Alum, Alumina
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Core theme
- Like Ph-ac / Op/ Sep Weakness / Laziness / Talking is exhausting/ Exhaustion after menses. (Alum ₳ Op), (Alum ₳ Ph-ac), (Alum ₳ Sep)
- Like Hell Slowness /Paralysis (Alum ₳ Hell)
- Like Plb Heaviness (Alum ₳ Plb)
Region |
SPINAL CORD, lumbar. Abdomen, left. RECTUM. Lower limbs. Mucus membranes. Skin.
Modality |
General |
Mucous membranes Dryness |
Chronicity |
Remedy relations |
Similar | |
Coldness |
Coldness (Sil) (Alum ₳ Sil)+ Warm-Blooded | ||
Erratic/ Changable |
Etiology |
Body-awareness |
MIND - DELUSIONS - head - belongs to another
MIND - DELUSIONS - identity - someone else, she is MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his - duality, sense of MIND - DELUSIONS - consciousness - belongs to another |
De personalization |
Dependent characters |
Delusion that his self-awareness belongs to someone else. Children who have a lot of doubts
Alum philosophy |
Impulsive behavior |
Neurogenic bladder |
Her bladder is not strong enough to evacuate and she has feeling of retarded urine (Sil, Hep)
Fear losing her voluntary control of urination
Esophageal Paralysis |
Slowness |
Locomotor ataxia
- They know that they can not do two things together. If they are asked to do more than one task, confusion and awkwardness starts. Because his neuromascular system is not skilled (Ataxia)
- Vertigo, < talking. Violent stitches in brain.
- Weak eyelids. Double squint; < teething. Inflamed, burning eyes. Hot, red ear.
- Dusky wrinkled, old look. As of white of egg or a cobweb on face.
- Teeth feel long; pain extends to other parts (Kali-bi.). Twitching low jaw (Gel.). Uvula hangs down.
- . Pains from rectum to ankle.
- Inactive rectum and bladder; strains to pass a soft stool; hard ones cause severe cutting. Stools of small balls, hard knots or bright clots of blood. Must strain at stool to urinate; slow flow.
- Tickling in sexual organs; increased desire.
- Profuse leucorrhoea. .
- Sudden loss of voice.
- As of a hot iron thrust through lower spine. Heavy lower limbs; staggering.
- Festination. Totters, if eyes are closed. Painful soles. Gnawing under nails.
- Bones feel squeezed. . Itching burning over seat of pain. Intolerable
itching from heat of bed. Eczema. Chilliness; > open air. Heat, with itching.