Remedy interview

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  • Nat-mur is our most famous closed-down remedy
  • She’s afraid of going to cry in public
  • She suffers from suppressed sadness, grief and disappointments, she is very close to crying at the slightest provocation
  • They’re very good at cultivating humor and sarcasm as protection, it gets them through any awkward moment.
  • The homeopathic interview must be extremely threatening to Nat-m, therefore she answers, vaguely


  • He answers evasively, since he feels unloved and disliked, and not accepted
  • If they really knew me, they wouldn’t like me.” 
  • A person with “secrets”, he’s doing something secretly that is socially unacceptable; has to pretend to be “normal”. 
  • He surely feels that the less he says in an interview, the better.


  • Lyc also answers evasively, since heseriously concerned with not to be embarrassed 
  • He has low self-image, probably due to fastidious father that could not been satisfied! 
  • To keep from being embarrassed or humiliated, he usually has to lie, brag, act sophisticated, cool or brillian,
  • He is always trying to impress audience, whatever it takes to keep everyone from finding out what he really is
  • Hence, he really doesn’t want anyone to get to know him very well! 
  • If someone gets too close to him, he might want to break it off in favor of maintaining only superficial relationships.


  • Pulsatilla is too dependent on a strong Boss, who usually does all the talking for him. 
  • She is always in a group. You don’t see any “lone” Puls.
  • If you put her out there, in the spotlight, on her own, and expect her to answer questions, you will probably just get one-word answers or “I don’t know.”


  • He is timid and delicate, pale complexion with a slight build? 
  • Therefore if you ask his in a position of an authority, he shows you an aggressive face
  • He lacks stamina, since his her parents may have over-protected him
  • She easily becomes tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, which can lead to headaches, stomach upsets and anxiety. 
  • Sil child may whisper in her mother’s ear and the mother would answer the questions.
  • Sil is the intellectual type, has firm beliefs, a love of “truth”, if you will, and if you do or say something moronic in her presence, the normally quiet and passive Silica will spring to life, dogmatically issuing a moral defense of whatever person or ideal you may have trampled upon!  After which she may be trembling inside, as in, “What have I done??!!!! 
  • She is both fearful and, yet, angry at the same time!  Her motto is live and let live; and yet, she is very principled!


  • The keynote here is suppressed anger. 
  • Staph child grows up in an authoritarian household and learns early on that it is not safe to express a truth. Only by being perpetually “sweet”, “mild” and “polite” does he feel “safe”.
  • But an unexpected explosion of anger could be occurred sometimes.


  • Determined, motivated, much like Nux-v; but her chief concern is herself and her health and safety; she is not concerned with you or others. 
  • She has such anxiety about health and fear of death that in a consultation with you, the filter that all your questions have to fit through is, “Will answering this question keep me safe? 
  • What do I need to hear to stay safe?” 
    • If answering a question truthfully will result in an ambulance being called and being taken to the hospital, and if that scares Ars, then the question will not be answered truthfully! 
    • If the answer to a question will result in the care-giver being able to leave and go home, and that scares Ars, then the question will not be answered truthfully! 
  • Everything has to be on her terms, on Ars’s terms.  She will control the meeting, the conversation, and hold you hostage.


  • If you’re thinking of having a normal back-and-forth interview with Lachesis, forget it! 
  • Talking is very important to him, it’s a release through which he feels better, he can’t be reined in, you can’t put him on a short leash; if you ask him a question, God only knows if he will ever answer it, but he will have no trouble talking! 
  • It may start out coherently and slowly, but he will pick up the pace and change topics unexpectedly as he goes, becoming more and more excited like a runaway train! 
  • You may try to get him back on track by repeating your question but it will do you no good. He doesn’t easily take a passive role, letting you be in control of the conversation, that does not suit him.


  • Big ego!  They’re not interested in helping you gather your information methodically and carefully so that you can arrive at a sensible decision about what remedy to give. 
  • Sul already has an opinion about the remedy and you would do well to listen to it! 
  • He will very enthusiastically tell you everything you need to know about his condition, since he’s read a ton of medical books and articles so he should know! 
  • Your questions, according to him, are stupid and irrelevant; you haven’t grasped the true nature, the complicated nature, of his case!
  • Sul only does what interests him. 
  • Direct curious questions, make him angry. His polite answer would be "Why don’t you ask another question?"


  • He is very Goal-orient. He does not tolerate marginal and unimportant questions.
  • Better get to the point quickly, or he'll leave the interview


  • She is full of Anger, Vexation and Hate.
  • Although she tries to hide her strong emotions, she cannot
  • She is too sensitive to your Contradiction, mortification, Reprimand or even ignorance.
  • She may refuse to answer your questions or use your remedy
  • On the other hand she has a deep sense of being Unloved. Trying to solve this, makes a big emotional Paradox.


  • In a young girl, Sep is high-spirited and independent. She wants only to be herself.  Getting her to “behave” usually results in rebellion on her part
  • When she ’s upset, she becomes angry and cries very easily. 
  • She finds herself shouting at her husband, yelling at her children for the slightest thing. 
  • She might actually be too exhausted in your interview to do much more than cry.
  • In older cases, she would be joyless indifferent, chilly.
  • Loathing at life of Sep has a helplessness color like Lyc and differt from malicious color of Nit-ac or lovely grief of Nat-m