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Simple Goiter

  • Enlarged thyroid gland without any change in thyroid hormone levels and metabolic functions. The term simple goiter includes diffuse, nodular and colloid goiter.

Toxic goiter

  • Protruding eyeballs with heart involvement. Toxic goiter refers to enlarged thyroid gland that shows symptoms of hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis with increased metabolism in the body. Toxic goiter includes diffuse toxic goiter (Grave’s disease) and toxic nodular goiter. Prominent hyperthyroidism symptoms include weight loss, tremors of hand, heat, restlessness, irritable mood, tiredness, palpitations, shortness of breath, diarrhea and light periods in women. Protruding eyeballs are also present in grave’s disease.


  • In case of thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is enlarged, inflamed and the metabolic functions are disturbed.
  • Thyroiditis includes Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, De Quervain’s thyroiditis and silent thyroiditis.
  • The prescription depends upon the symptoms that present themselves.
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis mainly presents a picture of hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, the main symptoms are weight gain, sensation of cold, constipation, slowness, tiredness and heavy menstrual flow in women.
  • In De Quervain’s thyroiditis and Silent thyroiditis, the symptom picture swings between hyperthyroid phase and hyperthyroid phase, with one of these being prominent at a given time.


Hyperactive Thyroid + Accelerated Metabolic Functions


  • Thyroid gland is enlarged, hyperactive and the metabolic functions of the body are accelerated.
  • Thyroid gland may also be indurated and hard along with its enlargement.
  • Due to the increased metabolic rate, the person in need of Iodum for goiter goes on losing weight even after eating a lot.
  • The appetite is increased, but the person does not gain weight.
  • He feels very hot and constantly in need of cool air.
  • Mentally, nervous, restless, hurried and impulsive, with extreme mental excitement.
  • Goiter + Tachycardia + Rapid, accelerated pulse rate.
  • Palpitations may arise from the least exertion.
  • Chronic amenorrhoea
  • Chronic diarrhea with weakness, bulging/protruding eyes, deep and hoarse voice.
Enlarged Thyroid and Slow Metabolic Functions


  • Thyroid gland is enlarged but underactive, with a slowed down metabolism.
  • Sluggishness of all body functions.
  • Tiredness, slowness on the mental and physical plane are marked.
  • Obesity. Fat, obese and goes on gaining weight even with a normal appetite.
  • Marked intolerance to cold.
  • Profuse and prolonged menstrual cycles
  • Chronic constipation
  • Profuse sweating over the scalp,
  • Craving for eggs and indigestible things such as chalk, lime and pencils
  • Aversion to fatty food.
Enlarged Thyroid Gland + Suffocation


  • Chin is also swells along with the thyroid gland.
  • Applying pressure on the thyroid gland causes pain in such cases.
  • Goiter + Suffocative episodes appearing from time to time.
  • Dry, tickling cough in goiter patients
Constitutional Remedy for Goiter


  • Most effective constitutional medicines for goite
  • Introvert personalities that are prone to depression, weeping spells and feelings of loneliness.
  • Irritability, restlessness and nervousness are high among such subjects.
  • Physically, they appear emaciated, with the neck showing maximum thinning.
  • Excessive exhaustion and weakness accompanies the condition.
  • The eyes also show protrusion.
  • Tachycardia and palpitations due to goiter as well.
  • Palpitations are violent, shaking the whole body and they get worse with emotions or exertion
  • Irregular periods
  • Marked intolerance to heat and have trouble tolerating the sun.
  • Extra craving for salt
Non-Toxic goiter/ Simple Goiter Fucus Vesiculosus
  • Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) esp in obese persons.


Thyroid enlargement at puberty time
Brom Thyroid gland is enlarged and shows stony hardness
Toxic goiter


  • Protruding eyeballs with heart involvement.
  • Breathlessness and inability to exert in any kind of work


Thyroiditis Calc



