Acon in Sehgal

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Acon is a Sehgal remedy. Here you see Acon Sehgal Rubrics in Sehgal Method.

Core them

Rubrics Versions

Hopeful alternating with despair

  • HOPEFUL, alternating with despair
  • DESPAIR, chill during
  • SHRIEKING, convulsion during
  • SHRIEKING, touched when
  • SHRIEKING, pain with
  • Doctor please give me more time than usual, since I think other doctors could not understand my problem yet. So I become discouraged
  • If I had enough time I could explain all of my problems so you can diagnose and then make me assure that every thing is OK. By this way I could be cured
  • Becomes hopeless and unhappy when she imagines, she has some fatal disease, e.g. cancer.
  • The warmth (Hope) vanishes suddenly. She is chilled (Discouraged) and a loud shrill sound comes out of her mouth. While getting contractures in the muscles of her body or when things go deep into her mind. When with pain (i.e. v/hen the strain on nerves surpasse s the limit o f tolerance).

Delusion, Sheep driving

  • Patient come to you, to make him assure that his problem is not dangerous.
  • He has been visited by many doctors and has done a lot of tests but he is not sure yet
  • Sheep means not important
  • Can You give me Hope? Can You assure me?
  • She denies of having knowledge of something which she feels she must conceal. This is like pleading innocence in most of the matters. On the other hand this may be her actual feeling that she does not see anything although her eyes are open - she feels as if she is sleeping.
  • You should not have applied ointment on the skin eruptions”. “I never knew it”. “But I have always been instructing you against any interference from outside”. “I am sorry, I did not know particularly about this. I shall be careful in future”


Mood repulsive


Other Rubric

Meaning / Interpretations Version
  • DELUSIONS, body deformed, some part is
  • Acon feels that some part of its body is deformed and has lost its original shape and size.
  • DEATH, presentiment of, predicts the time
  • DELUSIONS, die, he was about to
  • Imagines that this is going to be the cause of his death, which is near; that he is virtually dying and foresees (even) the time of (his) death.
  • COMMUNICATIVE, expansive
  • REFLECTING, unable to reflect
  • CHAOTIC, confused behavior
He is inclined to pass on “ information” of his sickness to others, but is unable to explain it properly.
  • WEEPING, anxiety, after
  • FEAR, suffocation, of
  • LIGHT, desire for.
  • After the Doctor ponder over his complications, tears flows out of her eyes. I wonder what is the cause of this? I am worried because the medicine is not working and obviously (since) the disease is not being checked the result will be death at an early date for which I am not ready."
  • FEAR, imaginary things, of
  • WEEPING, anxiety, after
His fears are about unreal things. E.g. "The material used in the walls of my flat is poor. It will fall one day and crush all of us”. When you argue that it is not true, he would skip over to another thing and weep. “Why then I am not responding to any treatment?
  • WILL, contradiction of
  • CHAOTIC, confused behavior
She is unable to decide the course of her action because of the conflicting state of of her mind
  • INDUSTRIOUS, mania for work
  • UNDERTAKES, many things, perseveres in nothing
  • Being industrious starts many jobs but is not able to complete anyone of them.
  • Mind is so confused that the coordination between the intentions and the speech is missing.
  • If asked, “Are you angry” “No not at all”. “But your tone and style during conversation indicates”. “Might be, but actually I have no feeling like that”.
If I am not well, after taking the medicine this time also I shall not turn up again”. “Are you threatening”? “No, Sir, how can I threaten you? You are my very respected Dr. I said it just to convey that I am finding no relief’
  • CONTRADICTORY to speech, intentions are.
  • The words used by her in her speech transmit contradictory sense.
For this weakness she simply tries to punish herself, by keeping things in her mind, avoiding disputes with others.
  • Because she is cowardly, considerate and cautious and does not want to invite more problems
  • FEAR, imaginary things, of
  • SENSITIVE, light, to
  • Her fears are the creation of her own mind. When she tells it to others, they do not take her seriously. Rather than laugh at her.
  • Therefore, she does not allow others to know about her fears, as she knows they will not believe her
  • JESTING, joke, cannot take a
  • JESTING aversion to
  • Her behavior invites jokes which she does not like.
  • If people laugh at her utterances, she cannot tolerate.
  • She bursts “Does it behove you to joke, while I am dying”.
RAGE, alternating with consciousness
  • This is the occasion when she gets annoyed and remarks, “the wearer knows where the shoe pinches”. But realizes the next moment that she should not have burst up like that
  • MOCKING, ridicule passion to
  • MIRTH foolish:, heat, during
  • She cools down for a moment as if she has come back to her (senses) consciousness and resumes speaking, to overcome her sense of indignation.
  • Wild means acting in uncivilized manner.
  • Courage means one who keeps the quality of meeting dangers without fear.
  • Audacity means daring with confidant disregard for personal safety and conventional beliefs.
  • Defiant means one who boldly resists an authority which is trying to dominate it.
  • She says and laughingly with a mocking tone, Don’t try to be smart, I know how wise you are?”
  • By these remarks she tries to snub others and ends this sentence in strong defense of her convictions and shuts down all the talk about it with great courage and uttered is regard of the consequences.
  • MOOD, repulsive
  • FEAR, death of
  • LIGHT, desire for
  • FEAR suffocation of
  • FEAR company of
  • In general she is of a cool nature, does not like to trouble others, takes every problem on herself.
  • She is considerate and self-conscious but does not entertain jokes or likes to be taken lightly.
  • Fear of death is very strong and desire to live is also very strong.
  • Avoids company and crowds for fear of suffocation. While she talks there is a spasmodic laugh.
  • The laugh seems to be removing the contractures being felt in the mind.
  • FEAR crowds in
  • LAUGHING, spasmodic
  • As if mind twists into knots and unfolds with a laugh. She says it is the expression of her grief.
When asked what is the cause of her laughing , she says , “ Who is laughing?” “ I” “ No, no, you are mistaken. I am not so lucky as to have a laugh . How can I laugh when 1 am seriously sick?”.
  • DELUSIONS, sleeping while awake, insists that he was
  • DELUSIONS, body deformed, some part is
  • DELUSIONS, sheep, driving
  • CHEERFUL, heat during
  • MIRTH, heat during
  • Sheep: A meek unimaginative or easily led person. It means when she imagines that her disease is like a sheep i.e. an ordinary one, the idea heats her mind and she becomes mirthful, cheerful and hopeful because the idea provides her with the necessary feeling of warmth that gives her strength. A feeling of no danger to her life.
  • Heat: is to be symbolically taken as providing warmth to the mind
  • Two thoughts prevail over his mind which are indicated by the two rubrics
  • CARRIED, desires to be
  • CARRIED, caressed and, desires to be
  • She wishes to be lifted mentally and physically which means transported from the present state to that of the one she desires (i.e. unpleasant to pleasant). As she says, “Dr. please do something.
  • I know you can do it. You are competent to cure me”, and also wants (to be caressed) to be treated with kindness and to be assured. “Dr. be kind to me. I will follow all your instructions”.
  • Rocking, desire for being rocked: Acon, Cham Cina, Kali-c, Puls
  • Rocking, amel
  • Rocking (n) means a state of being carried to and fro with measured swings which has a rhythm of its own, and utilized to soothe to sleep or rest. It is to be taken as implied that the sense of security is a pre-requisite to attain the state of peaceful rest. Since in rocking the soothing is so great that it overwhelms the sense of insecurity and sub dues its intensity to a state of forgetfulness about it. But how far perfect, it may be since the mechanism of rocking cannot be depended upon, the sense of security is not complete. Yet the faith, in the hands that rock is so great, that the fear of falling diminishes, and gets forgotten almost.
What she wants is just the hope. She will manage to live on it, even if it is false. She requires it to suspend herself on. “Dr. if you will just say I shall be alright, that will be sufficient to keep me alive. I don’t want anything else but just a word of hope from you”.
FEAR, suffocation of
  • Suffocation (n) the condition which can kill by preventing the access of air to blood through the lungs.
CONFUSION air in open amel.
  • Confusion: The state of mixed up feelings and inability to distinguish between them.
  • Air: A life sustaining fluid without which breathing comes to a halt.
  • Open: Free of restrictions
  • An atmosphere free from compulsions and obligations brings clarity to mind and clearness in comprehending and thinking. “
  • Please don’t press me for quick response to your questions. Rather leave me alone for sometime and then see my performance
  • ANXIETY, cold drinks amel.
  • Drinks: Liquids swallowed to quench thirst or for nourishment etc.
  • Cold: Something without heat
  • In other words mind accepts only those thoughts which are agreeable and satisfy in g having (cooling ) calming effect on it.
  • Here the cooling effect is something which carries (light) ray of hope of recovery, a promise from any one who can assure of some hope for cure
  • UNCONSCIOUSNESS, vomiting amel
  • Returns to consciousness only after the contents of stomach are ejected. In other words vomits whatever she has in mind to tell her physician or the man concerned.
  • To be more refined, giving expression to her inner feelings and thoughts brings clarity of his ideas to her mind leading to self awareness in the real sense. As after rage she realized that to be angry to the extreme is an act of indignation.

SELF; torture (7)

Acon, ars, bell, lil-t, plb, tarent, tub

The wearer knows where the shoes pinches Acon can not tolerate harsh words and also does not like to tell unnecessary words to offend others so he hide his feeling and ideas to avoid any conflict with others Mildness: Confident, Intelligent, Sensible, Self-conscious, Kind

Sentimental: This rubric is useful for Acon, when he is suffering from a chronic malady

Light desire for He want to know about his disease and impatient about it
Anxiety, Dark in An assurance from a Friend/ Doctor can reduces his Anxiety / Insecurity very effectively
Hopeful Acon will not ask directly the doctor to give his opinion on his disease. (opposite to Gels, who asks the doctor repeatedly).But he want to hear something good such as
  • Do not worry
  • I will take care of youThen he will say that Now I feel so better Or Now I can continue the treatment under your observation
Light desire for + Hopeful: Acon, Calc, Nat-m
Carried desire
  • If Acon Patient suffer from a recent problem, he may tell the doctor that he fears from his survival and he search for a doctor who can pull him from this ailment
  • He is so worried and may have sever panics attacks
  • In the past I can tollotate such condition but now it is unbearable.
  • I noticed the symptoms but I never imagine that it could reach to such a threatening point
Del, Sleeping awake, insist that he was sleeping while (1) He has the ability to sense that in future sth will happen to him and mostly it will true. Clairvoyance
Anxiety, cold drinks amel

Acon, Sul

  • Acon gets very relaxed after he heard from the doctor that nothing is wrong (cold drinks) with his health
  • Acon wants to hear this news from his doctor in order to relax like someone who needs Cold drinks in hot weather.
Defiant No matter how much time, I would try my 100 to get ride of this disease. Perseverance + Defiant: Acon, Lyc, Nux-v, Sil , Sul
PerseveranceAcon, Bry, Lyc, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Phos, Sul Perseverance + Hopeful: Acon, Lach, Lyc, Nit-ac, Sul
Fear, Disease of impeding Changing his life-style in order to get health.
Carried, Caressed and, desire: Acon, Kreos, Puls Acon wants to be assured by the doctor about his good health also he wants to be Cared and loved Cheerful, Heat during
Rocking amel: Acon, Calc, Cham, Cina, Kali-c, Puls, Rhus-t
  • Acon does not like to be spoken in loud tone or treated unlikely or pushed to do sth
  • He wishes to be listened kindly and properly.
Communicative, expansive: Acon, Alum, Bar-c, Lach Acon does not want to live in dark. He liked proper information about his disease and to be assured that there is nothing to worry Darkness, agg
Despair, alternating with hope

Acon, Bov

Hope + Doubtful recovery of: Acon, Ars, Merc, Ign, Lyc, Calc, Kali-c, Lach, Merc, Nit-ac, Puls, Sul He is Defient and Perseverance, so he search any doctor who can reassures him, but there is Despair periods also with Hopefullness.