Bell in Sehgal

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Bell is one of best Sehgal Remedies which is used commonly in Sehgal Method.

Sehgal Rubrics

Words Meaning Versions

DELUSIONS, sensations, misrepresents his

only Bell

  • Sensations: Experience, feelings
  • Misrepresents: To represent incorrectly.
Unable to communicate one’s feelings correctly.
  • While telling of my sickness, I feel I am unable to explain what exactly I feel like telling.
  • From the way the patient was talking I gathered that he was not in a position to correctly say what he felt.
Gesture makes, Groping as if in Dark: Cocc, Hyos, Op, Stram

DELUSIONS, business ordinary they are pursuing

Ars, Bell, Stram

Business: An occupation or profession.

Thought: Opined, considered.

Perusing: Carrying on.

Ordinary: Somewhat inferior or below average.

  • That the person is engaged in an occupation which is inferior in status, quality, and quantity i.e. position and income.
  • The earning is good but is below standard.
  • No doubt I am earning a lot but I am not happy. Because I am a coal merchant and the people do not treat me as a respectable person. I am looked upon just as an ordinary person.

DELUSIONS, possessed, being

Ars, Bell, Canth, Hyos, Lach, Op, Plat, Sil, Stram, Sul, Verat

Possessed: Is under the control of some other power.

Is owned by something or someone else and has forfeited the right for independent existence.

Feels that the person is under the occupation of some other power and has to live and act according to its wishes.
  • I feel as if my disease is occupying my mind and controlling every movement of mine all the day.
  • I cannot think or pay attention towards anything else except my health.
  • I am occupied with the thoughts of disease all the time and do nothing else than serving myself.

QUIET, wants to be, repose and tranquility, desires

Arn, Bell, Bry, Gels, Kali-c, Lach, Nat-m, Phos, Sul

Quiet: Making no disturbance or trouble; peaceful; free from disturbing thoughts or emotions; free from activity, to attain a state of stillness; by stopping every activity, no movement.

Repose: The state of being at rest; sleep.

Tranquility: The state of being free from or unaffected by any sort of disturbing emotions.

Desires: Craves; expresses a wish to obtain.

A person needs rest and is preferably craving for sleep which he feels he can achieve by suspending all activities and work. Whenever I get tired, I feel like taking rest. To recoup lost energy which I can achieve only in a peaceful atmosphere without any sort of noise

DELUSIONS, surrounded by friends, is

Surrounded: Encircled, enclosed on all sides.

Friends: Persons attached to one another by feeling or affection or personal regard; a person who is on good terms with another; not hostile.

Everyone around him seems to be friendly and without any bad design. I don t see anything bad in any person. All are respectful and affectionate to me. They seem very near me without discrimination.

Exhilaration/ Exuburance

Exuberance (n) = A state of extreme joy and vigour. The person remains over joyous which also exhibits his stamina to live within. I never find him tired of his sense of humor and joy. Whenever he meets you, you will find him full of fun and frolic.

MAGNETIZED, desires to be; mesmerism

Calc, Lach, Phos

Magnetized: Wants to acquire the quality of a magnet i.e. the power of attraction.

Mesmerism: The act of inducing an extraordinary state of the nervous system in which the operator is supposed to control the action and thoughts of the subject.

Both the rubrics are opposite in sense. Wants to be magnetized, (to be attractive) so as to be able, to attract (charm) others (mesmerism amel.) because it gives satisfaction. The desire is to be the centre of attraction.
  • He is fond of adopting such characteristics as are dignified, mannerly, pleasant and impressive.
  • This gives him mental satisfaction and happiness.

COMPANY, aversion to, friends, of intimate

Bell, Cham

Company: Companionship. Association.

Intimate: Associated in close personal relation.

Friend of = A person attached to another by feeling of affection.

Why should one avoid the company of closely related person? It seems he has to hide something which he feels he will not be able to, if he comes closer to anyone. I don t visit people who are closely known to me because they ask probing questions about my sickness, which I don t like.
  • Looked at, Aversion of being
  • ANXIETY, company, when in

ANXIETY, company, when in

Acon, Ambr, Bell, Lyc, Plat, Stram

Anxiety: Discomfort As long as I remain in the company of others. I am uncomfortable for fear of being asked unpredictable questions especially regarding my sickness.

COQUETTISH, not enough

Bell, Lyc, Puls, Staph, Sul


Ambr, Bell, Lach, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Plat, Puls, Sul, Verat

Coquettish: A male or female who mixes up with the opposite sex freely without any feeling of guilt or shame or serious intentions for marriage etc.

Too: To an excessive extent.

Much: Being of great quantity, amount, measure, or degree.

To indulge with the opposite sex innocently without knowing its consequences, but to a negligible extent. The inclination of my elder child towards the opposite sex is not sufficient as it should be and that of the younger is more than the normal.

PLEASURE, lascivious ideas, only in


Pleasure: The enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking.

Lascivious : Arousing or inciting sexual desires.

Ideas: Conceptions existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding.

There is no other source of enjoyment except concentrating one’s mind on the perceptions exciting sexual desire. Whenever I come across a beautiful girl I start viewing the attractive organs of her body which ultimately leads me to visualize her sexual organs which arouse my desire for sex. This is the only thing which gives me happiness.

UNRELIABLE, promises, in his

Bell, Calc, Con, Lyc, Op, Sil, Sul

Unreliable: One who cannot be depended upon.

Promises: The act of honoring one’s words.

Cannot stick to words once said. I cannot keep my words, not to take any other medicine because I cannot bear pain and delay in relief.

WEEPING, remonstrated, when

Bell, Calc, Ign, Kali-c, Plat, Puls

Weeping: Act of shedding tears to express grief.

Remonstrated: One who gets pleadings, protests, objections or disapprovals of his argument. Defeated in arguments.

When one fails in arguments starts weeping to assert or defend himself. He cannot stand opposition to his conception of things. When he fails to impress his point he starts weeping to stop others from pressing their views.

BOASTER, braggart

Acon, Arn, Ars, Bell, Calc, Lach, Lyc, Nat-m, Nux-v, Plat, Puls, Stram, Sul, Verat

Boaster :A person who speaks about himself with excessive pride and vanity.

Who speaks with exaggeration and pride esp about oneself or something connected with oneself.

One who is excessively proud of one’s personal achievements and possessions and speaks about them with excessive air of self praise. I can boastfully say that the intensity of pain which I could bear, nobody else could do Boaster, Rich: Lach, lyc, Verat

Boaster, Squandering: Calc, Nux-v, Plat, Puls

POMPOUS, important

Bell, Calc, Hyos, Lyc, Phos, Plat, Stram, Sul Verat

From the gestures of the patient I noticed that he was trying to pose that he deserves and desires to be treated as a man of dignity and importance

NAIVE, intelligent but very

Bell, Hyos, Stram, Sul, Verat

Naive: Having or showing natural simplicity of nature.
  • Unsophisticated.
  • Having or showing lack of experience.

Intelligent: Sharp in understanding and comprehending.

Worldly unwise but good in understanding. He has topped in the university so far as his studies are concerned but is so simple in practical dealing that even a child can cheat him.


Arg-n, Bar-c, Bell, Puls, Staph

Unduly willing to believe or trust without proper or adequate evidence Unsuspicious .
  • I never disbelieve anyone.
  • I trust even a passerby. Many times people try to take advantage of my weakness in this sense. But I cannot change.

CALCULATING, inability to

Bell, Calc, Kali-c, Lyc, Nat-m, Nux-v

Calculating: Assessing the extent of anything.

Inability: Lack of ability, power or capacity.

Unable to assess things properly and accurately like mathematical calculations.
  • I have to educate you about my problem in details so that you should be able to find out a correct remedy for me. Because if you will depend on me for any specific information about my progress I shall not be able to give it to you.


Sehgal Rubrics

First stage

  • This group of rubrics represent the basic nature of Bell
  • He himself is not worried about his Disease / Treatment.
  • Therefor his relatives / Friends bring him to the doctor treatment.
  • Others have to persuade him.
Why come to doctor at This (First) Stage?
  • They are sensitive to others judgment: Not the disease, but what other people Think/ Talk about them
  • Looking nice: He want to be beautiful / Attractive. Esp on their face.
  • Bell patient does not care about the disease, the only thing is its effect on their attractivity. (Gels is sensitive to causation and profound pathology but Bell is frivolous.)
  • Interestingly they do not care about it, until others comment them
  • He is joking with you about his disease

Second stage

  • When something seems to be taking away his tranquility.
  • He gradually passes on to the next stage of abnormality which is moving from milder to harder in stages.

Third stage

  • DELUSIONS, business ordinary they are pursuing
  • DELUSIONS, engaged ordinary occupation in

Sehgal Rubrics

Related Rubrics

Calculating, inability

Mathematic inability
  • When did your disease starts?
  • How much your disease has been increases?
  • Their reasons are not logic. They do not care it until it become so serious
  • They think God has given them a lot. So They are happy. They have every thing they should have


  • If someone betrayed him, He forgive him simply. He is not malicious. He could forget problems and start again and again
  • Credulous: He does not search about what he has heard. He is never suspicious about others (Opposite to Hyos/ Gels).
  • They behave like child when they have disease
  • Frivolous (Careless) or Superficial fears: They do not like medicine / Doctor / Treatment
  • Naïve: You should not save your money. You should Spend/ Enjoy it
  • Naïve: He accepts your word easily
  • Naïve: I cannot not understand sickness, since I have not ben sick yet
  • He wants to visit you by a recommend
  • He is so Credulous, and want to be cured fast. So he comes to visit even without making an appointment
  • Credulous: Bar-c, Bell, Puls, Staph
  • Childish behavior
  • Sensitive, Alternating with indifference
  • Benevolence
  • Squandering, money

Sensitive, alternating with Indifference

only Bell

  • They are Light-minded people
  • Their reaction is a mixture of Fear + Frivolous


is the axis of their life

  • When they have no pleasure. The cannot enjoy and this is alarm for them
  • He does not like to be restricted. He dose not like to leave desirable things.
  • He does not like Homeopathy because of his desire for Coffee, Alcohol, smoking etc.
  • I have a lot of thing but Ii cannot enjoy.
  • NO fear of future, health or poverty.
  • He is not Jealous or Avarice
  • Gambling, passion, make money to: Bell, Calc, Lyc, Mag-m, Merc, Nat-c, Plat, Puls, Staph, Sul
  • NO worry, NO fear, NO anxiety. He lives NOW / Present time


  • Doing charity
  • He does not care about himself
  • He is very kind
  • It is different from Care. He is not sacrifice like care.

Hiding, desire

  • First they want to hide their problem but if their disease hurt their Enjoyment / Freedom, they present their illness.
  • He does not like permanent restriction
  • He lives in today and does not have fear about future or his maladies
  • Laughing speaking when
    • They are always smiling to hide their maladies.
  • Frivolous
    • No fear, Not showing tear. He is hiding his fears/ Weak points
  • Timidity
    • He slowly reveals her sickness since he is timid.

Light desire for

  • First he want to know about his disease.
  • He wants to know something about his disease, but not in details.
  • He like Light (Small light) when he is in disease


  • Light music / Not heavy metal / Complex
  • Small light/ Lamp , Romantic light
  • Little information about his disease
  • Comedic not Serious/ Philosophic matters: He does not like serious matters when he has disease
  • He like light music when he has diseased
He want joking. Tell me a nice name for my disease

Del, Poor

  • MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - starting; with
  • Carried, desire to be
  • Carried, desire, to be, fast
  • He desire to get ride of his maladies as fast as possible (Desire, not Want)
  • I Know I am cured fast
  • He does not confirm the recommendation.
  • Even they does not fix a time for visit.

Del, Poor + Del wealth

  • Bell is the only remedy who has Del, Wealth and Del, Poor simultaneously.
  • It means that he thinks he is wealth but now he is poor in some items that make him to come to a doctor.
  • His life equals to enjoyment, so if he cannot enjoy it, he feels poor.

NO restrictions

  • Live should move without restrictions
  • He is afraid of stopping. He likes to move always
  • He does not like restrictions (Limits)
  • His logic is: Is something bad is going to happen, there is NO way to control it. So take it easy and enjoy it. So they desire to Hide dad issues
  • Admonition agg: Bell, Calc, Kali-c, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Plat

Manic stage

Rage, Delirium, Desire, Mania, Delusions, Mood


  • He can not tell his wishes immediately
  • Hesitation to tell his demands
  • They cannot open up quickly
  • He answers briefly in the first , but when he warms up he become too loquacious
He is a nice child at first. But after two min, he start .

When you tell him do not do that, He obey only for one min but soon he try to do that forbidden thing.

He cannot tell his disease directly

  • Timidity
  • Frivolous
  • Calculating inability
  • Hide desire

Unreliable on his promises

Bell, Calc, Con, Lyc, Merc, Op, Sil, Sul

  • He is not cheating you, he is only frivolous (Bell ₳ Op)
  • He hides his bad habits because he is afraid of restriction. He like to enjoy
He makes funny stories to justify his lies.
Objective, reasonable: Alum, Bell, Hep, Lach, Merc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Plat, Sil He has always has objection

He asks you for the reason for the restrictions

Bell child

  • Bell dose not like to answer you
  • Pompous feeling / Desire for attention of others. He makes noise to Get your attention.
  • Carried desire to be but not clinging

Bell / Hyos/ Stram

Hyos Bell Stram

Bed remain

  • He understands the secure situation and tries to remain there
- - -
  • He does not have such Insecurity feeling, also is frivolus and does not distinguish between insecure or secure positions

- - -


- - -

He is suspicious to every one, so dose not trust

  • He is not also suspicious, but only Credulous.
  • He wants to be carried fast, since he thinks that he could get rid of his disease fast
  • In first stage he is affraid of something, not terrified, so he desire to be carried


- - -
  • He is fearful but suspicious
- - -
  • He is afraid of something, not terrified. Therefore he wants to be carried not cling. It means that he does something to get rid of his disease, opposite to the state of clinging that the patient is paralyzed and does nothing.
  • He is terrified and light desire, so he cling the light (his parents) until he feels better

Escape attempt, delirium during

  • He is afraid of virtual /Illusion danger, and escape.
  • He told her mother: let's go home
+++ +++
  • When he feels the real danger, He not only does clings to every one but also escapes alone from dangerous situation.

Well, says he is

+++ +++ +++


  • Since he is affraid and does not want to loose his security

QUIET, wants to be, repose and tranquility, desires.

Aggressive, Wild
==== Dependent ==== +++ +++ Affectinate, He shows he is dependent


+++ --- +++

Good rubrics

FEIGNING sick Desires attention Wants someone lying by her side in the bed Bell, Calc, Lyc, Op, Puls, Verat
UNCONSCIOUSNESS, interrupted by screaming Remains calm or normal with short intervals of loud moaning only Bell
QUIET, wants to be, repose and tranquility, desires. Bell, Sul, Nux-v
  • DELUSIONS, well, feels she is, alternating with the feeling of extreme sickness
  • LOOKS, now well, now sick
RAGE; medicine; from forcible administration of (1)
ANSWERS; foolish (2)
SELF; torture (7): Acon, ars, bell, lil-t, plb, tarent, tub
STRIKING; himself, knocking head against wall and things (9)

apis, ars, BELL, con, hyos, mag-c, MILL, rhus-t, TUB