Dyspnea in Asthma
- Dyspnea + Wheezing and constricted air passages.
- Suffocating attacks
- Night gg
- He cannot lie down at night since fear of suffocation wakes him up at night.
Dyspnea + Cough
- Dyspnea with a cough and rattling of mucus in the chest.
- Only a little bit of phlegm is expectorated.
- Feeling of suffocation along with gasping of breath.
- Dyspnea + Sudden and intense cough
- Vomiting + Cough
- Cyanosis from Cough/ Dyspnea
- Suffocating and strangling feeling with a cough
- Bubbling rales in the chest are also noted.
Dyspnea While Walking
- Walking even a few steps leads to labored and difficult breathing.
- Dyspnea/ Cough + Bloody expectoration
- Dyspnea in a warm room.
- Being in the cold air brings relief.
- Dyspnea + Constriction in the chest while walking.
- Dyspnea on exertion
- Weakness or sharp pains in the chest
- Expectoration with a sweet or salty taste.
Dyspnea During Sleep
- Dyspnea while sleeping.
- The patient wakes up from sleep and rushes to open a window to breathe.
- Tight clothing is unbearable around the chest and throat.
=== Grind ===
- Breathing stops on falling asleep.
- There is an inability to breathe on lying down.
- He wakes up with a start and sits up to breathe.
Dyspnea In Elderly People
- Labored and quick breathing in seniors.
- Burning sensation in the chest is felt
- He likes to be fanned to get relief.
- Skin is cold and cyanotic during dyspnea attacks
- Walking fast, lying on the back, and stooping
Dyspnea + Heart Troubles
- Some effective medicines for dyspnea with heart problems are Digitalis, , and Viscum Album.
- Dyspnea with constant desire to take a deep breath
- Precordial anxiety
- Violent palpitations on motion
- Weak, slow pulse.
- Dyspnea with a full, irregular pulse.
- Dyspnea agg while climbing stairs.
- Lying on the left side agg Dyspnea
- Constriction and tightness in the chest