GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Difference between revisions

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* Aversion to the smell of coffee.  
* Aversion to the smell of coffee.  
* Recurring [[Aphthous stomatitis|aphthae]] in Mouth / Throat
* Recurring [[Aphthous stomatitis|aphthae]] in Mouth / Throat
== Reflux in Children ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Vomit After Intake of Milk'''
=== [[Aeth, Aethusa cynapium|Aeth]] ===
* ''V''omiting in babies soon after taking milk.
* The child tends to throw up all the milk immediately after its intake forcibly.
* The character of vomiting is like curdled milk or cheesy matter, but may also look like frothy white matter.
* The child may get drowsy after vomiting.
* Repeated hiccoughing.
|'''Irritable and Restless Infants'''
=== [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]] ===
* Wind colic and regurgitation of food.
* Colic in babies causes pain in the stomach due to obstruction of wind in the intestines.
* The baby tends to vomit out whatever has been drunk or eaten, and this vomit is usually slimy and sour smelling.
* Abdomen is distended, full and tensed.
* Hiccough and foul smelling belches
* Stomach problems.
* The child cries, screams, groans and asks to be carried around.
|'''Vomiting and Colic Abdomen'''
=== [[Nat-p, Natrium Phosphoricum|Nat-p]] ===
* This remedy works by neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes healthy digestion.
* Children vomit out curdled milk or cheesy masses.
* Child may experience several attacks of acid reflux during the day, along with vomiting.
* Abdominal colic is usually very intense and can lead to restless sleep.
* A characteristic yellow, creamy coating on the back of the roof of mouth and tongue
|'''Night agg'''
=== [[Robinia, Robinia Pseudoacacia|Robin]] ===
* ''A''cid reflux in babies when there is a regurgitation of stomach acid with sour vomiting.
* The child tends to have a rancid odor all over the body.
* Symptoms get worse during the night time and disturb the child’s sleep.
* Abdominal distension is well noted, and burps may be present.
* Burping can bring temporary relief, but the child may cry with colic after eating.
|'''Sour Smelling Vomiting'''
=== [[Calc-c, Calcerea carbonica|Calc]] ===
* Whatever has been eaten gets vomited, and in some cases, curdled milk or milk in the form of cheese may also be vomited.
* Stomach cramps may appear along with vomiting.
* Abdomen is hard and tense, and there are frequent hiccoughs and belching.
* Vomiting in infants during the [[Teething problems remedies|teething period]]
| '''Excessive Burping'''
=== [[Carb-v, Carbo vegetabilis|Carb-v]] ===
* Violent belchings that are foul-smelling are a common
* Offensive belchings occur after eating or drinking, along with gagging and vomiting.
* Child feels very uncomfortable after eating even the smallest amount of food. \
* Abdominal pain may arise with much flatus.
* Stomach is distended and seems full to bursting with trapped wind.
* Release of gas brings comfort to the baby.
|'''Vomiting of Food/ Milk Soon After eating'''
=== [[Sanic, Sanicula Aqua|Sanic]] ===
* All the food comes up with a gush immediately after eating.
* Child usually tends to fall asleep after this.
* The vomiting looks like large and tough curds.
* Abdominal bloating + Gurgling sounds.
=== '''Robinia – Homeopathic Treatment for Reflux in Babies that is Worse at''' ===
=== '''Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Gastric Reflux in Babies with''' ===
=== '''Carbo Veg – Natural Cure for Acid Reflux in Babies with''' ===
=== '''Sanicula Aqua – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux with''' ===

Revision as of 03:12, 5 January 2024


  • GORD or GERD is one of the chronic upper GI diseases where stomach content persistently and regularly flows up into the esophagus
  • Risk factors include obesity, pregnancy, smoking, hiatal hernia, and taking certain medications.
  • Acid reflux is due to poor closure of LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter)

Signs / Symptoms


  • Acidic taste in the mouth, Regurgitation, and Heartburn are most common
  • Other symptoms include Odynophagia, Sore throat, Increased salivation (Water brash), nausea, chest pain, coughing, and globus sensation.
  • Acid reflux can induce asthma attack symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing in those with underlying asthma.
  • Complication: Reflux esophagitis, Esophageal strictures, Barrett's esophagus, Esophageal adenocarcinoma, Laryngeal injury and Aspiration pneumonia.
  • Note that these are dynamic post nodes

Children / Babies

  • GERD may be difficult to detect in infants and children since they cannot describe it.
  • It may cause repeated vomiting, effortless spitting up, coughing, and other respiratory problems, such as wheezing.
  • Inconsolable crying, refusing food, crying for food and then pulling off the bottle or breast only to cry for it again,
  • Failure to gain adequate weight, bad breath, and burping are also common.
  • Children may have one or many symptom and no single symptom is universal in all children with GERD.

Causes Entities Miasms Related disease
  • Stomach, Eructation
  • Gastric dilation


  • Ambr, Asaf, Bry, Calc, Caps, Carb-v, Chin, Lob, Lyc, Mag-c, Nat-m, Nux-v
  • Phos, , Puls, Rheum, Sep, Sulph-ac, Anac, Apis, Arg-m, Arg-n, Ars, Bism, Canth, Carb-ac, Chel, Dios, Ign, Iris, Kali-c, , Nat-c, Nat-p, Nat-s, Nit-ac, Staph, Tab, Teucr, Val
  • Morgan Pure By Paterson (Bowel Nososde), Robinia Pseudacacia, Tamarindus Indica and Populus Tremuloides
  • Heartburn and burps that cause burning in throat and acidic vomiting.
  • Heartburn with sour burps and sour vomiting.
  • Acidity that occurs after eating spicy food, coffee or alcoholic drinks.

Banerji protocols

First line
  • Iris C200 BD or 15-20 min before food
  • Lyc C30 BD
Second line
  • Condurango C30 BD
  • Ars C3 tBD or 15 min before food
Third line
  • Nat-p C30 5-20 min before food


  • Hypersensitive / Hysterical women, who are weakened by age or overwork.
  • Sensation as if food did not go down into the stomach.
  • Eructation + Violent convulsive cough
  • Distension of abdomen after midnight.
  • Heartburn from drinking milk.


  • Heart burn with nausea or vomiting and excessive flatulence.
  • Suitable in pregnancy digestive problems
  • Clean tongue + Thirstless


  • Heart burn + Flatulence but without Nausea / Vomiting
  • Stomach is generally out of order + Coated Tongue with creamy fur
  • Acidity after Rich / Spicy food / Alcohol.
  • Polycrest of modern lifestyle.
  • Gastralgia, pain goes into back and chest
  • Nausea/ Violent retching and patient feels if he vomits, he will get relief.


  • Excellent remedy for hyperchlorhydria when the eructation and vomiting is so sour that it sets the teeth on edge or dulls them.
  • The acidity in Robinia is accompanied by frontal headache, which agg with motion.
  • Acidity in children; infants with sour smell of the body.


  • Burning sensation / Acrid eructation / Heartburn/ Acidity / Hyperchlorhydria.
  • Feeling of pressure over the stomach +Vomiting of food and mucus.
  • Loud belching.
  • Sour Eructation / Vomiting.
  • Swelling over pit of stomach
  • Pica: Craving for indigestible things like chalk, coal, pencil
  • Craving for eggs
  • Milk disagrees



  • Foul / Sour taste/ Hot burning sensation in Esophagus / Pharynx
  • Eructation of Sour/ Acrid fluid/ Nausea
  • Retching / Vomiting of slimy mucus tingled with blood.
  • Trembling / Coldness of extremities + Oppressive anxiety + Stomachache
  • Irregular / Frequent pulse.


  • Abdominal discomfort, Only relieved by belching.
  • Sour and bitter eructation or offensive flatus, Worse
    • At night
    • After meals
  • Dyspepsia causes eructation and finally undigested food is vomited


  • Sourness / Hyperacidity (Like vinegar): Eructation/ Vomiting/ Stomach/ Stools/ Expectoration / Perspiration
  • Ulceration of stomach with sour risings.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea of infants who have been fed with excess sugar and milk.
  • Key point: Yellow creamy coating of tongue and posterior portion of the roof of mouth


  • Dryness of the mouth + No thirst, only a desire to moisten the mouth
  • Putrid / Bad / Sour-bitter taste in the morning on walking
  • Sensation as if food had lodged under the sternum
  • Tongue coated with thick rough white fur;
  • Water-brash / Acidity / Heartburn and eructation tasting of food
  • Dyspepsia due to Fatty foods/ Pork/ Pastry / Mixed diets.
  • The patient is chilly, but is worse from heat, Worse in the evening.


  • Acid peptic disorders (A.P.D)
  • Regurgitation of ingesta/ Water-brash + Esophagus spasm
  • Craving for Cold Drink / Food, which gives temporary relief in Burning / Heartburn.
  • Hungry soon after eating.
  • Belching after eating.
  • Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.
  • Gastritis + Burning extending to throat.
  • Craving for Salt/ Acid / Spicy things.
  • Spitting of blood without nausea


  • Heart burn / Great burning distress
  • Pressure as from stone in the pit of stomach
  • Empty eructation of wind


  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting only of food after eating and drinking


  • Rheum is a remedy for suckling and children where liver and bile duct is mainly affected.
  • Sourness is so marked that even washing does not remove that sour smell from child.
  • Desire for many things but cannot eat them.


  • Key points: Slowness/ Sluggishness / Lack of reaction
  • Slow / Weak digestion causes excessive flatulence and distension esp in the upper part of abdomen.
  • Eructions rancid and loud, but do not give any relief to the patient.
  • Asthmatic breathing with water-brush.
  • Constrictive pain extending to chest with acidity.
  • Aversion to meat, fat and milk.
  • Desire for salty things.


  • Marked debility /Weakness esp the digestive tract
  • Craving for stimulants / Fresh food
  • Heartburn / Gastralgia
  • Water causes coldness of the stomach; must be mixed with liquors.
  • Aversion to the smell of coffee.
  • Recurring aphthae in Mouth / Throat

Reflux in Children

Vomit After Intake of Milk


  • Vomiting in babies soon after taking milk.
  • The child tends to throw up all the milk immediately after its intake forcibly.
  • The character of vomiting is like curdled milk or cheesy matter, but may also look like frothy white matter.
  • The child may get drowsy after vomiting.
  • Repeated hiccoughing.
Irritable and Restless Infants


  • Wind colic and regurgitation of food.
  • Colic in babies causes pain in the stomach due to obstruction of wind in the intestines.
  • The baby tends to vomit out whatever has been drunk or eaten, and this vomit is usually slimy and sour smelling.
  • Abdomen is distended, full and tensed.
  • Hiccough and foul smelling belches
  • Stomach problems.
  • The child cries, screams, groans and asks to be carried around.
Vomiting and Colic Abdomen


  • This remedy works by neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes healthy digestion.
  • Children vomit out curdled milk or cheesy masses.
  • Child may experience several attacks of acid reflux during the day, along with vomiting.
  • Abdominal colic is usually very intense and can lead to restless sleep.
  • A characteristic yellow, creamy coating on the back of the roof of mouth and tongue
Night agg


  • Acid reflux in babies when there is a regurgitation of stomach acid with sour vomiting.
  • The child tends to have a rancid odor all over the body.
  • Symptoms get worse during the night time and disturb the child’s sleep.
  • Abdominal distension is well noted, and burps may be present.
  • Burping can bring temporary relief, but the child may cry with colic after eating.
Sour Smelling Vomiting


  • Whatever has been eaten gets vomited, and in some cases, curdled milk or milk in the form of cheese may also be vomited.
  • Stomach cramps may appear along with vomiting.
  • Abdomen is hard and tense, and there are frequent hiccoughs and belching.
  • Vomiting in infants during the teething period
Excessive Burping


  • Violent belchings that are foul-smelling are a common
  • Offensive belchings occur after eating or drinking, along with gagging and vomiting.
  • Child feels very uncomfortable after eating even the smallest amount of food. \
  • Abdominal pain may arise with much flatus.
  • Stomach is distended and seems full to bursting with trapped wind.
  • Release of gas brings comfort to the baby.
Vomiting of Food/ Milk Soon After eating


  • All the food comes up with a gush immediately after eating.
  • Child usually tends to fall asleep after this.
  • The vomiting looks like large and tough curds.
  • Abdominal bloating + Gurgling sounds.

Robinia – Homeopathic Treatment for Reflux in Babies that is Worse at

Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Gastric Reflux in Babies with


Carbo Veg – Natural Cure for Acid Reflux in Babies with

Sanicula Aqua – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux with