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Sinusitis in brief

  • Ear / nose / throat disorders - sinusitis : Ars. bry. calc. hep. KALI-BI. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. phos. puls. sil
  • Sinusitis in Heat patients need Kali-i or Kali-s but cold patients need Hep or Kali-bi

First class remedies

Banerji protocols

First line
  • Sang C200, BD, If needed one dose every 3 hours
  • In acute pain with / Without fever Sang C200 + Bell C3 every 30 min
Second line If first line fail:
  • Kali-bi C30 2-3 doses daily
  • For nasal obstruction Lyc C30 every 1-2 hours
Third line Nasal obstruction + Rhinitis + Sneezing + Sinusitis:
  • Calc C1000 one dose weekly
  • Sang C200, BD

In Acute Allergic Rhinitis : Ars C6 one dose every an hour

Sinus Headache


  • Headache is most marked: Pain /Heaviness in the forehead due to sinus congestion
  • Binding the head tightly with cloth or applying pressure amel.
  • Prominently for frontal sinusitis, also indicated for maxillary sinusitis
  • Sore throat and cough in cases of sinusitis.
  • Cough is short and dry which gets worse at night.
  • Best remedy for acute sinusitis.


  • The most prominent complaint is PND (dripping of mucus from back of nose into the throat).
  • The discharge is very thick, sticky, ropy mostly yellowish or greenish.
  • Headache in frontal region
  • Pain at the root of the nose
  • Nose feels stuffed along with these symptoms.
  • Bad smell from nose occurs due to accumulation of nasal discharge.


  • Prominent PND
  • The discharge is thick, mostly yellow.
  • Sinus headache
  • Burning pain in the nose, sore throat, burning sensation in throat
  • Constant Nasal blowing
  • Adhesive / Thick / Yellow / Purulent discharge (Catarrhal common cold)
  • Nasal Coldness
  • Severe headaches due to sinusitis
  • Forehead pain (Dull pain / Pressure)
Sinusitis + Chronic Colds


  • Throbbing pain in forehead especially over the right eye.
  • There is relief in headache by pressing the head firmly or wrapping up warmly.
  • Other symptoms: Nasal blockage + Thick pus-like discharge.
  • The nasal discharge forms hard crusts; any attempt to loosen these crusts results in bleeding.
  • There is loss of smell and taste
  • Chronic sinusitis, esp frontal
  • Polysinusitis: (The only remedy)
  • First catarrhal nasal involvement and then frontal sinusitis
  • Foamy nasal discharge
  • Nasal congestion + inflammation of the gabella
  • Pain above the eyes
  • Itchy nose tip
  • Perforated nasal septum
  • Morning sneezing
Thick Yellow / Green Nasal Discharge


  • A characteristic feature: Discharge agg in a closed room and amel in open air.
  • The discharge may be very foul-smelling.
  • Nostrils may be blocked
  • Loss of smell and taste.
  • Frontal sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis.
  • Pain and heaviness in frontal sinusitis.
  • Tearing pain in Maxillary sinusitis (in cheeks) that may extend to ears.
  • Nasal root Pressive pain (Puls ₳ Sang)
  • Congestive Sinusitis / Unilateral throbbing headache of right Nose / Temporal
  • Feeling of injury of nasal bones
  • Headache
    • Agg by heat / Closed room
    • Amel with Cold / Open window
    • Agg by Lying down with Low head
    • Agg by Bending over Head
    • Agg by Eating fatty foods
Sinusitis + Rhinitis


  • Nasal allergy it is the root cause leading to sinus Infections.
  • Symptoms are watery discharge from nose, sneezing, pain in head.
Sinusitis + Nasal Polyp


  • A nasal polyp  in a nasal cavity blocks the normal drainage of discharge.
  • The collected discharge thus acts as a pool for infection-causing agents, leading to sinusitis.

Other remedies

Air-fluid level is seen in x-ray


  • Suitable for all chronic sinusitis
  • Excessive / Hot / Burning / Watery and discharges
  • Cold / Green / Itchy discharge
  • Severe Pressive / Neuralgic Headache / Eye pain
  • Nasal congestion
  • Unilateral headache
Chronic sinusitis from childhood


  • Frontal sinusitis + Cold and runny nose
  • Headache from one side to another
  • Nasal congestion and chronic mouth breathing make him looks silly face
  • Headache above the eyes
  • Increased sense of smell (Nux-v) (Lyc ₳ Nux-v)
  • Nasal dryness
  • Ulcers of the nasal cavities (Sil, Stict, Thuj) (Lyc ₳ Thuj), (Lyc ₳ Sil
Constant Nasal Fullness without any dischage


  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Persistent feeling of Nasal Discharge / Constant Fullness (Kali-bi ₳ Stict) trying constantly to drain it by nasal blowing, but there is nothing at all.
  • Greenish-yellow / Thick / Purulent discharge + PND
  • Sinusitis after suppression of discharge\ Head / Nasal root tearing pain
  • Pain Agg with Shaking / Jumping
  • Toothache
  • Nasal cavity ulcers (Lyc, Sil, Thuj)
  • Tearing pain in Bones
  • Catarrhal sinusitis


  • Catarrhal frontal and maxillary sinusitis
    • Thick discharge that does not come down and the patient feels should swallow it from the back of his throat
    • Green / Foul-smelling / Burning / Purulent discharge
    • Colds with sneezing and salivation
  • Tearing pain and heat in Bones (head and teeth)
    • Press-like headaches
    • Toothache: Feeling of elongation
    • Touch sensitivity of head and nose (Hep)
    • Unilateral headache with sinusitis
    • Nasal ulcers: Inflammation of the nasal bone
Agg with everything:
  • Outdoors
  • Sleeping
  • Eating, Drinking
  • Heat and Cold


  • Thick / Yellow discharges
  • Cold agg


  • Nostril Pain due to burning secretions
  • Severe Boring headache
  • Their problem started with sneezing
  • Headache: As if a nail is inserted to his head or his head is cracking
  • Nostril Sensitivity to cold air
  • Scalp Sensitivity to touch
  • Headache agg by Shaking / Driving / Cold air/ Moving the eyes
Sinusitis + Hard discharge (Kali-bi ₳ Teucr) Teucr

Third class remedies


  • Allergic sinusitis with nasal obstruction
  • One-sided headaches, amel with walking in open air
  • Head heaviness esp over eyes
  • Lacrimation right sided
  • Soreness of nostrils


  • Nasal root swelling + Offensive / Copious discharges
  • Taking cold easily by every weather change
  • Coldness Externally / Internally esp over right eye


  • Thick, Yellow / Green nasal discharges
  • Nostril ulcers, bleeding with every stimulus
  • Chronic post nasal discharges
  • Headache agg with motion esp sudden


  • First painful stages according to Radar.
  • Frontal headache agg by Bending head /Stooping
  • Catarrhal headache (forehead)
  • Frontal headache with spread to frontal sinuses

HEAD - PAIN - catarrhal

NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses

  • Post-pharyngeal secretions,

Facial pain esp cheeks

  • Purulent, thick, yellow or bloody discharge

Tissue Salt remedies

  • FP: Common but bad colds
  • KM: Cold + Dry cold
  • NS: Cold + green discharge or chronic and smelly nasal discharge
  • MP: Chronic nasal discharge and nasal odor (like NS)
  • Sil: Chronic infection or chronic catarrhal sinusitis, Cold agg
  • NP: Ozaena
  • KP: Ozaena
  • NM: Allergic sinusitis: Cold + sneezing and runny nose

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