delirium and if it is not solved, it would be push you to the state of Paranoid mania. In this stage the patient have transient Hallucination with or without Delusions.
  • Here Alum is the best choice

2- Paranoia

  • The second stage would be Paranoid Schizophrenia. In this stage thought pattern is destroyed.
  • Hyos and lach is the best
3- Catatonic
  • The patient loose his movement control which is named Catatonic Schizophrenia.
  • Since his movement system is intact, he has purposeless movement which is named Stereotypy or purposeless immobility which is incorrectly named Rigidity.
  • Cupr and Plb are the first choice

4- Hebephrenic

  • The end stage of this sinister story is Hebephrenic Schizophrenia. in this stage the patient enters a persistent disorganizing of will which is the meaning of skhizein= split phrēn= mind.


Psychosis +++ +++ +++ +++
Auditory H +++
Depression +++ +++ +++
Altered Pattern of thought +++ +++ +++
Behavioral change +++ +++ +++ +++
Cognition impaired +++ +++ +++ +++
Memory weakness +++ +++ +++ +++
Rigidity +++ +++
Sub types Catatonic Catatonic


Residual Paranoidal
LYSS, STRAM, BELL, Nux-v, Lach, Cupr, Hyos, Phos, Cic, Tarent, Sul, Anac, Bufo, Hell, Op, Verat CUPR, MERC, Nux-v, Lach, Phos, Hyos, Bell, Sul ,Stram, Agar ARS, PHOS, Nux-v, Carc, Merc, Sul, Ign BELL, Stram, LACH


First class

Top character Delusions




  • Restless and uneasy: Does not attend business. Wants to be off somewhere all the time.
  • Mental labor best performed at night, euthanasia
  • Nightly delusion of fire
  • Derangement of the time sense.
  • Amative, but Sad/ Apathic in the morning.
  • High suspicion: Being poisoned, harmed, being pursued by enemies.
  • Being under control of a superhuman power
  • Apathy: Wish to isolate themselves, aversion to work
Marked loquacity
  • Continuously talking with quick jumps from one to another unrelated subject.
  • Repetition of the same words over and over again


  • Auditory Hallucinations
  • Violence / Abusive
  • Suspicion
  • Double being sensation
  • Blasphemy
  • Low self confidence
  • As if possessed of two persons or wills
  • Violence / Malicious
    • Very easily offended.
    • Excessive anger at the slightest offense.
  • Suspicion: Anxiety when walking, as if pursued
  • ُSad: Aversion to work
  • Unreal sensation
Auditory Hallucinations
  • The voices are mostly of spirits or dead people.
  • The voices say that they are going to die soon.
  • Spirits call their name and command to follow them.
  • The voices are abusive


  • An impulse to strike and bite others + Delusions.
  • Jealousy motivates the behaviors including the violent outburst
  • Shameless /Exposes / Plays with his genitals .
  • Increased sexual desire / Behaviors
  • He imagines a queer kind of paper on the wall and he keeps imaging strange things about the figures.
  • Someone is going to poison them, so they avoid eating or drinking.
  • His family members are keeping a watch over them all the time.
  • Talks of imaginary things.
  • Illusion of vermin, rats, mice in the room.
  • Unintelligible chattering can also appear.
  • Silent: Picks up bed clothes; makes no complaints
  • Laughing loudly at everything


Strange absurd ideas:
  • Thinks himself tall, double
  • Lying crosswise
  • One half of body cut off
  • Limbs feel separated from the body
  • Laughs at night, weeps during day
  • Fear / Anxiety on hearing water run
  • Exposes the part.
  • Stupid; imbecile; sits silent, eyes on ground, picking at her clothes;
  • Wants to kill people or himself
  • Delusions: A firm belief that he is going to die soon. So prepares for his funeral.
  • Delusions: Presence of multiple persons in room.
  • He sees people coming out of all corners
  • Hearing voices that scold him
  • Delusion of faithless
  • They are under the influence of these spirits
  • Disorganized speech
  • Continuous talking
  • Incomprehensible speech
  • Loss of reason or speech
  • Lascivious talk
  • Violent speech: Maniac, Curses, Tears ones clothes with teeth
  • Talking with others is intolerable
  • Talks with imaginary People/ Spirits, which makes him restlessness.


  • Childish behavior
  • He is being Talked About
  • They are being made fun of and people always laugh at them
  • Difficulty in concentration and confusion of mind.
Other people are talking about them


Delusions Of Grandiosity


  • Over sensitiveness
  • Depression
Grandiose delusion: Extra-gated idea of self-importance


  • Feeling of self condemnation and utter worthlessness
  • Profound despondency, with Thoughts / Talks of suicide
  • Great fear of death
  • Peevish and vehement at least contradiction
  • Anthrophobia; mental derangements.
  • Cannot do things fast enough
  • Over sensitiveness to noise, excitement, confusion.
Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply

Stage 2 remedies


  • Teeth grinding with inclination to bite others
  • He strikes those around him.
  • Hot head, cold Hands / Feet and finally pale as the stupor increases.
  • He fears imaginary things and wants to run away from all his attendants
  • Patients loses his memory of all things and becomes wild
  • Aversion Noise / Light and company
  • Hydrophobia
He sees
  • Ghosts
  • Hideous faces
  • Animals
  • Insects
Patient breaks into fits of laughter or screams


  • Delusions Of Grandiosity
  • Delirium as a main theme of Cupr.
  • War theme: He feels he has to be prepared for a sudden attack and has to attack back.
  • Not continuous but intermittent spasms
  • Cough comes in attacks, anger comes in attacks.
  • Children: Fear of being approached; Cannot bear anyone coming near her and reacts immediately by striking, shrieking, biting, spitting, rage, kicking, attacking with fists, etc.
  • Delusion of being an Officer/ Great person/ General.
  • Finlay I will become insane
  • They imitate others, sometimes making fun of others.
  • There is also a certain degree of egotism. They can be good entertainers as well.


  • Selling vegetables
  • Repairing old chairs
Maniacal, Malicious, Megalomania, Loquacity
  • Anxiety, Cheerfulness, Convulsions
  • Frequent pulse ,Increased perspiration
  • He is afraid of approaching others and wants to run away.
  • Agg with darkness
  • His delirium is manic and accompanied by Talkativeness / Violence /Biting


  • Nervous/ Restless, Esp hands and fingers
  • Nervous/ Restless; Cannot sit still, must move about or keep occupied, Esp hands and fingers
  • Depressed, low-spirited
  • Ill-effects of worry, Esp illness of his family
  • It could be the ill effects of lascivious fancies, satyriasis or nymphomania.
  • Uncontrollable weeping attacks and profound melancholic delusions.
  • Loss of memory; forgets how to talk; absent-minded; had to be told the word before he could speak it.
  • Delusion, he is watched / Persecuted
  • Delusion he has committed a crime
  • Delusion he is devil


  • Mood swings
  • Strange/Unreal feeling
  • Disorientation
  • Strange/Unreal feeling: The illusion of being weird even his own voice become strange
  • He may be lost in familiar places due to forgetfulness and confusion
  • They have out-of-body experiences therefore frightened. (Stram)
  • Severe mood swings between suspicion and excitement
  • Delusion enlarged distances or objects or time
  • Talkativeness + Identity Disorder (Verat)
  • Fun, Laughing and ridiculous

Other remedies

Syph, Kreos, Ars, Merc, Med, Carc, Ph-ac, Nux-v, Agar, Pic-ac, Calc-p, Sul, Ign, Lyc